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单词 Chew
1) Bite off more than one can chew
2) Chew your food up thoroughly before you swallow it.
3) This meat is difficult to chew.
4) Chew your food well before swallow.
5) This meat's so tough I can hardly chew it!
6) Don't bite off more than you can chew.
7) Always chew food well before swallowing it.
8) Chew your food well before you swallow it.
9) Chew your food point by point.
10) To "have bitten off more than you can chew" is an idiom that means you have tried to do something which is too difficult for you.
11) Tom likes to have some difficult matter to chew on.
12) Children are always told to chew their food up well.
13) You must chew your food well before you swallow it.
14) I'll chew it over for a few days and let you know my opinion.
15) Americans like to chew gum.
16) You should chew over this thing.
17) Chew your food properly before swallowing it.
18) Let me chew it over for a few days.
19) Babies like to chew something when they're teething.
20) Old men have to chew thoroughly before swallowing.
21) We must chew the matter over this morning.
22) We'll chew on your suggestion.
23) The meat was tough and hard to chew.
24) They don't want to chew the problem over tonight.
25) They pause and chew their pencils.
26) Why don't we chew on it for a while?
27) Would you like some gum to chew?
28) I'll give you till tomorrow to ,(http:///chew.html)chew it 'over.
29) I'll give you till tomorrow to chew over.
30) After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow.
1) Chew your food up thoroughly before you swallow it.
2) This meat is difficult to chew.
3) Chew your food well before swallow.
4) This meat's so tough I can hardly chew it!
5) Don't bite off more than you can chew.
6) Always chew food well before swallowing it.
7) Chew your food point by point.
8) To "have bitten off more than you can chew" is an idiom that means you have tried to do something which is too difficult for you.
9) You must chew your food well before you swallow it.
10) After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow.
11) Americans like to chew gum.
12) You should chew over this thing.
13) We'll chew on your suggestion.
14) This candy is so hard that no one can chew it.
31) We gave the dog an old shoe to chew on.
32) Be careful if you use that video recorder. It tends to chew tapes up.
33) This time he's bitten off more than he can chew.
34) Be certain to eat slowly and chew your food extremely well.
35) John couldn't get the guy to cooperate and so I had to call and chew him out.
36) This candy is so hard that no one can chew it.
37) Babies who are getting new teeth like to have something hard to chew on.
38) You don't chew your food enough - that's why you get indigestion.
39) Micky is used to handling dodgy deals but this time fears he may have bitten off more than he can chew.
40) I'll chew your proposal over for a few days and then let you have my answer.
41) Savour the flavour of each mouthful, and chew your food well.
42) They met up once a year to chew the fat about the old days.
43) I felt as if I could chew him right up.
44) She gave the children some sweets to chew during the long car journey.
45) Do you want to chew on that?
46) Hot water to drink and rye bread to chew.
47) To relieve catarrh, chew raw garlic.
48) Better yet, use wooden toothpicks. Chew tobacco and spit.
49) People gather for their daily chew.
50) Come here, Sausage, don't chew that rug!
51) Chew your food. Don't eat so quickly.
52) I was also jealous that he could chew tobacco.
53) Take a laxative! Chew tobacco!
54) If used on copper, they will chew it up.
55) The Annamese all chew betel nut.
56) He had to judge the wrestling which would be the chew in the conversation of the valley for weeks.
57) In California you chew the juice out of grapes and spit the skin away, a real luxury.
58) And during his flying visit to Belfast, Mr Grade took time out to chew the fat about the old days.
59) You can just swallow oysters or you can chew them a little bit first.
60) Children suffer exposure when they either chew the products or put hands contaminated with the metals into their mouths.
61) They watched it chew its faultless way through several plates.
62) Those cute little programs that make party invitations for the kids can chew up 40 or 50 megs.
63) Chew spit, chew spit, for half an hour to the rhythm of dough being slapped into shape.
64) I remember growing up in Baltimore and enjoying a flat style cinnamon toothpick to chew on.
65) A bout of feeding early in the morning is followed by a lie down during which they chew the cud.
66) What he does is chew up a pale, new leaf.
67) She polished it off and began to chew on the ice.
68) We watch them chew and spill a bitter spew of chlorophyll.
69) Babe Ruth accepts a plug of chew from his girlfriend before getting the game-winning hit.
70) Coyotes chew the leg off a partner caught in a leg-hold trap.
71) So one night, Rich and another miner taught me how to chew tobacco.
72) I gave the baby my key ring to chew on.
73) Babies start to bite and chew about half-way through their first year.
74) Rod Carew would insert a big chew to tighten his face and help him focus on an incoming pitch.
75) I no longer drank black coffee nor smoked, so I could only chew my almonds and sip my herb tea.
76) Cut small pieces and chew methodically with your mouth totally closed.
77) The squirrel did not chew bark to get at sap or something else.
78) Wire netting is the best defence against rabbits and squirrels, which will chew through plastic netting to plunder fruit crops.
79) The lakes were at their lowest levels for 20 years, and Chew was lower than I can ever remember.
80) Many kids who leave home to live alone find they have bitten off more than they can chew.
81) Chew your food well and do not rush meals.
82) Chew each mouthful fully before the next bite.
83) Pauline builds machines that chew up other machines.
84) Molly: the den and let's chew the fat.
85) Let's chew over the idea before making any decisions.
86) Features removable(), washable cover and detachable chew resistant cord.
87) The two ladies began to chew the rag.
88) Neutering also decreases aggression and the tendency to chew.
89) Chew areca to you can get cancer?
90) I always bite off more than I can chew.
91) That's for bears and sharks, Chunky Chew.
92) Let us chew the fat a while.
93) He can't chew without his false teeth.
94) Does your puppy always chew up your shoes?
95) Don't bite off more than one can chew.
96) To chew ( food ) with toothless gums.
97) I'll chew the problem over for a few days.
98) The phagocytes are cells that chew up invading organisms.
99) Don't be afraid to bite off more than chew.
100) I continued to chew tobacco while golfing or fishing.
101) Chump: To chew or make a chewing movement.
102) Dogs, It'seems, love to chew up money!
103) People sometimes bite off more than they can chew.
104) Our family meet chew the fat every weekend.
105) If you happen upon a manzanita bush, chew the outer part of the fruit and spit out the hard seeds.
106) The cattle lounge in traffic, chew plastic bags in alleys and occasionally bolt down busy streets.
107) NARRATOR: Prices almost doubled, and shortages didn't end. All Balcerowicz could do was chew his nails and wait for the law of supply and demand to kick in.
108) Chew , for example, on the idea that " the surest way to smartness is through massive dumbness "
109) I have many facts to chew upon before I make up my mind.
110) There is plenty of time for us to chew over our plan.
111) The old man would chew the fat with anyone would join him.
112) When they chew their cud , they regurgitate some food renew all this gas comes out.
113) The spinning jaw can chew up a two - by - four in a second.
114) After retirement, he has enough time to chew the cud of his past.
115) I hope one day you'll be able to chew the fat together.
116) Don't be afraid to bite off more than you can chew.
117) Defence expenditures chew up 39 per cent of the budget.
118) The older women meet to chew the fat with their neighbors every morning.
119) Master Chew detected the first location ( Location A ) of the corpse - bath water at the side walkway.
120) I will no longer chew the cud of misfortune that Fate ekes out to us.
121) I'm really afraid bite off more than I can chew.
122) A rubber or plastic nipple or teething ring for a baby to suck or chew on.
123) They chew the fat , shoot the breeze and swap anecdotes about random subjects : work, family, news, weather, hobbies, etc.
124) I know I will fail if I bite off more than I can chew.
125) To avoid possible injury do not let child chew or teethe on the soft material of spout as it may present a choking hazard.
126) A day , hisa, his, have weight, put, chew repeatedly also not be fed up with.
127) In the pines squirrels commonly chew off and drop entire cones.
128) Chew on sugarless gum or hard candy. Or munch on raw carrots, celery, nuts or sunflower seeds — something crunchy and satisfying.
129) It was nice to go out with friends and chew the fat for a while.
130) People there chew it, somewhat like betel nut is chewed in Taiwan.
131) They also knew not to cut in on the conversation or chew with their mouths open.
132) Bacteria chew up carbohydrates in the wastewater, producing carbon dioxide.
133) Don't be afraid to bite off more than you can chew. Take big risks.
134) Uncle George likes to come over to chew the fat every Sunday afternoon.
135) It's always dangerous to bite off more than I can chew.
136) He tends to chew things over too much in his mind.
137) Don't gulp your food, chew it before you swallow it.
138) If you wrap duct tape around a newspaper, it can be used a dog's chew toy.
139) The greens are full of fibres that you can't chew.
140) The Salisbury steak in its rectangular compartment is completely tasteless; I chew it as if it were a piece of gum.
141) I had to chew the shoes - my mouth tasted like a banana peel.
142) They will do anything for a kibble, bark at strangers and chew a piece of plastic (toy) for hours.
143) Won't you burn our tongue if you chew a chilli?
144) For the little ones, untreated, unpainted wood is safe to chew unlike plastics that contain PVC.
145) Time is regularly aside at the highest levels to chew over how best to do this.
146) Please chew over my offer and let me know next week whether you're interested.
147) U. S. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital as a result of three recent "Hello chew" food-borne HIV virus were studied.
148) Nothing is more unsightly than watching someone talk and chew their food at the same time.
149) Adults have eight premolar teeth, two next to each canine tooth in the upper and lower jaw. Their job is to chew and grind up food.
150) Please do not allow your child to chew or teethe on the soft material of spout.
151) In meetings with government officials to thrash out problems, participants typically chew khat, a mildly narcotic plant that is widely consumed in Yemen but banned in many places around the world.
152) Aerobic bacteria chew up the ammonia and turn it first into nitride and then to nitrate.
153) Dry mouth - it is helpful to drink plenty of water, chew gum, and clean teeth daily.
154) The jaw is able to clench and chew because of the masseter muscle.
155) If you brush your teeth or chew sugarless gum afterward.
156) Babies tend to chew on things to relieve the discomfort of teething.
157) The maned wolves steal them and chew them up for the salt.
158) The panda eats bamboo. Chomp , chomp , chew,(sentence dictionary) yum my bamboo.
159) We needed a few more meetings to chew the cud on some tough decisions.
160) They don't give us much to chew on – which is to say, they're not really actionable.
161) Uncle George to come over to chew the fat every Sunday afternoon.
162) In the old days, many baseball pitchers liked to chew the cud on the mound.
163) The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud.
164) Most dogs like to chew your shoes and Bruiser liked to wear mine.
165) At night I slept with herin the palm of my hand so I would wake up if she tried to chew out hersutures.




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