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单词 edifice
释义  Related topics: Buildingsed·i·fice /ˈedɪfɪs/ noun [countable]  formalTBB a building, especially a large one 〔尤指宏伟的〕建筑 Their head office was an imposing edifice. 他们的总部大楼是一幢宏伟建筑。Examples from the Corpusedifice• And this was an edifice that would house the greatest mystery of all: wine into blood, bread into flesh.• To cast doubt on the importance of production is thus to bring into questIon the foundation of the entire edifice.• The Times is housed in an imposing edifice on 1st Street.• Dauntless regarded this imposing edifice with dismay.• Then he crossed the street in front of the National Gallery, glancing up at the massive edifice of the building in the process.• Evidence such as this serves to undermine the apparently monolithic edifice of Victorianism.• The primary edifice, Mandeville Center, is about as inviting as a concrete bunker.• Replacing that foundation, we fear, will topple the edifice.• Eventually the theory becomes a creaking and ugly edifice.• The whole edifice of the family's thinking rested on the notion of hard work.Origin edifice (1300-1400) French Latin aedificium, from aedificare; → EDIFYed·i·fice nounChineseSyllable  especially Corpus a one building, large a




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