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单词 dock
释义  Related topics: Water, Plants, Computersdock1 /dɒk $ dɑːk/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable]TTW a place in a port where ships are loaded, unloaded, or repaired 码头;船坞 → dry dock A crowd was waiting at the dock to greet them. 一群人在码头等着迎接他们。in dock The ship is in dock for repairs. 船进坞修理了。2  the docks [plural] the area of a port where there are docks 码头区,港区 James arrived at the docks expecting to see a luxury liner. 詹姆斯来到码头区,希望看到豪华邮轮。3. [countable] American English a jetty 突堤,栈桥4  the dock SCTthe part of a law court where the person who is charged with a crime stands 〔法庭的〕被告席in the dock Three defendants stood in the dock. 三名被告站在被告席上。5  in the dock especially British English thought to have done something dishonest, harmful, or wrong 被怀疑做了坏事 These chemicals remain in the dock until we have more scientific evidence. 在我们找到更多的科学证据之前,这些化学物仍要受怀疑。6  [countable, uncountable]HBP a plant with thick green leaves that grows wild in Britain 酸模〔英国的一种野生植物〕 a dock leaf 一片酸模叶7. [countable] a piece of equipment that connects a portable media player to a computer, television etc 〔便携式多媒体播放器连接计算机、电视机等的〕连接装置,插接站Examples from the Corpusdock• So many defendants have been squeezed into court that extra benches were needed to make one large dock.• Two more docks were added in 1852 and 1856.• The town already has one cruise ship dock.• I imagined I could feel my feet getting wet as the dock sank with shame into the bay.• The boat crossed the bay and let them off at the dock, directly below the hotel.• Hard by the docks, the Cunard Building was the site of a special drop-in centre for veterans of the battle.• Moving on, Ishmael comes to a dim sort of light near the docks.• Cyril sat on the dock and stared out over the water.• Cyril sat on the dock and took a long puff.• Small boats under sail don't use the dock• The ship is now in dock for repairs.dock leaf• Crossly, he came out of the bushes and searched around for a dock leaf.• However, a dock leaf is useless against wasp stings, which contain an alkali.Related topics: Water, Space, Computersdock2 verb  1  ships 船舶 [intransitive, transitive]TTW if a ship docks, or if the captain docks it, it sails into a dock so that it can unload (使)〔船〕进港,(使)停靠码头dock at/in We docked at Rangoon the next morning. 第二天早晨我们在仰光停靠码头。2  dock somebody’s wages/pay/salary BEWto reduce the amount of money you pay someone as a punishment 扣某人的工资/薪酬 The company has threatened to dock the officers’ pay. 公司威胁说要给那几名高级职员降薪。3  computers 计算机 [transitive] to connect two computers using an electrical wire 把〔两台计算机〕连接,对接dock something to/into/with something Users can dock a laptop to their desktop setup. 用户可以把笔记本电脑与台式机系统连接。4. spacecraft 航天器 [intransitive + with]TTS if two spacecraft dock, they join together in space 〔两架航天器〕对接5. animals 动物 [transitive]MHHBA to cut an animal’s tail short 剪短〔动物尾巴〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdock• A trained work elephant then moved up on either side, rather like tugs docking a ship.• The boat docked at Ancora, where Scottie was accepted and allowed to land.• When the ship docked at Southampton its cargo was immediately inspected.• Patients could watch trains load and unload cargo from the ships docked at the waterfront.• The ship docked in Honolulu on November 1.• We finally docked in Portland, Maine, happy to be on dry land again.• The transfer began immediately after Atlantis docked late Saturday.• When the right neurotransmitter docks with the appropriate receptor, the physical structure of the receptor molecule changes.• The repair ship docked with the space station Mir last night.dock at/in• Chaucer worked in the first Customs House, and Pepys saw the building of the first wet dock at Blackwall.• The two brothers parted at the docks in Lothern.• Very comfortable boat, available for inspection at our docks in Miami.• The project includes a railway line, a new town and a 12,000 tonnes per year coal dock at Prince Rupert.• Al Tingley is one fisherman who puts up his boat for the winter and works the fuel dock in the cold months.• Patients could watch trains load and unload cargo from the ships docked at the waterfront.From Longman Business Dictionarydockdock1 /dɒkdɑːk/ noun [countable]1TRANSPORTa place in a port where ships are loaded and unloadedOil can go by pipeline to a nearby dock where tankers can load it.2docks [plural] a port areaJames turned up at the docks expecting a luxury liner, only to find a cargo ship. → see also dry dock3LAW the dock the part of a law court where the person who is accused of a crime standsWith him in the dock and receiving the same sentence was his business partner.dockdock2 verb1[intransitive]TRANSPORTTRAVEL if a ship docks, it sails into a dockThe ferry left Ramsgate for Dunkirk at 9.00am and docked two hours later.2dock somebody’s wages/pay to reduce the amount of money you pay someone, usually as a punishment→ See Verb tableOrigin dock1 (1300-1400) Middle Dutch docke dock2 1. (1500-1600) → DOCK12. (1300-1400) Probably from Old English docca “muscle”dock1 noundock2 verbChinese  place where Business a are loaded, a port ships in Corpus




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