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单词 done
释义 Word family  noun deed ≠ misdeed do doing adjective done overdone undone verb do outdo overdo redo undo  done1 /dʌn/ verb  x-refthe past participle of do do的过去分词Related topics: Cookingdone2 adjective [not before noun, no comparative]  1  FINISHEDFINISH/COME TO AN ENDfinished 完成的 finished or completed 完成的,终了的 SYN finished The job’s nearly done. 工作快做完了。somebody is done (with something) (=someone has finished doing or using something) 某人完成[用完](某事物) As soon as I’m done, I’ll give you a call. 我一忙完就给你打电话。 Are you done with this magazine? 这本杂志你看完了吗? I’ll be glad when the exams are over and done with (=completely finished). 等考试全部结束我就开心了。2  COOKEDDFCcooked 熟的 cooked enough to eat 熟的,煮好的 → overdone, underdone Is the pasta done yet? 意大利面好了没有?3  be done for informalSERIOUS SITUATION to be in serious trouble or likely to fail 遭殃,完蛋 If we get caught, we’re done for. 要是被抓住,我们就完了。4  done in informalTIRED extremely tired 累坏的,筋疲力尽的 You look done in. 你看上去累坏了。5  be done  (also be the done thing British English)RIGHT/PROPER to be socially acceptable 得体,合乎礼仪 Showing affection in public just isn’t done in Japan. 在公开场合表示爱意在日本是不得体的。6  be done with it  (also have done with it British English)FINISH/COME TO AN END used to tell someone to stop thinking about or trying to decide something because they have already done this enough 赶快把它结束〔因已经考虑或犹豫很长时间〕 Just buy it and have done with it! 把它买下来就是了!7  be done TRICK/DECEIVE British English informal to be deceived or cheated 上当,受骗 If you paid £50, you were done, mate! 要是你付了50英镑,那就上当了,老兄!8  be/get done SCCSCP British English informal to be caught by the police for doing something illegal, but usually not too serious 〔因不太严重的违法行为而〕被警察逮住be/get done for I got done for speeding last night. 我昨晚超速行驶被警察逮住了。9  a done deal informal an agreement that has been made and cannot be changed 已达成的协定,不可再更改的协议 The merger is far from a done deal. 合并事宜远未谈妥。10  done and dusted British English informal completely finished or completed 完成的,结束的 It was all done and dusted within forty-five minutes. 45 分钟内就全部完成了。 → be hard done by at hard2(6)Examples from the Corpusdone• I think the hamburgers are done.• The job's almost done.• Well, I'm done. I'm going home.over and done with• All along, Astorre had been longing to get the campaign over and done with.• Come on then, she shouted silently, let's get it over and done with!• Her past was over and done with.• None of which is to say that racism is over and done with.• Now I've got to save up and get it over and done with.• Now shall we get this over and done with?• The party was greatly relieved to get the whole business over and done with.• The servants glared angrily, eager to get the grisly business over and done with.done3 interjection  AGREEused to agree to and accept the conditions of a deal 好,行,成交〔用于表示同意或接受某交易的条件〕 ‘I’ll give you $90 for it.’ ‘Done!’ “我出90美元买。” “成交!”done1 verbdone2 adjectivedone3 interjectionChinese   Corpus participle past the do of




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