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单词 Counselling
1. Many churches provide excellent pastoral counselling.
2. Counselling acted as a curb on his violent behaviour.
3. Counselling is helping him work through this trauma.
4. Group counselling is used as an alternative idea to punishment.
5. Counselling helped her come to terms with her grief.
6. Counselling should encourage reflection on the past.
7. Counselling was given as a primary therapy for depression.
8. Trust is a sine qua non for any counselling.
9. Counselling can help to achieve greater self-awareness.
10. They are offered very little counselling or support.
11. They offer students counselling and fellowship.
12. Counselling can teach people to handle negative emotions such as fear and anger.
13. My job involves counselling unemployed people on/about how to find work.
14. The counselling helped Dan to put the past behind him.
15. Marriage counselling depends on both parties' willingness to try to solve problems.
16. They offer a free counselling service which can offer help and advice on legal matters.
17. A few schools now offer counselling sessions; all have some system of pastoral care.
18. Counselling is being given to those most immediately affected by the tragedy.
19. Several organisations provide counselling for partners, friends or families.
20. There are areas built for specialist counselling services.
21. But Penny's advice and counselling was to continue.
22. Macular degeneration can be hereditary and genetic counselling appropriate.
23. Counselling and relaxation techniques, Sat, 7 July.
24. Depression can be helped by medical and counselling methods.
25. Either way, you should seek counselling.
26. Sensitive counselling at critical periods can help greatly too.
27. Many of the victims of the tragedy still need counselling.
28. Health officials are proposing to expand their services by organising counselling.
29. She's a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women.
30. Their relationship is going through a sticky patch and they've decided to have counselling.
1. Many churches provide excellent pastoral counselling.
2. Counselling acted as a curb on his violent behaviour.
3. Counselling is helping him work through this trauma.
4. Group counselling is used as an alternative idea to punishment.
31. Concise Oxford Dictionary definition of counselling and counsellor.
32. It offers counselling as well as physical medical support.
33. Harlow degree majors include counselling, psychology and complementary therapies.
34. What are the prerequisites before counselling another human being?
35. Specific issues may be processed in individual counselling.
36. Counselling is professional work, not merely a personal relationship.
37. The worker saw him twice, offering a counselling service.
38. This is the part of the counselling process which many dislike because it necessarily creates stress and anxiety in the counsellee.
39. Be sure that you receive post-test counselling even if the result is negative.
40. We are able to identify absentees immediately and use the extra time to tackle the problem with academic counselling.
41. Counselling can often deal with the personal anger, frustration and eventual depression caused by the losses such illness brings.
42. This strategy would facilitate crucial improvements to preventative services such as family care centres and counselling facilities.
43. Aims: to assist in the setting up of local self help groups and to provide information and counselling.
44. Services for people with drug problems Improve information on assessment and counselling for people using prescribed or illegal drugs or solvents.
45. Particular attention is paid to ageism, and the part counselling can play in combating its effects.
46. During the counselling sessions some of the young troopers in the East mentioned impotence as being chief among their difficulties.
47. The stage therefore seems set for an explosion of counselling.
48. The patient's feeling of being a burden on his family might be helped by counselling or greater support.
49. Its members conduct studies that are mainly sociological in nature, looking at questions like the importance of counselling to hysterectomy patients.
50. This would ensure against abuses and provide skills in counselling.
51. As a result,(http://) she persuaded Jeff to seek professional counselling.
52. Courses on debt counselling followed together with requests for counselling courses to include bereavement and marriage guidance skills.
53. Academic trainees should receive proper counselling before starting a research post in order that future career options are fully understood.
54. Women with severe emotional problems may need counselling on a long-term basis.
55. Birmingham Midshires has launched a debt counselling service in the form of a practical guide for home owners.
56. Clinical and counselling psychologists do not deal only with mental illness.
57. In these examples we see death and bereavement, together with other losses as an important aspect of work in counselling elderly people.
58. She subsequently attended the genetic counselling clinic, and was very anxious about the situation.
59. This training structure is in place in the Surrey and West Sussex area where there is a strong orientation towards counselling skills.
60. Frequently, the support teacher becomes the source of all forms of support as the boundaries between education and counselling are blurred.
61. Industrial economics Local enterprise agencies offer free advice and counselling to people who own or are considering setting up a small business.
62. The counselling process focuses upon self-image, and ultimately aims at modifying it in a constructive way.
63. They were assigned to disulfiram alone, disulfiram with group counselling, group counselling alone, and routine sentencing.
64. I have had counselling, bereavement counselling, psychotherapy, drug therapy, and hypnotherapy.
65. Both counsellors and clients need to have a real understanding of what constitutes counselling. 4.
66. We included genetic counselling alone, for familial cases when no prenatal diagnosis is available, among primary preventive approaches.
67. Pace Offers training courses and individual counselling to lesbians and gay men on a range of issues, including HIV/AIDS.
68. It took until Wednesday for Aldoori to secure a permit to visit two farmers who needed counselling.
69. For those who provide advice and counselling for small firms. 5.
70. More should be done by organisations to provide counselling in career development and to encourage self-development for both younger and older employees.
71. Outspoken and energetic, Stynes now arranges counselling for workers with personal problems, especially drug and alcohol abuse.
72. Counselling sensitivity and insight can often be of more value than strictly medical knowledge.
73. But after some counselling from the development officer the situation improved and the worker was able to continue in post.
74. Indeed they should feature strongly in any retirement counselling programme.
75. His thinking has affected modern approaches to therapy and to counselling and education.
76. The organisation has employees with expertise in both medical and counselling services.
77. So too is disciplined listening, and those guiding others should learn some of the skills of pastoral counselling.
78. A similar sample of 100 was taken from the 216 clients who received counselling from the local Drugs Council.
79. The ultimate aim of the counselling process is to achieve significant improvement in the social and interpersonal relationships of the counsellee.
80. He gets treatment from the specialist alcohol treatment centre and they both attend family counselling meetings.
81. Listening is the real starting point of the counselling process.
82. If this is so then increasing the counselling skills of general practitioners may be preferable to widening the primary health care team.
83. But she underwent counselling, and also received support from Sheila McLean,(Sentence dictionary) a Gerson therapist and former nurse.
84. The college student counselling services are well-experienced in such matters and can be very supportive.
85. You may want to continue using drugs, but receive regular support or counselling.
86. I wonder whether therapy or counselling would help him and/or us.
87. This highlights one of the main differences of approach between normal communication within the family and the counselling process.
88. Psychological counselling may help accident victims like Richard Eaton cope better with the flashbacks.
89. Its failure to provide the counselling and support needed was unfair to her and her parents.
90. An effective general practitioner must have counselling skills to elicit important diagnostic information and manage consultations appropriately.
91. The Counselling Service offers a number of group workshops and skills acquisition classes during the academic year.
92. Everyone will, as per standing Union agreements, receive outplacement counselling, redundancy payments.
93. Rape victims receive special counselling and are treated very sensitively.
94. Staff with responsibility for student welfare should be given training to acquire counselling skills.
95. In addition to counselling on particular personal problems, advice is available on aspects such as accommodation, study skills and careers.
96. If time off is needed for counselling or treatment, you should do everything you can to grant it.
97. Unless the youth group has adequate guidance and counselling, individuals may find choice difficult.
98. When it comes to death, counselling the dying, or helping the bereaved, we Christians have become secularised.
99. This can form part of the deeper work of a support group or a counselling relationship.
100. However, it is vital that the therapist, whatever his or her profession, has received satisfactory training in such counselling.
101. There may also be the loss of a chance to provide consistent and developmental counselling for the student.
102. Bereavement counselling - where there is no hope of conception or repeated attempts at treatment have not resulted in conception.
103. Throughout treatment there will be individual counselling and group sessions as well as lectures and other special processes such as relaxation therapy.
104. The group meets four times a week; in addition we have individual counselling sessions and we also meet with couples.
105. They often provide a drop-in centre and sometimes they provide group counselling as well as a link to appropriate specialist health services.
106. Do you have counselling or listening skills? Do you want to work with people?
107. Making decisions Helping the counsellee to make decisions is the ultimate goal of the counselling process.
108. Ideally, pre-marital counselling, supplemented before parenthood, would meet problems before they could arise.
109. Most patients will also require counselling for social and personal difficulties.
110. In my redundancy / outplacement counselling experience, these are the key things I have found that help.
111. An important objective in counselling is to help the older individual live for today rather than for an uncertain tomorrow.
112. If you feel specially stressed, you could go to relaxation classes, or ask your doctor to arrange counselling for you.
113. Therapeutic counselling for long-term problems - these may be triggered by the fertility problem and sometimes need outside referral to marital therapy.
114. Does the health authority employ a qualified occupational health team with well-developed counselling skills?
115. Complaints of headaches should be taken seriously and genetic counselling made available at the appropriate time.
116. Specific eating difficulties are addressed in individual counselling sessions later in the day.
117. Counselling in this case helped a client to retain his sense of identity and purpose.
118. As with most pre-retirement education, individual financial counselling is a strong feature of the retirement holiday weeks.
119. This may be perfectly legitimate but not all problems can be referred away. 2 Refer the parents for marriage guidance counselling.
120. Although two thirds of companies had not previously used outside advice and counselling, 35% did say that they would consider it.
121. Students are supported by a network of International Associate Institutions who provide workshops, counselling and fellowship to graduate students.
122. Counselling and psychotherapy Psychotherapy commences during hospital admission and continues long after discharge.
123. Marital pathology is fully recognised by those who give support through marriage counselling.
124. The procedures are in place for the independent counselling service to run the self-help group and supply advocates to meet demand.
125. All this talk about counselling and therapy left me cold.
126. This is understandably a very difficult time which may be helped by support or counselling.
127. In this issue Sibbald and colleagues show that fewer than half of counsellors have received specialist training in counselling.
128. Family 1 Patient 301 was the first person in this family to be referred for genetic counselling.
129. Today the couple are having counselling but the marriage is very shaky.
130. If they are, they can turn to the mainstream counselling service.
131. It also provides a counselling service and a range of literature with advice on emotional as well as practical problems.
132. The counsellors are qualified to offer impartial business counselling which is practical, confidential and commercially independent.
133. Both viewpoints are important in a historical context, but not in counselling.
134. An audit of unplanned pregnancies seen in one practice also emphasised the need for great care in counselling people using the pill.
135. Counselling should seek to present a positive view of retirement, but one which stresses the need for individual commitment and effort.
136. Given all these factors, reminiscence should be an extremely valuable counselling aid.
137. Many practices have applied to run health promotion clinics for managing stress, which are thinly disguised counselling sessions.
138. He may need counselling to overcome the trauma in the future.
139. One of the first steps will be to organise genetic counselling for all children not yet tested.
140. He is likely to overturn the Bush ban on abortion counselling and the military's outlawing of gays.
141. Some cases are hereditary so genetic counselling should be given.
142. Volunteers need greater counselling skills and better personal emotional support than ever before.
143. Genetic counselling was sought by all nine families,(http:///counselling.html) but it is still too soon to comment on their reproductive choices.
144. Counselling services and loan guarantees are among the better known.
145. In the first case counselling has failed to protect others and in the second it has failed to protect the person counselled.
146. They will also provide mechanisms for supporting and counselling those students who are at risk of failing to reach Compact goals.
147. Mobility may be increasingly affected. Genetic counselling should be available.
148. Giving our time and devoting our attention to what they say is therefore crucially important in the process of counselling.
149. Anyone who would like to help or needs counselling should call Mrs Grundy on.
150. Counselling should explore the employee's concerns about the move and try to allay fears.
151. Counselling Each counsellor goes through a 10-week training programme, says Marian Radford, the counselling manager.
152. Listening Perhaps the most fundamental skill which helps counselling to transcend other forms of communication is listening.
153. Counselling, information and advice giving, respite from caring on a regular basis can all help.
154. With more serious problems it would be wise to seek professional counselling.
155. Those unable to transfer will be offered a redundancy package and career counselling.
156. Ethnic Minority Business Initiatives are also available, providing venture capital, resources and counselling services for ethnic-minority businesses.
157. Although fertility clinics must have independent, trained counsellors available by law, clients are not compelled to attend counselling.
158. Some general practitioners may be willing to offer individual counselling or marital therapy themselves.
159. It runs a confidential telephone counselling service and publishes material for teenagers, parents, and others.
160. As albinism is of genetic origin, genetic counselling should be available to teenagers.
161. This kind of group can be thought of as having only a minor role within counselling.
162. In the counselling process with older people, the importance of working with the family should not be underestimated.
163. Our doctors and nurses need far more counselling in this area, as do our social workers and priests.
164. They say she will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy.
165. Counselling, the provision of positive role models and other techniques may be introduced at an early stage.
166. But it needs complementary mechanisms for counselling, transmission of experience, management expertise, financial support, upskilling programmes.
167. Treatments offered to black people are more likely to be physical, such as drugs and ECT, rather than counselling and psychotherapy options.
168. The abortion counselling clause was included in an appropriations bill for labour, health and human services.
169. Otherwise the key areas of debt counselling and clerical support can not continue adequately.
170. She organized an all-night telephone counselling service for students in despair about their grades or love-lives.
171. We underestimated the amount of counselling required to ensure that students choose appropriate options.
171. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
172. Impartiality and family power structures Embarking on family counselling can subtly change the relationship between the counsellor and the older counsellee.
173. He was accused of molesting a 14-year-old boy whom he had been counselling while working as a school chaplain.
174. Even after counselling, though, what seemed the right decision at the time can be a source of regret later.
175. Counselling is concerned with maintaining the quality of life of older people for as long as possible.
176. Enable occupational health staff to obtain and update their counselling skills.
177. However, the most striking developments in welfare services have been on the delivery side rather than the personal counselling aspect.
178. Whilst individual counselling recognizes the uniqueness of human problems, group-based counselling recognizes shared problems.
179. They offer confidential counselling, basic crime prevention advice and help with practical details like insurance claims.
180. And even if there is a family counselling service or marriage guidance counselling there may be a waiting list.
181. Some 65 percent of respondents provided career counselling services irrespective of any redundancy situation.
182. By contrast coaching is a continuous process which may be incorporated into both counselling and appraisal sessions.
183. Initially he provided an assessment and counselling service for the families of people with eating disorders.
184. Rather than increasing the sentence, three appeal court judges substituted a three-year probation order requiring him to undergo treatment or counselling.
185. The following organisations may offer counselling and support through their groups.
186. This person should whenever possible be the one who takes responsibility for counselling sessions.
187. Many of them had sought counselling from the college chaplain.
188. What, perhaps, she needs to do is to learn to counsel by doing counselling and by being counselled.
189. And she uses an eclectic range of procedures, from experiments and questionnaires to semi-structured and counselling interviews.
190. It worries that people who test positive will not get adequate counselling.
191. What you want in a counselling room is something welcoming but not too distracting.
192. Craig's father Robert says his son is still suffering from nightmares, and has to see a psychiatrist weekly for counselling.
193. Students who seem likely to fail on a particular goal, for example attendance, may be offered counselling and support.
194. A family centre may also accommodate the child and his family while they receive advice, guidance and counselling.
195. Many bureaux are using word processors very efficiently, especially for debt counselling work.
196. Ministers are sent on courses to learn counselling skills and how to manage parish accounts.
197. The college will provide counselling for students who have problems with alcohol or drugs.
198. A registered charity called Survivors can arrange confidential personal counselling in London.
199. At present we seem able to do little to help male attempters by means of counselling approaches.
200. London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard offer a telephone counselling service.
201. An information package about how counselling might help with particular problems is available on request from any of the campus offices.
202. Examples of experiential learning methods include role play, structured group exercises and counselling skills exercises.
203. Thus, when pain is seen to arise within the counselling process, counselling is thought to be the cause.
204. Fumigate the center received more than 30 telephone counselling.
205. an organization offering counselling for the bereaved.
206. counselling and support to mothers for infant feeding.
207. Both women were also given a one-year parenting order, which usually requires parents to attend counselling and guidance sessions.
208. Mutation analysis in families with XLHED allows for genetic counselling, prenatal diagnosis and gene therapy.
209. Pre-test information and post-test counselling remain integral components of the HIV testing process.
210. The programme emphasises a developmental perspective, on issues pertinent to providing counselling.
211. Published in the "Public Library of Science Medicine" magazine of the lack of resources in the testing environment in the maternity ward for all-weather rapid AIDS testing and counselling.
212. Dependency is always a risk with any form of counselling.
213. But it's no use just having a wonder drug or effective counselling — it's how to get these treatments to people that needs investigating and scaling-up.
214. Former Honduras national team psychologist Mauricio Rosales claimed that Palacios had benefited from counselling sessions while the player said, "I have had to suffer a lot to be where I am today."
215. I was told I'd need some time off in case of post-traumatic stress; I agreed to counselling to assess my fitness to resume work, but was convinced this would be a formality.
216. The physio psychological treatment was included the enuresis alarm, behavioral therapy, bladder sphincter training and parents' counselling.
217. Genetic counselling and the management of complications in achondroplasia are important.
218. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for Tay-Sachs disease, so it is very important for carriers or possible carriers to have genetic counselling.
219. He said people found to be susceptible to cocaine addiction could be given counselling or protected with experimental vaccines now being developed.
220. Global coverage of HIV testing and counselling remains unsatisfactorily low, as does coverage of prevention and treatment interventions for injecting drug users.
221. In order to the operating system teaching and counselling has provided the beneficial help, deepened to the processor scheduling theory further understanding.
221. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
222. The establishment of psychological committeeman system in China is the result of referring to the peer counselling model in western countries and areas such as Hong Kong and Tai Wan.
223. The testing was set up with the proviso that it is only be done at medical facilities that offer counselling, including psychological support.
224. It goes against the general trend towards counselling, mediation and out-of-court settlement.
225. Simultaneously has also carried out the young child lip uranocoloboma sequence treatment, after since birth consults counselling which, lip uranocoloboma patching surgery and speech training, feeds.
226. Some workplaces may provide a confidential counselling service or telephone helpline.
227. And, of course, he doesn't die – the Nebraskan teenagers are placed in foster care or with other relatives, and the courts can require parents to attend counselling sessions and pay child support.
228. At least one church in the City has had a poor take-up for its redundancy counselling sessions, however. An evangelical church has had almost no attendees at its lunchtime workshops on the recession.
229. But it's not just about pills. I have tried talking therapies. I have had counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, psychoanalytical therapy, the works.
230. The Government is paying for fertility counselling, operations to reverse vasectomies and tubal ligations , and for the removal of intra-uterine devices, China's most common birth-control method.




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