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单词 high technology
释义  Related topics: Industry, Business basicsˌhigh techˈnology noun [uncountable]  TIBBthe use of the most modern machines and methods in industry, business etc 高科技,尖端技术Examples from the Corpushigh technology• There are projected outlets, too, for new, high-purity silicates currently being developed for applications in high technology.• Its high technology appeals to parents as well as children, and it was relatively cheap to build.• Much high technology medicine is therefore palliative, alleviating the effects of the disease by relieving pain or restoring mobility.• If we get it right, displays will be about the only visible evidence of high technology.• There are a number of high technology problems that need answering.• The £40,000 with of high technology next to it may just as well have come from another world as another country.• In the past couple of decades, Britain has managed to slither from one high technology debacle to another.• In this scenario, capital flows tend towards areas with high technology and high productivity.From Longman Business Dictionaryhigh technologyˌhigh techˈnology [uncountable] the use of the most modern technical knowledge and methodsMoney, tax incentives and other measures have been used to influence progress in high technology.The company leases and sells data-processing, telecommunications and other high-technology equipment.Not all high-technology stocks fell. → technologyˌhigh techˈnology nounChineseSyllable  the methods use Business the and machines most Corpus of modern




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