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单词 electric chair
释义  eˌlectric ˈchair noun [countable usually singular]  SCLa chair in which criminals are killed using electricity, especially in the US, in order to punish them for murder 〔尤指美国处决谋杀犯用的〕电椅;电刑 He faces death by the electric chair in a Florida state prison. 他在佛罗里达州监狱面临电刑处决。Examples from the Corpuselectric chair• Top Florida court OKs electric chair use Tallahassee, Fla.• The display does include, however, the electric chair that killed Ruth Snyder in 1927.• If two people push together, only the computer knows which one killed the man in the electric chair.• The judge rejected the recommendation and sentenced Flowers to the electric chair.• A world-wide protest movement tried to prevent their execution, but they eventually went to the electric chair in 1927.• The electric chair for those with spelling mistakes.eˌlectric ˈchair nounChineseSyllable  killed which using chair in Corpus a are criminals




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