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单词 Ensuing
1. I lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.
2. The ensuing argument had been bitter.
3. In the ensuing fighting, two students were killed.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. In the ensuing confusion another eight persons were hurt.
5. In the ensuing confusion another 8 persons were hurt.
6. In the ensuing panic, they lost each other.
7. The situation deteriorated over the ensuing weeks.
8. He lost his job and in the ensuing months became more and more depressed.
9. An argument broke out and in the ensuing fight, a gun went off.
10. They lost track of each other in the ensuing years.
11. The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years.
12. In the ensuing struggle, Meleager dies.
13. Carbon dioxide is released in the ensuing chemical reaction.
14. During the ensuing months, a fierce battle was raged.
15. In the ensuing conflict the dirt suffers.
16. The obstruction-of-justice charges arose out of that ensuing investigation.
17. The ensuing rows almost split the western alliance.
18. Dieter is deposed after the ensuing scandal.
19. During the ensuing days every Ras and chieftain in the country must have been camped in and around Addis Ababa.
20. In the ensuing political rumpus John Major shamelessly distanced himself from his henchman.
21. In the ensuing months, in hearing after hearing, Mulholland was dragged through an agonizing reappraisal of his career.
22. Over the ensuing days traffic and commuters in London were seriously disrupted by hoax bomb warning calls which led to station closures.
23. But the lockout, and the ensuing negotiations, produced a fait accompli that could not be undone.
24. Of course, Perry falls for Campbell and the ensuing conflicts of loyalty are meant to keep viewers riveted.
25. In the ensuing commotion lost one of the oars over board.
26. They met each other several times over the ensuing six months.
27. A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.
28. He had become separated from his parents in the ensuing panic.
29. But then the disenfranchised men waged war and the ensuing chaos is with us still.
30. For most of the evening she was tired and irritable and her ensuing behaviour caused considerable disruption to family life.
1. I lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.
2. The ensuing argument had been bitter.
3. In the ensuing fighting, two students were killed.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
31. The implosion of the Soviet regimes and the ensuing collapse of state capitalism caused great suffering to women.
32. So I felt for Mariella Frostrup with the ensuing furore about her presenting one edition of Panorama.
33. Fifteen lives were lost in the accident and the ensuing fire which raged for twelve hours.
34. He then sunk his head into his hand as the ensuing guilty verdicts were announced.
35. Slightly worrying is what we can expect from the ensuing composite present trend.
36. In the ensuing silence she could have heard a flea move in the rushes on the floor.
37. Unlike his predecessor(/ensuing.html), Bienvenu managed to survive his own spy scandal and its ensuing shake-up.
38. Congress has determined that the danger created by advocacy of overthrow justifies the ensuing restriction on freedom of speech.
39. But the gravest threat to health is posed by the total collapse of the economy, and the ensuing chronic poverty.
40. He took part in the ensuing operation at Santa Cruz in April, in which the entire plate fleet was destroyed.
41. Two of the crystal awards were stolen during the ensuing festivities.
42. The ensuing silence indicated that I had not helped matters. l stared at my Keds, hoping for divine guidance.
43. In the ensuing silence, the duke's exclamation of surprise rang out over-loud.
44. If these provisions are not adhered to, ensuing contracts may be unenforceable and criminal sanctions may follow.
45. However, management will be aware that vacancies will arise in the ensuing months.
46. Several applications of this general principle will be found in the ensuing chapters.
47. In the ensuing riot, a hut containing refugees seeking to flee the violence, mainly northerners, was set on fire.
48. The non-official majority was able to reduce the power of civil servants but powerless to fill the ensuing void.
49. The ensuing conflict has been sharpened by the phenomenal growth of outdoor recreation during the last two decades.
50. Khosana was shot dead in an ensuing gun battle with Ciskeian troops.
51. Imperial Airways had difficulty in extricating themselves from the ensuing row.
52. But the zemstvos in particular rapidly expanded their activities during the ensuing decades.
53. In the ensuing years the county was ravaged by plagues of grasshoppers.
54. The ensuing debate, though appearing to involve leprosy, was in reality a fight about territorial status.
55. These expectations-and a lot of the ensuing disappointments-were heightened and exacerbated by my own deep-rooted impatience.
56. The tension engendered by the Good Choices program quietly dissipated, but the ensuing peace was short-lived.
57. In what manner the ensuing sacrifice and suffering benefits the protagonists is never satisfactorily explained.
58. And, over the ensuing years, other reverses further punctured their dream of preeminence.
59. In the ensuing debate Gorbachev found himself assailed by conservatives and radicals alike over his policies and his record.
60. Someone shouted 'Fire!' and in the ensuing panic several people were injured.
61. This particular proposal was not carried further, but the ensuing legislation did strengthen the powers for making agreements.
62. In the ensuing Parliament he served as a private secretary at the Colonial Office.
63. The exact circumstances of the ensuing events are difficult to establish.
64. After the first two weeks of prednisolone, the daily dosage was steadily reduced to zero over the ensuing weeks.
65. As many as 2,500 people died as a result of the earthquake and the ensuing tidal waves.
66. The events that immediately precede a strike are more accurately defined as the factors which serve to precipitate the ensuing conflict.
67. Yet despite the handicap ensuing from the mutation, and contrary to observations in human pathology, the strain appears to be unaffected.
68. There were repeated clashes in the ensuing days as, more or less forcibly, people were escorted away for repatriation.
69. The ensuing behaviour of exchange rates sharply contradicted the predictions of those who argued in favour of flexible exchange rates.
70. The ensuing crash and fire killed three of the four people aboard.
71. Whatever breakdown is chosen, the course content must address all the ensuing topics.
72. The ensuing symptoms are often difficult to distinguish from those of an acute attack of asthma.
73. More than three hundred teenage MexicanAmericans were arrested in the ensuing police dragnet.
74. The choice that this book tends towards is the second, and the ensuing problems are discussed in Chapter 5.
75. Namely, whatever action the company took, it would be blamed for the ensuing conflict.
76. But the ensuing backlog, caused while the train was stalled, lasted much longer.
77. Mr R. Newcombe was duly elected to serve in this office for the ensuing year.
78. But these, and the ensuing convictions and fines, have done little but highlight the scale of the trade.
79. The Agency, however, has challenged the basis of the designations and the ensuing allocation of resources.
80. The disturbances spread to other areas of the country in the ensuing days.
81. In the ensuing years much larger nuclear weapons were developed.
82. So long as we're mainly dependent upon oil, the possibility of high prices and ensuing civil unrest will always exist.
83. The ensuing contradictions between internationalist democratic reformers and xenophobic worshipers of a divine emperor only grew with time.
84. In the ensuing confusion the Catholic community locally and nationally saw this as an abnegation of the 1944 Education Act.
85. Hundreds of thousands of people travelling home or heading out for the evening were caught up in the ensuing chaos.
86. The ensuing communal violence was the worst since the massacre of about 200 people in Hyderabad in October 1988.
87. Science now occupied a central place in the ensuing debate over national efficiency.
88. In the ensuing campaign, Thorne, Jones and their supporters exploited populist rhetoric on the war.
89. The ensuing 15 years have been characterized mainly by a series of opportunities for or constraints upon developing theses principles.
90. On the ensuing inbounds pass, Bobby Edwards fouled Bailey, who made one of two free throws.
91. In the ensuing skirmish, bullets struck Richard Baxter's door and windows until midnight when the fighting stopped.
92. An ensuing explosion and fire caused extensive damage.
93. During the ensuing months, a fierce battle raged on.
93. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
94. The aneurysm regressed spontaneously after the ensuing five months.
95. I had even memorized the ensuing monologue.
96. But this was somewhat obscured by the ensuing fire.
97. The ensuing continent that would be created would destroy every other continent on earth killing billions of people in the process and making the planet inhabitable for Superman.
98. Suicide bombings ensuing due to revenge are prevalent in certain regions where sanguinary conflicts among various ethnic, religious and interest groups are ubiquitous.
99. The film investigated how much good had really resulted and exposed the ensuing human cost of development—food scarcity, a culture of debt, and displacement of thousands of landowners.
100. The ensuing gene expression profile in the cleavage-stage embryo establishes totipotency and is required for further development.
101. The ensuing row snarled up the work of the joint peace commission.
102. Successful French metrological diplomacy meant that in the ensuing decades the metric system supplanted a hotchpotch of regional units in all bar a handful of nations.
103. The ensuing drop in oxygen and combustible gas levels should be noted.
104. This article and the ensuing discussion illustrates the need to reframe the debate.
105. During an ensuing struggle between Sitting Bull's followers and the police, Sitting Bull was shot in the side and head by police after they were fired upon by his supporters.
106. The first section starts with a brief discussion on the implied duties of employment contracts which is followed by explaining the necessity of restraint of trade covenants and their ensuing issues.
107. The ensuing Fed tightening produced a mild recession in 1991.
108. Other reports say up to 140 people were killed and ensuing crackdown.
109. In the short term, some technical improvements can be made, such as increasing evaluation of science popularisation projects and using feedback to guide ensuing activities.
110. The ensuing HORROR SHOW will be worth the price of admission and some popcorn.
111. In the ensuing years, Sam worked for his brother as foreman, subeditor, and feature writer.
112. He strictly kept the fact in the ensuing November election.
113. Never in the ensuing years had it failed to meet obligations.
114. Conclusion Early contrast- enhanced MRI is sensitive to reflect damage of blood-brain barrier, helping to predict ensuing hemorrhage.
115. The CTC displays little variation during a period of first 356 runs, followed by the degression of CTC for the subsequent 127 samples and the ensuing relatively lower level of CTC for next 65 runs.
116. Munley, a diminutive cop nicknamed Mighty Mouse who was serving on the base's Special Reaction Team, moved quickly to take him down and was shot in the leg and arm in the ensuing exchange of gunfire.
117. The impact of the global financial crisis and ensuing recession on Africa will be three-fold, according to World Bank Chief Economist for Africa Shanta Devarajan.
118. The ensuing hot gas plume can expand faster than the escape velocity and drive off the overlying air.
119. MyPlate replacesthe U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Pyramid, which was unveiled in 1992but had become too complicated in ensuing years, many nutritionists contended.
120. The ensuing financial crisis meant that not only Germany, but many nations, could not keep up with their war debts; as a result, US President Herbert Hoover introduced a one-year moratorium.
121. In the first case, the phone was placed on the car's trunk lid during fueling; it rang and the ensuing fire destroyed the car and the gasoline pump.
122. The ensuing monetary creation is fuelling rising inflation, systematic overinvestment and an overextended banking system.
123. Stengel had said the U.S. Secretary of State was looking like "the fall guy" in the ensuing controversy, and had asked whether her firing or resignation was an outcome that Assange wanted.
124. At a peasant dance one night he protected Lorchen, a farm girl, from a group of drunken soldiers. In the ensuing brawl, one soldier was killed and two were seriously injured.
125. However, the unification of Italy in the late 19th century and the ensuing Lateran Agreement gave The Vatican a small enclave within Rome and statehood in return for recognition of Italy.
126. In the ensuing Sui dynasty, Confucianism and Taoism were again fused with Buddhism to legitimize it.
127. When they're both sent after the same mark, their ensuing team-up seems to give the marriage the frisson of excitement that it desperately needed.
128. The ensuing drop body temperature will naturally initiate drowsiness and sleep.
129. But in the ensuing saga, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward wrote a new word into political history, Watergate .
130. In the ensuing confrontation, the kids smash the rear window of Palmer's car and run away.
131. This caused the basic idea should be ensuing to change, including renvoi, the traditional private international law.
132. In the ensuing Battle of Evesham the rebel army was annihilated, and de Montfort was killed.
133. A bomb exploded and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.
134. In striking the deal, Sony is betting that the appetite for Mr.Jackson's music will prove more than just a spike generated by his unexpected death and the ensuing round-the-clock coverage.
135. The ensuing December days brought to Clyde some pleasing and yet complicating and disturbing developments.
136. The famed lawyer and congressman Daniel Webster was the prosecutor at the ensuing trial.
137. The ensuing arguments between Liebig and Pasteur did not solve the problem.
138. During the ensuing closed-door discussions, have the parties, particularly the US and the DPRK, shown more flexibility compared with the first round of talks?
139. But as to what happened thereafter , that will be disclosed in the ensuing chapter.




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