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单词 wade
释义  wade /weɪd/ ●○○ verb [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]  1.WALKto walk through water that is not deep 蹚(水),涉(水)► see thesaurus at walk2 wade in (also wade into something) phrasal verb informal a) INTERRUPTto enter a discussion, argument etc in a forceful and annoying way, often without thinking about the possible results 〔常指不顾后果地〕干涉,介入,插手 I wish you wouldn’t always wade in with your opinion. 我希望你不要总是硬插进来提意见。b) to move forward and attack someone 强行闯入;上前攻击 The police waded into the crowd swinging sticks. 警察挥舞着警棍冲进人群。3 wade through something phrasal verb READto read or deal with a lot of boring papers or written work 吃力地阅读,费力地处理〔乏味的文件或文章〕 Each day Parkin wades through lengthy court reports. 帕金每天都要处理冗长的法庭报告。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswade• They waded across the river.• He'd gladly wade into the attack.• A few family members waded into the surf and tossed flowers.• Personnel managers and employers are busy people and do not have time to wade through a thirty page resume.• He moved slowly, like a tired man wading through cold water.• She moved as if she were in a dream, wading through viscous liquid.Origin wade Old English wadanwade verbChinese  that through water Corpus is to not walk




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