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单词 euphoric
释义  eu·phor·ic /juːˈfɒrɪk $ jʊˈfɔːrɪk, -ˈfɑː-/ adjective  HAPPYfeeling very happy and excited 非常高兴的;极其兴奋的 Scientists are euphoric at the success of the test. 试验成功令科学家们兴奋不已。 —euphorically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpuseuphoric• In them, I am euphoric.• It made me laugh; and I have to admit that my laughter was euphoric.• When they were first introduced they were an enormous boon to the farmer and the initial response was almost euphoric.• Reports about the successful vaccine took on a euphoric cast.• This has resulted in a less than euphoric response from staff across the spectrum.• The sergeant sat down, placed his feet into the ice-cold potassium permanganate solution and heaved a euphoric sigh of·phor·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  very and happy excited feeling Corpus




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