单词 |
eke something ↔ out |
释义 |
eke something ↔ out eke something ↔ out → eke something ↔ out at eke(1)eke something ↔ out |
随便看 |
- -ier
- -ies
- -iest
- I expect
- if
- I fail to see
- I fail to see/understand
- I fail to understand
- if anything
- I fear
- if ever there was one
- iffy
- if he's a day
- -ified
- -ifies
- if I had my way
- if I may be so bold
- if I may say so
- if in doubt
- If I should die, think only this of me:/That there's some corner of a foreign field is forever England
- If I should die, think only this of me:/That there's some corner of a foreign field/That is forever England
- If I should die, think only this of me:/That there's some corner of a foreign That is forever England
- if it ain't broke, don't fix it
- if it comes to the point
- Onwards
- Bespoken
- Agnosticism
- By the bye
- Chamois
- Below the belt
- Femininity
- Otter
- Pharmacologist
- Vender
- 余剩》同义词与近义词
- 余勇可贾(gu)是什么意思
- 余勇可贾是什么意思
- 余博源《离歌》抒情高中作文
- 余参政东藩日,与年友张督粮临碧在座,余以朱判封,笔浓字大,临碧曰:“可惜!可惜!”余擎笔举手曰:“年兄此一念,天下受其福矣。”判笔一字,所费丝毫朱耳,积日积岁,省费不知几万倍。充用朱之心,万事皆然。天下各衙门积日积岁,省费又不知几万倍。且心不侈然自放,足以养德;财不侈然浪费,足以养福。不但天物不宜暴殄,民膏不宜慢弃而已。夫事有重于费者,过费不为奢;省有不废事者,过省不为吝。余在抚院日,不检于纸而戒
- 余友沈昕伯纮自巴黎寄余《蝶恋花》一阕,云:“帘外东风随燕到.春色东来,循我来时道.一霎围场生绿草,归迟却怨春来早.锦绣一城春水绕.庭院笙歌,行乐多年少.著意来开孤客抱,不知名字闲花鸟.”此词当在晏氏父子间,南宋人不能道也.
- 余填词不喜作长调,尤不喜用人韵,偶尔游戏,作《水龙吟》(咏杨花,用质夫、东坡倡和均),作《齐天乐》(咏蟋蟀,用白石均),皆有与晋代兴之意.然余之所长殊不在是,世之君子宁以他词称我.
- 余奇俐《离歌》记叙高中作文
- 余少时曾泄当密之语,先君责之。对曰:“已戒闻者,使勿泄矣。”先君曰:“子不能必子之口,而能必人之口乎?且戒人与戒己孰难?小子慎之。”
- 余尧臣
- 余居官有六自:簿赋均徭先令自审,均地先令自丈,未完令其自限,纸赎令其自催,干证催词讼令其自拘,干证拘小事令其自处。乡约亦往往行得去,官逸而事亦理,久之可省刑罚。当今天下之民,极苦官之繁苛,一与宽仁,其应如响。
- 余平生所作文章多在三上,乃马上、枕上、厕上也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 余幼好此奇服兮,年既老而不衰
- 余康平《最美的青春我的班》记叙高中作文
- 余待小人不能假辞色,小人或不能堪。年友王道源危之曰:“今世居官切宜戒此,法度是朝廷底,财货是百姓底,真借不得。人情,至于辞色,却是我底,假借些儿何害?”余深感之,因识而改焉。
- Exculpatory句子
- Get well句子
- Besmirched句子
- Gather up句子
- Get ahead of句子
- Multiplicity句子
- Rattle off句子
- Best seller句子
- Lodgement句子
- Typed句子
- Abridgment句子
- Incertitude句子
- Panellist句子
- Turd句子
- Golden mean句子