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单词 Haughey, Charles J.
释义 Haughey, Charles J. Charles J. HaugheyHaugh·ey, Charles J. /ˈhɔːhi/  (1925–2006) an Irish politician who was taoiseach (prime minister) of the Republic of Ireland three times (1979–81,1982, and 1987–92) and who was the leader of the Fianna Fáil party. In 1970, he was accused of illegally importing weapons in order to supply them to Nationalists, and had to leave his job as a government minister. He was later found not guilty. In 1992 Haughey was forced to leave his job as taoiseach after he was accused of knowing that the telephone conversations of two political journalists had been secretly listened to. In 2003 he had to pay back a large amount of money which he owed as unpaid tax.Haugh·ey, Charles J.Syllable  




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