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单词 wader
释义  Related topics: Birdswad·er /ˈweɪdə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. HBB (also wading bird) a bird that has long legs and a long neck, and that walks around in water to find its food 涉禽2. waders [plural]DCC high rubber boots that you wear for walking in deep water, usually when fishing 〔涉水用的〕高筒防水胶靴Examples from the Corpuswader• Both waders immediately filled and I caught my breath as freezing April waters began to stimulate sensitive nether regions.• Other birds we saw around Nesseby included dunlin, familiar enough to me as a breeding wader of the Shetland hills.• A longer pair for waders and which are prevented from slipping down by an elasticated band, cost a pound more.• At the float tube pool, you can actually put on waders, float around and see what tubing is like.• Parked, set up fly rod, put on waders.• A large black and white wader, mantle and wing-tips grey in immature.• We start with three families of large black and white waders.• It has to be admitted that Shetland is not the most suitable place for wintering waders.wad·er nounChineseSyllable  a that Corpus neck, legs a bird has long and long




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