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单词 enormously
释义 Word family  noun enormity adjective enormous adverb enormously  e·nor·mous·ly /ɪˈnɔːməsli $ ˈɔːr-/ ●○○ AWL adverb  very or very much 非常,极其 SYN hugely an enormously successful actor 极其成功的男演员 The project has benefited enormously from Jan’s knowledge. 这个项目深深得益于简的学识。Examples from the Corpusenormously• Nevertheless, I missed Mama enormously, and hated the feeling of being cut off from her.• Their secret lies in their enormously elongated toes, which spread their weight over a wide area of lily leaf.• The practical problems for an artist working in the streets, markets or in the homes various enormously from day to day.• These devices can vary enormously in nature and scope: from the overall presentation of narrative structure down to linguistic play.• America's Hispanic population has grown enormously in recent years.• Counties vary enormously in their supply of early education programs.• I was hot, as if I were standing under an enormously powerful dark sun.• Even elsewhere, its role has grown enormously since the nineteenth century.• They have proved enormously successful in both commercial and aesthetic terms.e·nor·mous·ly adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus much or very very




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