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单词 Nonverbal
(1) Gestures are a nonverbal means of expression.
(2) Nonverbal signals form an important part of communication.
(3) She was an expert in nonverbal communication.
(4) The second stage involves understanding and communicating with nonverbal patterns.
(5) Words take second place to nonverbal cues, personal mannerisms, gestures, expressions, and overall appearance.
(6) Some nonverbal messages are so necessary to language that they must be included in descriptions of it.
(7) Some simulations, such as flight, are largely nonverbal, but some have a high verbal content.
(8) A nonverbal political communication might have enormous impact or might be completely ignored.
(9) At least she had gotten a logical, if nonverbal, response to her question.
(10) Rob hit the speed bumps fast, a nonverbal message to the guard.
(11) Oh no, was her nonverbal reply; this is how it should be done.
(12) This nonverbal way of communication is called body language.
(13) Allow yourself to be a conduit of nonverbal information.
(14) 60 % of all human communication is nonverbal.
(15) Nonverbal communication for classroom teaching also arouses the interest of scholars.
(16) As a type of nonverbal communication(http:///nonverbal.html), paralanguage is of great importance in spoken language communication.
(17) Considering the influence of nonverbal communication, we never really stop communicating.
(18) Also, people pick up considerable nonverbal cues from each other.
(19) Normal use of nonverbal communication, age and d situation appropriate.
(20) These five channels of nonverbal communication exist in every culture.
(21) Nonverbal elements form a major part of any communication interchange.
(22) How you use time is another aspect of nonverbal communication.
(23) Nonverbal communication is processed by a woman's reptilian brain – the physical part of her brain that evolved millions of years before the Mammalian Limbic brain ever evolved around it.
(24) Nonverbal communication has obvious cultural differences as well as verbal communication.
(25) A receiver is likely to remember a nonverbal message even after he or she forgets a specific verbal message.
(26) Paralanguage, a special feature of nonverbal communication, is a language feature worth studying and is one of the important subjects in pragmatics.
(27) By twelve to eighteen months, chil-dren are entering the second stage of nonverbal communication, in which they abstract patterns.
(28) Observing behaviour Observing behaviour is easy because behaviour, verbal and nonverbal, is always overt and therefore eminently observable.
(29) Remember, children with a tendency to-ward aggression often misinterpret nonverbal messages.
(30) The study also shows that, although decision-making competence is correlated with verbal and nonverbal intelligence, it is still a separate skill.
(31) Paralanguage, as a kind of nonverbal symbol, is of considerate importance in intercultural communication.
(32) This paper focuses on kinesic behavior and paralanguage since their influence on interpretation are believed to be more conspicuous, compared with other categories of nonverbal communication.
(33) Cognitive ability was assessed at ages 8.5 and 11.5 y with the Philippines Nonverbal Intelligence Test.
(34) Based on the previous research and my own generalization, nonverbal communication behaviors are classified into four:body language, object language, environment language and paralanguage.
(35) Two measures of cognitive instruments were employed, the Chinese Version of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence and Torrance's Tests of Creative Thinking ( Figural B).
(36) Body language is a means of nonverbal communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication, haziness and humor.
(37) OBJECTIVE:To establish regional norms of the GNIT for healthy elderly people above 56 to enable the completion of nonverbal intelligence test norms suitable for each age groups.
(38) Chapter Three deals with the definition, functions and classification of nonverbal language.
(39) Paralanguage, a feature of nonverbal communication, is a speech act which is worth studying and is one of the important subjects in pragmatics study.
(40) Effective communicators are also capable of observing and interpreting nonverbal communications.
(41) Body language is a means of nonverbal communication that is often found in the communication of mankind. It has characteristics of implication, haziness and humor.
(42) Intonation and voice quality communicate 38 percent, and nonverbal cues transmit a whopping 55 percent.
(43) Nonverbal, because it does not involve the use of words.
(44) Most people who meet him are shocked to hear he was entirely nonverbal at the age of two and a half and still highly echolalia two years later.
(45) However, a nonverbal message may not have a verbal counterpart.
(45) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(46) Body language is a means of nonverbal communication often found in the communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication?haziness and humor.
(47) Squirrel monkey vocalization can be considered as a suitable model for the study in humans of the neurobiological basis of nonverbal emotional vocal utterances, such as laughing, crying, and groaning.
(48) In the strict sense, translation of nonverbal signs refers to transference of description of nonverbal signs.
(49) With the support of nonverbal communication symbols, verbal communication symbol system plays the main role of vitalizing net communication.
(50) If you and your buddy aren't on the same wavelength, the flood of ambiguous nonverbal cues can lead to misunderstanding and befuddlement.
(51) Nonverbal mistakes are often more difficult to avoid than verbal ones.
(52) While, nonverbal active listening includes good eye contact, nodding, smiling, relaxed but professional etiquette.
(53) With classic autism, people might be nonverbal or display behaviors such as rocking, hand flapping or self-injury.
(54) And while Cassandra's genetic marker for nonverbal IQ is three points higher than average, Laszlo and I are just normal.
(55) And because so much of human conversation is nonverbal, e - mail messages .
(56) The aim of any verbal or nonverbal process of defining was to guide the addressee to the psychological experience, which was labile , subtle, intricate and resistant to any reduction.
(57) The problem is that there is no direct correlation between someone's nonverbal behavior and their honesty. "Shiftiness" could also be the result of being nervous, angry, distracted or sad.
(58) Nonverbal thinking, a central mechanism in engineering design, involves perceptions, the stock-in-trade of the artist, not the scientist.
(59) Objective: A set of age norms of the Nonverbal Intelligence Test (NIT) on Chinese children of Han nationality were USED to compare the intelligence of normal children with it of special populations.
(60) Nonverbal communication , like verbal communication, is also a part of culture.
(61) Participants trusted Nexi significantly less when she was programmed with the human nonverbal signals of selfishness.




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