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单词 downturn
释义  Related topics: Business, Economicsdown·turn /ˈdaʊntɜːn $ -tɜːrn/ noun [countable usually singular]  BPEa period or process in which business activity, production etc is reduced and conditions become worse 〔经济活动、生产等的〕下降,衰退 OPP upturn America’s current economic downturn 美国目前经济的衰退downturn in a downturn in the auto industry 汽车工业的衰退Examples from the Corpusdownturn• A downturn in one part of the world has always been partly offset by growth elsewhere.• In this way, landowners can protect themselves from any downturn in the farming economy, says Mr Sanders.• But the semiconductor sector, thought to be most vulnerable to an economic downturn, fell back from several rally attempts.• This group, they argue, still feels insecure and worries about its fate in the face of another economic downturn.• Yesterday's trade figures showed clearly that export volumes were at record levels even in a worldwide economic downturn.• A market downturn in rig moves was more than compensated for by a significant increase in supporting offshore construction projects.• It blamed the cuts on the downturn in the aerospace market.• Song said that the number of people moving to Hong Kong is actually increasing while the number emigrating is on the downturn.economic downturn• There is no loophole to grant budget flexibility in case of an economic downturn.• The world's economic downturn has triggered a rash of defaults in commercial paper and long-term debt, particularly by unrated issuers.• When the Exposition closed Chicago was already in the grip of a serious economic downturn.• A few years hence, the nation experiences a severe economic downturn.• And it is fertile soil for a severe economic downturn in the post-cold war world economy.• Inpart, the fading lustre of famous names can be blamed on the economic downturn of the 1990s.• The economic downturn that began in 1929 was enough on its own to cause an initial increase in failures.• Yesterday's trade figures showed clearly that export volumes were at record levels even in a worldwide economic downturn.From Longman Business Dictionarydownturndown‧turn /ˈdaʊntɜːn-tɜːrn/ noun [countable, uncountable] ECONOMICSCOMMERCEthe part of the economic cycle when prices or the value of stocks, shares etc fallThe publishing sector has proved largely immune to economic downturn.downturn inWe have seen a sharp downturn in orders.Our value-oriented portfolio should serve us well in the event of a market downturn. → compare recession, upturndown·turn nounChineseSyllable  production activity, period etc Corpus process Business business which or a in




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