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单词 Distinctly
1. She enunciates her words distinctly.
2. She found his manner towards her distinctly hostile.
3. Birkett was looking distinctly peeved.
4. In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings.
5. I distinctly remember Jane saying that the show started at eight.
6. Speak clearly and distinctly.
7. He was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy about their visit.
8. He was a small man, distinctly foreign in appearance.
9. The quality of the hotel food is distinctly variable.
10. First reactions have been distinctly unfavourable.
11. The locals were distinctly unwelcoming.
12. He looked distinctly uncomfortable when the subject was mentioned.
13. Her ideas on food are distinctly passe.
14. She was distinctly lukewarm about my idea.
15. I distinctly heard someone calling me.
16. He was distinctly unfriendly towards me.
17. Paul was left feeling distinctly foolish.
18. There's something distinctly odd about her.
19. The choir was distinctly out of tune in places.
20. He distinctly remembered the day his father left.
21. She was distinctly cool about their plans.
22. His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox.
23. But I distinctly remember you promising to phone me!
24. Financially, the arrangement was distinctly shaky.
25. He came into the room looking distinctly sheepish.
26. I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.
27. That was distinctly below the belt!
28. He could remember everything very distinctly.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic.
30. In the gathering gloom it was difficult to see anything distinctly.
1. She enunciates her words distinctly.
2. Birkett was looking distinctly peeved.
3. In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings.
4. In the gathering gloom it was difficult to see anything distinctly.
5. I distinctly remember Jane saying that the show started at eight.
6. Speak clearly and distinctly.
7. He was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy about their visit.
8. She was distinctly lukewarm about my idea.
9. His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox.
10. The room looked distinctly familiar.
11. The teacher pronounces distinctly.
31. This place has a distinctly eerie atmosphere.
32. His government is looking distinctly shaky.
33. We were distinctly underwhelmed by the director's speech.
34. The room looked distinctly familiar.
35. I distinctly remember asking him not to tell her about the new sales figures..
36. The marriage had been distinctly dodgy for a long time.
37. The way he looked at her made her distinctly uncomfortable.
38. I get the feeling that the staff are distinctly underwhelmed by John's latest proposal.
39. It was a rough crossing and most of the passengers looked distinctly green.
40. The prospect of studying for another five years was distinctly unappealing.
41. However, many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off-putting.
42. I distinctly heard the loudspeaker calling passengers for the Turin-Amsterdam flight.
43. The music festival has taken on a distinctly German flavour.
44. I distinctly felt the heat start to sear my throat.
45. He speaks excellent Spanish but with a distinctly foreign intonation.
46. After their rude attitude in the past, we feel distinctly indisposed to help them now.
47. The teacher pronounces distinctly.
48. His efforts, the Duke recollected many years later, were distinctly half-hearted.
49. I felt distinctly uneasy about lending her so much money.
50. This makes Mr Exley's position distinctly odd.
51. The whole thing looks distinctly dodgy to me.
52. So during the interval I felt distinctly apologetic.
53. I distinctly told you to be home before 11:00.
54. The arms are slightly noded becoming distinctly so distally.
55. She spoke with a distinctly upper class accent.
56. The whole concept of wealth made her distinctly uneasy.
57. Each word was distinctly, carefully and sharply spoken.
58. But recently, the vibe has become distinctly mellower.Sentencedict
59. I distinctly remember Bill and I making no comment.
60. I felt distinctly baffled, but Holmes was nodding thoughtfully.
61. He was back quite soon and looking distinctly puzzled.
62. Against Western armies they were becoming distinctly anachronistic.
63. New Orleans has a distinctly European feel to it.
64. Tanner was distinctly unhappy to see Maxim again.
65. A multi-racial couple in the crowd look distinctly uneasy.
66. Other times people got distinctly hot under the collar.
67. She felt distinctly that she had to leave Loreto and start her own work.
68. I have to say I loved the sound through the Boogie power amp, although the essence remained distinctly Marshall.
69. I distinctly remember the overwhelming feeling of abject helplessness which this incident brought about.
70. Then he heard, faintly but distinctly, the jingle of a bridle.
71. I tried to make polite small talk with him although he seemed distinctly taciturn, if not downright moody.
72. Rain felt distinctly uncharitable as she straightened the bed and tried to pretend they had never been there.
73. However, we have also witnessed a distinctly different, life-affirming passion that responds to things of quality and goodness.
74. Some species have green leaves, and others have distinctly colored leaf blades.
75. It was an hour later that the jeep, always a vehicle that threatened trouble, started to sound distinctly unhappy.
76. He disappeared into some trees and Charlie distinctly heard a single shot somewhere above the noise of battle.
77. For the past half-hour she had been feeling distinctly uneasy as the ever-present shadows had deepened into almost impenetrable blackness.
78. An hour's rehearsal wasn't much but sufficient to ensure an almost trouble free, if distinctly unrefined performance.
79. But his is a distinctly Lancastrian vision and it holds little attraction for London critics.
80. The old estate looked quite ready to swap tarmac for mud; this one has a distinctly more suburban air.
81. The sun was also blazing on to this cliff, and I was feeling distinctly battered.
82. This year, Artweek celebrates its tenth anniversary, and events have a distinctly cosmopolitan flavour.
83. They were all too kind to snigger but Suzi distinctly saw fat Luiza shrug her shoulders in a gesture of fatalistic despair.
84. Like other doctor gurus, he was giving women prescriptions in feminine morality, from a distinctly male point of view.
85. However, very little has been written about the relationship between exercise, sport and health from a distinctly sociological perspective.
86. Nora is distinctly gloomy tonight-perhaps on account of the seaweed aperitif.
87. Experienced royal watchers claimed to note a distinctly frosty air between the couple.
88. The petiole and the blade of the leaves are usually distinctly different.
89. The dry land plants, suitable for paludariums and terrariums[/distinctly.html], have leaves distinctly divided into the petiole and narrowly lanceolate blades.
90. By the time I reached the furthest peak I was feeling distinctly sick.
91. Although the intensity of the pain may fluctuate, headache-free periods are distinctly rare.
92. According to the report, most Americans have a distinctly haphazard approach to saving for the future.
93. To the human eye horses use five distinctly different facial expressions to suit different circumstances.
94. There are 7-8 distinctly flattened, finely rugose arm spines, with the tips squared off.
95. He deftly explains how many seemingly pleasant private decisions lead to distinctly unpleasant public results, such as increased economic segregation.
96. Between 1912 and 1914 the Conservative Party was distinctly unsettled.
97. Thornton knew of various incidents which confirmed his opinion that Walsh made a distinctly negative impression in the hunt for backers.
98. A single nun, working in an unorthodox manner in the slums, made some of the local clergy distinctly uncomfortable.
99. I could clearly hear the roar of engines above me, and distinctly heard one long burst of cannon fire.
100. Evans had been distinctly uncomfortable about Horowitz's presence in his office.
101. I distinctly remember seeing a few of the eggs hitting the spokes of his front wheel as he slowed down.
102. Whitley, a willowy former City banker, peppered his talk with literary bon mots and some distinctly fast verse.
103. You need a fresh strategy for a new day that is distinctly different from yesterday, and the time is growing short.
104. On this occasion, as an added piquancy, the festival promised to have a distinctly radical flavour.
105. Although the sun was shining brightly, the wind was distinctly fresh and getting stronger.
106. Well, the example reminds me distinctly of a beach ball seen end-on.
107. However, though I had missed a chance, the advantages were now all on my side and distinctly in my favour.
108. She was distinctly a bit funny about her diamonds, always reputed to be fabulous.
109. Viewed from the Winter palace the much-vaunted power of the monarchy seemed distinctly overrated.
110. Larger and rather more uniformly dark than Little Swift, and with a markedly narrower white rump and distinctly forked tail.
111. The community church started in a home and to wear them would have been distinctly odd.
112. Alvin was once more back at what felt distinctly like a starting point.
113. By lunchtime she was distinctly unwell and the school nurse told her she had a temperature and sent her home.
114. But without Pearce there was never the pace in a Forest side, who looked distinctly foot-weary, to test Schmeichel.
115. Large chunks of M16 fell to it, and the infighting between departments grew distinctly worse.
116. Faced with the poll tax, most of its modern citizenry have sounded distinctly unphilosophical these past few weeks.
117. Within the range of a single tree species, there may be very distinctly different assemblages of birds taking the fruits.
118. This is distinctly uncommon in our era of widespread antibiotic usage.
119. The second method, budding is where vegetative propagation becomes distinctly more involved[Sentence dictionary], difficult - and interesting.
120. Distinctly disappointing has been the negative posturing of the Unionist political establishment led by Trimble and Paisley.
121. To Letterman, who was once a fan of Marcuse, it is a distinctly toothsome word.
122. Not only was it gaudy in appearance but the smell wafting from the kitchen was distinctly malodorous.
123. He was, and is, a distinctly affable chap, whereas I came across as cold, prickly and generally difficult.
124. Mammalian membranes have an enormously diverse composition and may contain over 100 distinctly different lipids.
125. She peered at the Christmas cactus she had bought for Alan and decided it looked distinctly sorry for itself.
126. Indeed, it is highly unlikely that White would capture on b7 in this line, 17 0-0 looking distinctly superior.
127. He could distinctly hear voices which seemed to be coming from the parcels office next door.
128. She had a distinctly uncomfortable feeling that he was not referring to the fight which had followed that little incident.
129. The environment for Windows add-on vendors is becoming distinctly unhealthy he says, as Microsoft adds functions into the base operating system.
130. The Church drew ever closer to the State but became a distinctly junior partner.
131. Amongst other things, it records a kinship system which struck Morgan as distinctly odd.
132. Here the double emphasis upon the need to arrest cultural degeneration and preserve the national heritage was distinctly in evidence.
133. Their financial status seems to have varied at different times in her life from the reasonably comfortable to the distinctly shabby genteel.
134. It is only in the very last paragraph that there is a distinctly evangelical position in the Party's platform.
135. In normal circumstances the suggestion that a contracting party can rely on his own breach to establish consideration is distinctly unattractive.
136. With Diana in the snow, Charles looked distinctly unamused and drew the session to a close.
137. George Birkitt was looking distinctly peeved, aware that Michael Banks had upstaged him in a way that was quite unanswerable.
138. Even his hair was distinctly ruffled, as though impatient fingers had been frequently run through it.
139. When we talk we produce sounds of three distinctly different types.
140. The arms are distinctly noded, the ridges carrying the arm spines being particularly prominent.
141. The charms of limitless glasnost have already worn distinctly thin.
142. The outcome is that Scotch Whisky has been left to compete on distinctly unfavourable terms with imported wines.
143. Viewing the pilot episode Newman and Wilson were distinctly unhappy.
144. They are likely to be distinctly unimpressed by the policy implications of the taxonomic exercise undertaken by Coen and Hickman.
145. Indeed, a skirt cut across straight at the lower edge would have a distinctly odd look, rather like a box.
146. I distinctly remember assembling on a tray some orange-topped mushrooms, a rusty bed-spring, and some blackened pieces of toast.
147. Postnikova also manages to present in its possible light Tchaikovsky's Sonata, which is distinctly heavy going.
148. Just as the current crisis has a distinctly familiar ring to it, so too do the solutions being offered.
148. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
149. I remember very distinctly the morning when my father came to tell us we had a new baby sister.
150. As he turned on the attic lights and climbed the creaking steps, he smelled it more distinctly than before.
151. This bird is distinctly different in character from those we had seen so far.
152. The Virgin's shawl is of a distinctly baroque blue and the manger itself is full of plump Midwestern wheat stalks.
153. By 1926, however, the secular beauty had become distinctly secondary.
154. With a glass, the rebel soldiers... could be distinctly seen.
155. Now I want this distinctly understood, that I have nothing against Cleveland.
156. We have seen not only regional variations in voting patterns but distinctly local variations within the regions.
157. Inside the room he could distinctly hear his own breathing - the sharp intake of air, followed by the slower exhalation.
158. I was 17, a private just a few weeks into my enlistment, and distinctly uncomfortable.
159. Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves. Blaise Pascal 
160. I was distinctly uneasy in his company, but I couldn't explain why.
161. Captain Dennis Wise was singing his little heart out whilst the rest stood there looking distinctly unwise as to the lyrics.
162. On closer inspection, however, that mandate appears to be distinctly fragile.
163. Whereas non-infected individuals respond with largely type-specific responses, infected individuals respond with a profile distinctly different from the normal individual.
164. Yet the prevailing mood of public opinion remained distinctly hostile to the regime.
165. The essence of cyclic structure is similarly straight forward though it is pursued in a distinctly roundabout manner.
166. This is simply the most irritating aspect of what's a distinctly bulky and untidy interface design.
167. Adam Rolston, taking a distinctly Warholian Pop point of view, works with cardboard, making commercial cartons in series.
168. Pre-election nerves in the City last week left the performance of the remaining 10 Questor Selection shares looking distinctly patchy.
169. Four chairs pushed into a corner looked distinctly Chippendale, as did a couple of desks and occasional tables.
170. And even from the mainland there appeared to be a distinctly vertiginous southern edge to the island.
171. During 1661, a new parliament had been called, which was distinctly cavalier in character.
172. For health insurers in California, the rules distinctly changed with a state law that took effect in July.
173. Analysis Answer the following questions together: Can you hear the whistle / whisper distinctly through the cube?
174. The oral shield is large and distinctly pentagonal, the proximal angle is often very acute.
175. By the time he reached the office Matthew was feeling distinctly indignant.
176. To pronounce distinctly and carefully ; enunciate.
177. Its distinctly toothed leaves are carried on branching stems.
178. His interest as a writer was distinctly antiquarian.
179. It has a distinctly globular thorax.
180. And the brattish whining is distinctly unattractive.
181. It may subsequently become a weak grower and a distinctly biennial cropper.
182. The choir was ( singing ) distinctly out of tune in places.
183. Still all was dark, but he distinctly heard a cock crow. The sound was so distinct , it seemed to pierce his brain, making him wide-awake.
184. This structure is distinctly conducive to responsivity and speed performance.
185. The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing.
186. In a survey of 100 college students, young people with narcissistic personality traits were shown to exhibit Facebook activity that was distinctly more self-promotional.
187. His 1953 manga version of Crime and Punishment has pages of distinctly non-Dostoyevskian slapstick, and a cameo by a regular Tezuka character who pops up to shout his catchphrase: "Here t'meet ya!"
188. Against Type? In Hitchock's Suspicion, his usual charm takes on a distinctly caddish edge, with the script originally revealing his character to be a killer.
189. After the ventilation supercavity formed, the ventilation mutation distinctly influenced the form, the way of gas-leakage and the stability of cavity.
190. One entirely plastic ensemble a peach-hued pantsuit and green booties had a distinctly shuffleboard-in-Boca-Raton flair.
191. Mutual protection against wind is distinctly recognizable at the crown canopy.
192. This industrial application has proved that this method can distinctly reflect the dynastic characteristics treating process.
193. The existence of the joints is an important characteristic of rock mass distinctly different from rock,[] and also an important factor leading to the heterogeneousness and anisotropy of rock mass.
194. Though they talked in a low voice, they could be heard distinctly.
195. To see an object distinctly, a sharp image of it must be formed on the retina.
196. Noradrenaline decreased I_(K) distinctly. Isoprenaline and acetylcholine showed no effect on I_(K) in isolated rat hepatocytes.
197. Actually , when he came to swallow it, the stuff was distinctly disappointing.
198. The results showed that the corrosion weight loss rate of high Mn steel was distinctly greater than that of medium carbon chromium steel.




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