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单词 Take no account of
1. Happiness takes no account of time. 
2. Britain's tax system takes no account of children.
3. The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
4. These results took no account of illegal dumping.
5. In short, nearly one in three possessed physical defects, a figure which took no account of dental problems or defective vision.
6. The argument also takes no account of the extra oil-change services that diesel engines require.
7. The legislation takes no account of the expense that is incurred when a council puts work out to tender.
8. It takes no account of the moral dilemmas of human life.
9. People take no account of the costs and benefits their actions inflict on others.
10. They take no account of the unpaid labour service of volunteers, which is the essential resource element of the voluntary sector.
11. Take no account of me any more.
12. Happiness take no account of time.
13. By their nature, they take no account of other variables such as policy changes and technological breakthroughs.
14. As a rule, we take no account of the fact that the doctor who practises catharsis is not just an abstraction which automatically produces nothing but catharsis.
15. Some students often take no account of what their teachers and parents say and don't behave well.
16. Of course it is wrong to take no account of these characteristics or deny their existence.
17. Cigarette smokers pollute the air for other people but take no account of this in deciding how much to smoke.
18. This last has always to be measured in terms of numbers, and can take no account of degree of motivation.
19. Income measures do not do full justice to the extent of the improvement in the world's poor,(http://) for they take no account of advances in life expectancy and general health.
20. In pressurized modern lives, demands to be a fulfilled individual, and a good partner and a good worker, take no account of being a good parent.
21. Those who pin their faith on University examinations as a test of all educational results take no account of this fact.




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