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单词 domiciled
释义  dom·i·ciled /ˈdɒməsaɪld $ ˈdɑː-, ˈdoʊ-/ adjective formal  1. be domiciled in formal SCLto live in a particular place 在…居住2. if a company is domiciled in a place, it is officially registered there 〔公司在某地〕注册的Examples from the Corpusdomiciled• However, there are times when the taxpayer will want to become domiciled in the United Kingdom.• X and Y are domiciled, resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.• Mr X is the settlor, and he is not domiciled, resident or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.From Longman Business Dictionarydomicileddom‧i‧ciled /ˈdɒməsaɪldˈdɑː-, ˈdoʊ-/ adjective LAW be domiciled in if a person is domiciled in a particular country, they live there, and it is thought of as their permanent homethe requirement for all owners to reside and be domiciled in the United Kingdomdom·i·ciled adjectiveChineseSyllable  particular in Business a place Corpus to live




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