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单词 desultory
释义  des·ul·to·ry /ˈdesəltəri, ˈdez- $ -tɔːri/ adjective formal  PLAN#done without any particular plan or purpose 漫无目的的,毫无计划的,散漫的 They talked briefly in a desultory manner. 他们随意地谈了一小会儿。 —desultorily /ˈdesəltərəli, ˈdez- $ -tɔːrəli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusdesultory• Curious, therefore, that the reception was so desultory.• It perfectly caught the air of feebleness which has characterised months of desultory chatter.• a desultory conversation• He answered a few questions in a desultory fashion, even, it seemed, a little grudgingly.• Conversation was desultory for we were all exhausted though Mandeville declared that tomorrow he would spread his net.• Yet sedimentation and disappearing marshes alone can not explain the thickening of the bay's waters and its desultory humours.• The peace of Utrecht ended the war proper in 1713, but desultory skirmishes carried on until 1714.• She greets us in a desultory way, nothing at all like her usual greeting.Origin desultory (1500-1600) Latin desultorius, from desilire “to jump down”des·ul·to·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  plan done Corpus purpose or any without particular




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