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单词 employment
释义 Word family  noun employee employer employment ≠ unemployment unemployed employ adjective employed ≠ unemployed employable ≠ unemployable verb employ  Related topics: Employment, Conditions of employmentem·ploy·ment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun [uncountable]  1  BEJOB/WORKthe condition of having a paid job 工作;就业;受雇 She was offered employment in the sales office. 她获聘在销售部工作。 terms and conditions of employment 雇用条款和条件employment opportunities/prospects The employment prospects for science graduates are excellent. 理科毕业生的就业前景非常好。 Steve’s still looking for full-time employment. 史蒂夫还在寻找全职工作。 the needs of women who combine paid employment and care for their families 兼顾有薪工作和照料家庭的女性的需要in employment 21.7% of all those in employment were in part-time jobs. 所有在业人员中有21.7%的人从事兼职工作。► see thesaurus at job2  BECJOB/WORKthe act of paying someone to work for you 雇用employment of Mexican law prohibits the employment of children under 14. 墨西哥的法律禁止雇用不足14岁的儿童。3  the number of people who have jobs 就业人数 OPP unemployment Nationwide employment now stands at 95%. 目前全国就业率为95%。full employment (=a situation in which everyone has a job) 全面就业 Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal. 许多经济学家认为全面就业是不现实的目标。4  formalUSE something the use of a particular object, method, skill etc to achieve something 使用,运用employment of Was the employment of force justified? 使用武力是正当的吗?n COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1,2 & 3adjectivespaid employment (=a job for which you receive money)51% of women return to paid employment within 5 years of having a child.full-time/part-time employmentMike is in full-time employment, but his wife is not working.permanent/temporary employmentuniversity graduates entering permanent employment for the first timelong-term/regular employment (=working for the same company for a long time)She finally found regular employment at a hospital in York.continuous employment (=working all the time, without any periods being unemployed)You can join the pension scheme after two years of continuous employment with the company.verbsgive/offer somebody employmentHe was offered employment in the company’s main office.provide employment (=offer jobs to people)The new power station will provide employment for around 400 people.create employment (=make new jobs)The government is trying to stimulate the economy and create employment.find/get employmentThe men hope to find employment in the construction industry.obtain/secure employment formal (=get employment)He found it difficult to obtain employment because of his criminal record.look for employment (also seek employment formal)My son had to leave the farm and seek employment elsewhere.employment + NOUNemployment opportunities (=jobs that are available for people to apply for)There are very few employment opportunities in the area.employment prospects (=someone’s chances of getting a job)Better qualifications will improve your employment prospects.employment rights (=the rights that someone has in their job)Part-time workers don’t have the same employment rights as full-time staff.employment levels (=the number of people employed in an area )Employment levels in the region are above the national average.employment conditions (also conditions of employment) (=details about someone’s employment such as how much they are paid, how much holiday they get etc)All workers have a right to a fair wage and decent conditions of employment contract (also a contract of employment) (=an official document stating the details about someone’s employment)There is a clause in your employment contract covering holiday entitlement.employment terms (also terms of employment) (=the details about someone’s employment that are written in their employment contract, including rules that they must follow)It’s in the terms of their employment that they can’t go on strike.phrasesloss of employmentClosure of the factory will lead to a substantial loss of employment.somebody’s place of employment formal (=the building where they work)They had a long journey to their place of employment.Examples from the Corpusemployment• It is this extra spending which, given full employment and consequent constant number of transactions, pushes up the price level.• Deviations from a state of overall full employment must be randomly distributed around a mean of zero.• I have not yet signed a contract of employment.• The fact that an increasing number of women want paid employment has also placed further strain on caring arrangements.• Such training is advantageous in gaining permanent employment in the field.• Proposition 209 bars preferences based on race and gender in public employment, contracting and education in state and local government.• A Japanese company plans to set up a factory in the area, so this should provide some employment for local people.• Following the end of cloth-making, the mill buildings were let out to a number of tenants, providing some employment.• The employment commission reviewed the request and said the prevailing wage for the job was $ 59,000 a year.• Steve's still looking for full-time employment.• Are you in full-time employment, Mr Edwards?• Part-time employment was unchanged at 2. 07 million.• How many times were you promoted during your employment at the company?employment opportunities/prospects• To a large extent population changes reflect changes in prosperity and employment opportunities.• The training and employment opportunities available to young people have declined and benefit has been reduced.• Charity schools had a negligible impact in areas where child employment opportunities were widespread.• Unemployment Unemployment rates arguably provide the most sensitive indicators of local employment opportunities.• The market economy provided other employment opportunities for poorer villagers.• The aim is to identify the strengths of the City Challenge area in order to boost long-term employment prospects.• Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable, but their employment prospects should be brighter.employment of• The pact calls for the continued employment of economic sanctions.• Mexican law prohibits the employment of children under 14.full employment• Given sufficient time with other things remaining unchanged, prices and wages would eventually be adjusted and full employment may be restored.• The party was looking at full employment and a committee reported on the question in January 1944.• The concept of altering demand to remain at full employment was one he did not find it difficult to grasp.• It is this extra spending which, given full employment and consequent constant number of transactions, pushes up the price level.• After 1951 Winston Churchill and his Conservative successors protected the welfare state, maintained full employment, and conciliated the trade unions.• The role of Churchill in the development of full employment policy is greater than has generally been supposed.• The contribution of this to full employment is obvious, particularly at times when demand in the economy is generally low.• That sounds like motherhood and apple pie until we examine what full employment really means.From Longman Business Dictionaryemploymentem‧ploy‧ment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ noun [uncountable]1HUMAN RESOURCESwork that you do to earn moneystudents seeking employment after collegePart-time employment was often the only paid employment women could find. → continuous employment2the number of people in an area or a country who have jobs, the types of jobs they have etcNationwide, employment now stands at 3.5%. → full employment → see also contract of employment, terms of employmentem·ploy·ment noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business condition job of having a Corpus the paid




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