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单词 environmental
释义 Word family  noun environment environmentalist adjective environmental adverb environmentally  Related topics: Environment & wasteen·vi·ron·men·tal /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl◂/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL adjective  1  SGEconcerning or affecting the air, land, or water on Earth 自然环境的;生态环境的 → ecological the environmental damage caused by the chemical industry 化学工业对环境造成的破坏 an international meeting to discuss environmental issues 探讨环境问题的国际会议 the environmental impact of pollution from cars 汽车造成的污染对环境的影响 an environmental group (=group of people who want to protect the environment) 环境保护组织2  concerning the people and things around you in your life, for example the buildings you use, the people you live or work with, and the general situation you are in (生活)环境的 environmental risks to employees’ health 影响雇员健康的环境隐患 —environmentally adverb environmentally damaging projects 对环境有害的工程n COLLOCATIONSnounsenvironmental issuesEnvironmental issues, such as cliff erosion and pollution, directly affect people’s lives.environmental protectionIs environmental protection more important than economic growth?environmental damagethe environmental damage caused by opencast miningenvironmental pollutionPower stations cause a lot of environmental pollution.environmental problemsAcid rain is one of the major environmental problems associated with burning coal.environmental concernsResidents have raised some valid environmental concerns about the nuclear plant.environmental awareness (=how aware people are of environmental issues)Schools are crucial in helping to raise environmental environmental groupa campaign by environmental groups to protect the Antarcticthe environmental movement (=all the groups concerned about the environment)There are differences of opinion about nuclear power within the environmental movement.the environmental impactDon’t underestimate the environmental impact logging has on the rainforest.environmental effectsThe environmental effects of building the dam will be felt by generations to come.Examples from the Corpusenvironmental• The action is exactly reversed in an environmental analysis.• A new environmental cabinet permits simulation of weathering in a wide range of environments.• An oil spill of that size will cause a lot of environmental damage.• And Northamptonshire's environmental health officers are backing up that message.• We believe a much better understanding of the environmental implications of using secondary aggregates is urgently required.• The planning department of this sixth company questioned the usefulness of determining key environmental issues, particularly given the effort involved.• According to Samuel Epstein, professor of environmental medicine at the University of Illinois, the reason is obvious.• These three trends combined to form a more environmental physical geography which may have been late but hopefully not too late.• The pictures sent back to earth tell an important environmental story.environmental issues• Democrats believe that Earth Day is a special day for them to demagogue and politicize environmental issues.• House Speaker Newt Gingrich is trying to sober up his party on environmental issues.• Includes comment on the incorporation of affordable housing, but focuses on design and environmental issues.• Recently, more and more of us have become concerned about environmental issues.• The Group linked third world debt and more favourable trade agreements to environmental issues.• There was an even more dramatic pattern on environmental issues.• Also discussed are some of the environmental issues associated with the manufacture and use of colour.• As usually happens with environmental issues, reality was simply ignored or suspended.en·vi·ron·men·tal adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  air, the land, or concerning water Corpus or affecting




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