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单词 element
释义  Related topics: Elements, Earth sciencesel·e·ment /ˈeləmənt/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun [countable]  1  part 部分PART one part or feature of a whole system, plan, piece of work etc, especially one that is basic or important 基本部分;要素element of Honesty is a vital element of her success. 诚实是她取得成功的一个重要因素。element in the primary element in the country’s economy 该国经济的主要部分important/key/essential/vital etc element Besides ability, the other essential element in political success is luck. 政治上的成功除能力以外,另一个必不可少的因素便是运气。 Business and management elements are built into the course. 本课程加入了商务和管理方面的内容。2  element of surprise/truth/risk/doubt etc PARTan amount, usually small, of a quality or feeling 几分惊奇/真实/风险/怀疑等 There is an element of truth in your argument. 你的论点有些道理。3. chemistry 化学HCE a simple chemical substance such as carbon or oxygen that consists of atoms of only one kind 元素 → compound1(1)4  people 人群GROUP OF PEOPLE a group of people who form part of a larger group, especially when the rest of the group does not approve of them 〔尤指遭团体中其他人非议的〕一伙人 → faction the hard-line communist elements in the party 党内的强硬派5  the elements [plural]DN the weather, especially bad weather 天气〔尤指坏天气〕 sailors battling against the elements 与恶劣天气搏斗的水手6. heating 加热DFU the part of a piece of electrical equipment that produces heat 电热元件7  the elements of something BASICthe most simple things that you have to learn first about a subject 某事物的基础[原理,纲要] She doesn’t even know the basic elements of politeness. 她甚至连基本的礼貌都不懂。8. earth/air/fire/water 土/空气/火/水HE one of the four substances (earth, air, fire, and water) from which people used to believe that everything was made 元素〔旧时人们认为土、空气、火、水是构成一切物质的四大元素〕9  be in your element ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingto be in a situation that you enjoy, because you are good at it 适得其所,得心应手 Graham was in his element, building a fire and cooking the steaks. 格雷厄姆生火、做牛排,干得得心应手。10  be out of your element RELAXEDto be in a situation that makes you uncomfortable or unhappy 不自在,处于不舒服的环境 She was out of her element in this dull little town. 生活在这个沉闷的小镇里她很不适应。n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesan important elementThis one fact is the most important element of the theory.a major element (=very important)Private study is a major element of the students’ timetable.a key element (=very important and necessary)Trust is a key element in any relationship.a crucial/critical element (=extremely important and necessary)The most crucial element of our economic system is the law of supply and demand.a vital/essential element (=necessary so that something can happen or exist)Her determination is a vital element of her success.the main element (=most important)The reform programme has three main elements.Examples from the Corpuselement• There's always been an element of competition between me and my brother.• The position that you select is an element of your normative political knowledge-your value judgments.• There is more than just an element of truth in this conception.• The Treaty defined the demarcation of powers between the federation and the constituent republics as a component element of the new Constitution.• The chief had been warned that there were criminal elements within the Security Police.• The committee agreed on the need to get rid of the hooligan element amongst football supporters.• We've reached the stage where public image is the most important element in the Presidency.• I see helping the community as one of the key elements of my work.• The planning proposals have three main elements.• And like enthalpies of formation, the standard free energies of formation of elements in their standard states are zero.• Instead of a single plot, there are several elements in the story.• However, a further ten shared elements show whales to be closely related to hippopotami.• By contrast, it is impossible to align the elements of organization design at the beginning of a period of behavior-driven change.• Vegetables are a vital element of the human diet.• They seem to be trying to get rid of all left-wing elements in the party.important/key/essential/vital etc element• Conspicuous consumption became, for more groups, an important element in leisure culture.• It is an essential element of the primal piety, the archaic spirituality, that pentecostal worship brings to the surface.• Language was an important element in adjustment.• Its key element was a relaxation of the past two years' tight monetary controls in an effort to halt recession.• Off-line training time, then, becomes one of the most important elements in initially selling neural network technology.• So this week we highlight the key elements of a typical mortgage endowment policy statement.• Terry Murphy and his colleagues continued to work hard at getting each of the key elements in their exchange strategy right.• The key element, however, is not the ardor of the reformers.Origin element (1300-1400) Old French Latin elementumel·e·ment noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or piece Corpus plan, one system, a whole part of feature




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