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单词 Jellied
1, Jellied eels leave me cold!
2, We were anticipating the jellied meat and the sweet preserves, we were ravenously hungry.
3, She touched the jellied space in her mouth and found a drop of blood like a shiny ladybird resting on her finger.
4, The liquid and jellied remains stand,[http:///jellied.html] mute witnesses to a post-apocalyptic performance.
5, Many remember eating jellied eels - still on the menu, along with eels and mash - with their parents.
6, We all know what happens when jellied gravy and sediment is left at the bottom of a bowl of dripping or lard.
7, To take jellied dates and longan constantly will supplement your qi and nourish your Blood.
8, Cuts the jellied milk into tiny, soft curds that weep whey ( KIt'snedaker ).
9, The amorphous ethylate tantalum jellied is prepared and is spreaded out densely on the surface of C/C composite material to form a multi-films.
10, After delivering you bowl jellied bean curd to finish eating, laughed.
11, He loves having jellied bean curd in the morning for breakfast.
12, This time the curled metal merely came away with jellied lumps of vitreous humour sticking to it.
13, " or ordered two jars of liquor and a dish of jellied meat from the shop?
14, You can bring through pies and cakes, though cranberry sauce, jams, gravy, and other liquid or jellied foods are restricted to 3.4 ounces.
15, We could have bacon and eggs or fried squid, wonton soup or jellied bean curd.




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