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单词 Real life
1) The TV play was based on real life.
2) If real life told me I had been betrayed, I would prefer never to have loved.
3) Coping with problems in our real life is the end, and reading is only one of the means to reach the end.
4) Her on-screen husband is also her partner in real life.
5) In real life the star of the film is a devoted husband and father.
6) You can't shelter the children from the real life forever.
7) Remarkable coincidences do happen in real life.
8) Games are real life in miniature.
9) Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction.
10) These sort of things don't happen in real life.
11) In real life, nobody was all bad, nor, conversely,(http:///real life.html) all good.
12) In real life, it's not so easy to divide people into goodies and baddies.
13) In real life he wasn't how she had imagined him at all.
14) His on-screen father is also his father in real life.
15) Things don't happen quite that easily in real life .
16) In real life she looks nothing like her screen image.
17) But fairly soon real life disasters took care of publicity.
18) In real life men like Richard Gere don't marry street girls.
19) You can't screen your children from real life for ever.
20) Yet real life is about economics.
21) Swoon and Basic Instinct aren't real life, remember?
22) More detailed than real life, more exact, more real.
23) They can't cope with real life and kill themselves.
24) They are treating people in a real life context.
25) Living in a high building tends to insulate us from the real life of the city.
26) In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life.
27) Here's hoping, that, someday in the not too distant future, the misfortunes of Fantine will only be found in stories and never more in real life.
28) He's better-looking in his publicity shots than he is in real life.
29) I'm not making it up. The character exists in real life.
30) The report failed to prove a causal link between violence on screen and in real life.
1) The TV play was based on real life.
2) Living in a high building tends to insulate us from the real life of the city.
3) Her on-screen husband is also her partner in real life.
4) In real life the star of the film is a devoted husband and father.
5) You can't shelter the children from the real life forever.
6) In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life.
7) Games are real life in miniature.
31) Drama, after all, is not real life.
32) All the real life effects that seem so weird.
33) Q: Are you a cheerleader in real life?
34) Suffering is a part of real life lesson. Toba Beta 
35) In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra. Fran Lebowitz 
36) But in real life, there is no magic wand which turns us into the parents we long to become.
37) I have made the reflected objects darker, just as they would be if seen in real life.
38) A: Usually from things that happen in real life, from things that my three kids have done.
39) Moving house Moving house in real life can be a great worry to young children.
39) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40) But real life, both human life and plant and animal life, is not set up for the benefit of spectators.
41) The lad tinkered happily with a multi-pronged screwdriver that couldn't possibly work in real life.
42) Darwin could not be taught in the schools; but a perversion of Darwin could be practiced in real life.
43) If nothing else, the bank's comical detachment from real life may prove a comfort in these hard times.
44) Put away your Lego and Sindy dolls, this is what they call Real Life.
45) One's real life is often the life that one does not lead. Oscar Wilde 
46) She's much prettier in real life than she is in this picture.
47) And one could tell from the restful silence in the car that they shared a very real life together.
48) The commercial photograph is therefore not perceived as primarily documenting real life.
49) Both Kemp and Gore referred to real life people to illustrate their points.
50) That kind of story only sells in real life, when it unfolds so unexpectedly before your eyes.
51) In other words(), cyberspace provides a means for individual expression that would not be appropriate or acceptable in real life.
52) But real life, of course, teaches lesser men to keep their heads down and their mouths shut.
53) The documentary highlights the difference between Warren's real life and the artifice of her stage shows.
54) In real life, the criterion for selection is always short-term, either simple survival or, more generally, reproductive success.
55) People who study psychology never seem able to apply it to real life.
56) It was too perfect; a picture postcard blown up to the scale of real life.
57) Whitney Hedgepeth started her real life a couple of years ago, then backtracked.
58) But the case in real life appears to be rather different.
59) Real life is likely to prove rather more complicated, however.
60) Students would be too busy with real life to be bothered about social problems and conditions.
61) And some day we all have to find out the difference between romance and real life.
62) The meagre little peelings falling from her knife into water eased her, their ordinariness was a link with real life.
63) In real life, the probability that a gene will mutate is often less than one in a million.
64) Even the madmen wouldn't have him in real life, I 'd put money on it.
65) The success of the book was heightened by media speculation about who the characters were in real life.
66) This is a well-known pitfall in real life as well as in case studies.
67) Burton did the job on screen as efficiently, one felt, as he would have done it in real life.
68) I only knew it from sepia pictures and it was something I thought I'd never see in real life.
69) Of course,(/real life.html) the whole odd train of events is most unlikely to have happened in real life.
70) Add to these camcorder entertainments purporting to capture real life in the raw on film-Police!
71) On TV he plays a teenager, but in real life he's married with two children.
72) Once, in real life, I was on a boat full of steelworkers, and we sailed through South Chicago.
73) In real life the onlookers are part of the activity and usually join in.
74) Unlike real life, the classic mystery has no loose ends.
75) The only real life, curiously enough, was underground, in the pit of hell itself.
76) It is possible to become totally caught up in the drama of real life, just as it is with fiction.
77) And besides, ladies in real life don't feel those things, you know.
78) In real life, Selena ran out of that motel room with a bullet wound, and bled to death.
79) In real life, positive and negative oedipal relations, and guilt about these relations often remain hidden behind sibling rivalry.
80) Typically, hardly anyone noticed: but then no one ever watched Crossroads for its close resemblance to real life.
81) Two other recent plays, both dramatised, although one from real life, left a more lasting impression.
82) But she knew Petey was too old for dishonest leaps between the movies and real life.
83) He has confided that he once told Claudia that in real life people do not go around analysing everyday rituals.
84) It is against this background that we turn to the mathematics curriculum and ask what mathematics is relevant to real life.
85) He fills it with a restless, bristling energy, as if he might clamber out of the frame and into real life.
86) If she had happened to be a woman out of touch with real life, that would have bored him.
87) That was my Holy Grail, and there could be no real life for me until I found it.
88) The projects were tested under real life conditions by classroom teachers operating within the normal constraints of teaching.
89) Interspersed throughout these pieces are short items in smaller type on white backgrounds about similar figures from real life or other media.
90) Her real life glimmered and settled in the parallel universe, where no one here could reach her.
91) In a relatively short season of television, Ellen demonstrated what in real life often takes a lifetime.
92) When you compare the sorrows of real life to the pleasures of the imaginary one, you will never want to live again, only to dream forever. Alexandre Dumas 
93) Did you watch that programme about real life murders last night?
94) There was endless media speculation about who the characters were in real life and which political insider was the author.
95) In both cases these programmes were taught under real life conditions, by ordinary classroom teachers.
96) In real life there's no magic wand to make all our problems disappear.
97) In real life, neither proceeds in the linear, additive fashion envisioned in workbooks.
98) The Internet is no substitute for real life but it's great for fighting off boredom.
99) But in real life she has had to make the difficult transition from child to adult star.
100) A couple of anachronisms fighting it out here while real life moved in on them from the east almost unnoticed.
101) In real life she'd been a poor shepherdess who lived in a dungeon and had asthma.
102) In real life, love has to be possible. Even if it is not returned right away, love can only survive when the hope exists that you will be able to win over the person you desire. Paulo Coelho 
103) Real life was then a male preserve but Helen had no interest in the usual option of the women's pages.
104) In real life the distinction between sheer brigandage and patriotic guerrilla activities was often blurred.
105) There will obviously be a considerable overlap of requirements for these categories of musician - real life is never so simple.
106) And yet, on a mature view, do not all these fragments suggest the pressures of real life?
107) For real life, visit Moila, the island of the ivory tower.
108) The famous local actor who plays Shamba in the advertisement is a qualified doctor in real life.
109) Legal concepts are inconclusive, and so fail to draw distinctions vital in real life.
110) But if every now and then real life is generous enough to throw us a dizzying love affair, why not?
111) So in real life this is not the end of the world for the Labour Party.
112) Now, she felt, she was cherished and valued, the centre of attention, and her real life could begin.
113) She now feels, however, that she has gone beyond romance and needs explanations of hard real life.
114) Yet in the spring of 1989 much of this story was enacted in real life.
115) You are a real life saver.
116) In real life it looked empty and spooky.
117) Can Platonic love really exist in real life?
118) In real life, series of suddenness breaks his ideal.
119) This is amazing animal love. Unbelievable bit of photojournalism. Real life events.
120) Yet, in real life, circumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidences which anyone but a nineteenth century novelist would find incredible.
121) Practical metaphysics considers that the true noumenal existence is a human practical activity and his real life.
122) I used to enjoy cartoon in my childhood. I am not very clear when I began to be fed up with cartoon that is remote and alienable from my real life.
123) When you have a container object in real life, such as a bag, you often want to look at all the items it contains.
124) However, student loan in real life, belonged to credit loan, has a serious problem of high breach.
125) In real life, we cannot ask for "ever-victorious generals", who are few and far between in history.
126) He was very polite, boyishly cheeky (always grinning), and a lot (if possible) better looking in real life than on tv.
127) City and real life are the arena that shows Milanese the latest fashion.
128) But in real life, such misplacement often occurs in people's thinking.
129) In short, in real life, what to eat on a diet of schizophrenia there are many considerations, there is no longer itemize.
129) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
130) Earlier this year James Franco played Allen Ginsberg in the drama Howl, and now he’s a writer in real life, too.
131) If she did, how could we ever fantasise about me crouching over her chest again? In real life, I'd suffocate the poor woman between my meaty thighs.
132) If all that weren't enough, FarmVille doesn't even function like a proper farm: in FarmVille, wheat grows in two days--in real life, it takes months.
133) Photographers usually pooh-pooh electronic viewfinders, because no screen is as sharp as real life.
134) Once again, this seemed to me to smack more of James Bond than of real life.
135) The giant parades of samba schools or clubs, are great street theater, a Hollywood spectacular in real life.
136) Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life.
137) But there was a more real life for Hester Prynne, here, in New England, that in that unknown region where Pearl had found a home.
138) Here is an opening door, Wellcome you all who are getting down from the scaling ladder of real life.
139) Of "days" and all kinds of mysterious forces of nature worship, reflected in real life is the "potential" of worship.
140) And pointed out that his methodology path is the way of practice and real life. And this way is same to the path of sociological school of law and historical school of law.
141) Your heart is unwilling to rope in real life come from?
142) Although the network is visional , also be a society actually, the truth also is with real life.
143) It rarely happens in real life, but it happens a lot in films - one of the best examples is the spur-of-the-moment passion that's shared between Ennis and Jack.
144) In real life, we need is nether fame and fortune, nor the money, but safety!
145) But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement apt to be disappointed.
146) Theoretically this may be true; but in real life incommensurables are commensurable.
147) The Utopia is a reflection of human certain demands in the spirit level, and it integrates some kind of human yearning for the real life.
148) Mechanical shock and vibration in real life is often happened thing, in technology and outdoor lamps and lanterns is common.
149) The tournament was the first time I got to see the real life of a professional golfer.
150) In real life, New England-style fish chowder was one of Kennedy's favorite dishes, the recipe for which is currently on display at the National Archives.
151) Here at last was the imagined but never fully realized place leaping into real life.
152) In real life, the transcendent man is an unimposing figure who could pass for Woody Allen's even nerdier younger brother.
153) For one thing, the inner emotion in real life can be abstracted and sublimed into a dynamic form of music emotion.
154) Lin Daiyu is so and her impersonator Chen Xiaoxu re - acted the play in her real life.
155) Of course, this is a normal program in an general offer, but in real life situations it is complex and diverse. The article will be analyze in the special offer chapter.
156) The doctoral student added that future research should analyse the impact of mood on working memory storage capacity in real life situations, such as in a classroom setting.
157) Yet, in real life, circumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidences which anyone but a nineteenth century novelist would find ...
158) Martingale does not work in real life because casinos limit maximum bets.
159) This article also thinks the slogans and imprints of Kazak nationality are symbols of holy totem and embodiment of the life-force of totem ancestor in real life .
160) Yet, in real life(), circumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidence.
161) But there's the risk of exposure, in all its meanings, and ruining your real life before a global audience.
162) Fiction is a literary genre that aims to reflect real life through describing typical literary images.
163) But there're happy stories. My husband's collogue at work met her husband on the Internet and their true story, they fall in love in real life after they've met on the Internet, and they got married.
164) But, people are a kind of involuted animals with feelings. Treacly love and real life are different. Human nature is liking new and hating old. Now, society has too many temptations.
165) Real life already inartistic, why to go to China is the most bustling town entered enter?
166) In real life, have a kind of appearance that indissolubles bewilderingly.
167) The real life shows that morbid spiritual life and irresolvable mental barriers is always one of the important factors which affect people's quality of life.
168) The fact that I perceive my virtual self-image as mere play thus allows me to suspend the usual hindrances which prevent me from realising my "dark half" in real life.
169) In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man - working hands.
170) In real life, it is often heard that the death caused by overstrain, the attack to others and suicide.
171) But we must always bear in mind that it may not show value in the subsequent "real life" evaluation.
172) Because lacks consoling in the real life which should have, then transfers but explores the life and the cosmic inventory metaphysical significance.
173) How much can a young Westerner share of a young Israeli's real life?
174) However, in real life, total somebody is contrary to to go against human nature and be moved, inspect normal amative activity to be like Kou Chou, be about to punish severely surely after that fast.
175) All of the anti-patterns I warn about in my book are from real life experiences.
176) My patient died looking like one of the flesh-eating zombies from "28 Weeks Later, " and indeed in real life, even in the world of the hospital, a death like this is unsettling.
177) CTC is a chip have advanced applications, while CTC also widely used in real life.
178) Sculpture is an imitative art, ie it copies people, things, etc from real life.
179) As she has alternative identity, she has quick-sighted and skillful hands. Those we see as the real dream, which demostrate modern dancing in real life out of thin air.
180) And then a particularly good macroeconomic story happened in real life.
181) Using a real life analogy, when you travel by air, you check-in large pieces of luggage and only claim them when you reach a transfer point or your destination.
182) The method is applied to not only radiant imperilment comprehensive ranking problems, but also other similar multiattribute decision making problems in military, economy and real life.
183) In real life, there are scientific and goodwill cloning, but also exists unwisdom, malicious parody manufacturing.
184) "In real life for the most part we make judgements about how sexually attractive someone is in person and a lot goes on in addition to how they look, " Tracy said.
185) At last, epilog point out real life meaning and negative-said influence.
186) With Marxism in words transformed into Marxism in real life, there will be no more sectarianism.
187) I'm all for these "emotional" gadgets, but somehow nothing can replace a warm, vocal, real life greeting with an emoticon or lights!
188) Compared with what people do in real life, they can play completely different roles in the network. People put off their masks for there isn't any restriction or artificialness in the net.
189) Although the exemption clause has so many disadvantages,() its broad use in the standard contract in our real life is still undeniable.
190) In a real life implementation, you use the activities in the palette to add logic in case a fault was returned, retries if the service is not available, or other processing logic you may need.
191) Each time he learns more, both about the terrorist attack and his real life personal situation, even though Rutledge and Goodwin constantly direct him to focus on finding the bomber.
192) Maybe some of the positive vibes will rub off into my real life.
193) See the real life database output from the ASP file above.
194) A tripod is fine if you are shooting nighttime urban landscapes, but real life just won't hold still for you that long. Moments of truth are fleeting.
195) In real life, you're not likely to refine deuterium oxide, but you are likely to depend on remote servers and beefy databases.
196) What happened was a real life drama of power, greed and sex that is in everyway as dishy as Dallas, and better.
197) But if art offers an ominous foretelling of the experiment, the scientists running it are confident that real life will be different.
198) It is generally accepted that without experiencing hardships and difficulties in real life one can never become strong-minded enough.
199) It seems as if the blanket of depression is in some way necessary to help them blot out the even greater pain of real life.
200) The film has eerie parallels with the drama being played out in real life.
201) While we all think it's great to get things done immediately, right here and now, in real life it's often the case that things take a while to happen, involving multiple steps in a sequence.
202) Most other stories we make up to help us deal with real life.
203) When you add a new link in the link manager, you may specify in this section of the SubPanel the relationship you share in real life with the author of the page to which you're linking.
204) In real life genes can mutate and be selectable for various reasons.
205) Journalism, however, does often capture art in real life. Photojournalism is one means of doing that. Writing that's grounded in factual reporting is another.
206) Crichton examined how that possibility might play out in real life, making the idea accessible even for those without a scientific background.
207) But the fun guy, as he was in real life, is Dean Martin's character – he wears a cowboy hat and, like Dean, doesn't give a shit about anything.
208) Would this suggest a risk of paedophilia in real life?
209) You smoke, go clubbing, hug strange girls like other ordinary men would do in real life.
210) Then, when you use them in real life, a normal person will react by immediately ceasing all hurtful behavior, and even mean people will be taken aback by your directness.
211) The internal interconnection between economy and politics in real life determines the indispensableness of political factors in economic research.
212) Of course, real life blonds don't fit neatly into this taxonomy.
213) Make the scene so unique that it could never happen in real life.
214) However, from the gender perspective, the role division in the process of folk religious rite activities reappear the unequal sex role in real life.
215) But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement were apt to be disappointed.




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