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单词 enormity
释义 Word family  noun enormity adjective enormous adverb enormously  e·nor·mi·ty /ɪˈnɔːməti $ -ɔːr-/ AWL noun (plural enormities)  1  [singular]IMPORTANT the great size, seriousness, or difficulty of a situation, problem, event etc 〔处境、问题、事件等的〕艰巨;严重性enormity of Even now, the full enormity of his crimes has not been exposed. 甚至到现在为止,他那些罪行的严重性还是没有被揭穿。 the enormity of the task 这项任务的艰巨性2. [countable usually plural]CRUEL formal a very evil and cruel act 凶残的暴行,滔天罪行 SYN atrocityExamples from the Corpusenormity• The Toscanini presentation was breathtaking, if for no other reason than its enormity.• Even the most intrepid social workers were aghast at the enormity of it all.• In his interview, he discussed the enormity of the agency's task.• Incomprehensible, the enormity of it all.• Sometimes, the enormity of it is overwhelming.• But how could the children understand the enormity of the killing if they were not punished?• I lay for a while simply wrestling with the enormity of it.• The enormity of our country's economic problems is overwhelming.• The enormity of what she had seen was now topped by the further enormity of involving the police.e·nor·mi·ty nounChineseSyllable   of size, situation, difficulty or a the Corpus seriousness, great




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