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单词 Dissipated
1. The mist quickly dissipated as the sun rose.
2. The wind quickly dissipated the clouds.
3. The tension in the room had dissipated.
4. The sun dissipated the mist.
5. He often dissipated his energies in trivial matters.
6. As he thought it over, his anger gradually dissipated.
7. The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate cooling systems.
8. These playboys riot in dissipated living.
9. The news dissipated my fear.
10. Flynn was still handsome, though dissipated.
11. He dissipated his large inheritance.
12. The sun shone and the mist dissipated.
13. He plays a dissipated American writer living in Europe.
14. He soon dissipated his fortune.
15. The sun dissipated the mists.
16. The fog dissipated when the sun rose.
17. She soon dissipated her fortune.
18. His savings were soon dissipated.
19. Don't lead a dissipated life.
20. There's no point in dissipated life.
21. His anger dissipated as the situation became clear.
22. Her laughter soon dissipated the tension in the air.
23. Her son's letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety.
24. The volunteers' energy was dissipated by the enormous amounts of paperwork involved in the project./dissipated.html
25. He dissipated the family fortune in only a few years of wild living.
26. He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars.
27. Eventually, his anger dissipated.
28. Little by little, the smoke was dissipated by the breeze.
29. Francis dissipated his large fortune inherited from his grandfather in a few years.
30. If heat can not be dissipated circuits misbehave.
1. The wind quickly dissipated the clouds.
2. The tension in the room had dissipated.
3. The sun dissipated the mist.
4. He often dissipated his energies in trivial matters.
5. As he thought it over, his anger gradually dissipated.
6. The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate cooling systems.
31. What little energy we generated dissipated in. the rafters.
32. Chances of a good rest were soon dissipated.
33. But the tension in northern Chechnya has not dissipated.
34. Expertise was dissipated, professional standards dropped.
35. Close to, the illusion of glowing feyness dissipated.
36. The gas cloud had dissipated by late morning.
37. Shock is dissipated by drawing back the hands.
38. The consonance of intervals is also dissipated by distance.
39. Even more is lost during the transmission process; the lower the voltage the more energy is dissipated.
40. This occurs when the disturbance is dissipated by direct return to a strongly stable state.
41. They dissipated their inheritance money in a very short period of time.
42. Well-structured courses prevent the sense of singleness of purpose from being dissipated.
43. Perspiring and trembling after a dissipated night, he is nevertheless vigorous as he plays the hopeful Lutheran hymns.
44. It was a case of finite time and brainpower too broadly dissipated, Taylor came to think.
45. Once that confidentiality is dissipated by the use of the documents in open court, primafacie the undertaking lapses.
46. This energy is ultimately dissipated by the action of viscosity on the turbulent fluctuations.
47. She had dissipated her fortune by the time she was twenty-five.
48. The tension engendered by the Good Choices program quietly dissipated, but the ensuing peace was short-lived.
49. The changed look at once dissipated the sinister aspect that the gentleman had generated thus far.
50. I lay there pondering this, and my anger dissipated somewhat.
51. Kirov's anger dissipated somewhat as he played the recording over a couple of times.
52. After Taylor was named gang boss and foreman, shop tensions might have dissipated in any number of ways.
53. Initial optimism that the end of the Cold War would lead to a more harmonious world order was rapidly dissipated.
54. Yet neither one of them could remember exactly what had been said; the words had dissipated, leaving only charged air.
55. Very quickly the greatest fortune tended to be dissipated among innumerable descendants.
56. He achieved little in his work and dissipated much of his time in an uncongenial student fraternity.
57. The haze of myth is dissipated, with extraordinary suddenness, from the origins of the world and of life.
58. Part of the reason is that their earnings are dissipated by prices kept high by import controls.
59. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a waster and dissipated his fortune before dying young.
60. The joie de vivre I had experienced in Seoul had all but dissipated.
61. The terror ended only when the weary throng dissipated itself.
62. This energy is dissipated as heat, and increases the amount of disorder in the universe.
63. The repressive measures adopted in the South after the Emancipation Proclamation were rapidly dissipated.
64. But any such force is dissipated because the protagonists are not really incestuous at all, as I shall shown now.
65. The irritation was dissipated by the balm of her bedroom personality.
66. In truth the main justification for the scheme is utterly dissipated.
67. His faith, to a degree, had dissipated his own, imbuing with a little fresh strength his run-down role.
68. Her father had dissipated her inheritance.
69. This compression is not dissipated by agents.
70. This is a method to restrain great joy impairing the heart and restore mental functions by applying fearful factors to astringe the dissipated cardiac spirit.
71. USDA says this year Asian Rust threat to production has largely dissipated.
72. Having made a fortune, they led a dissipated and unashamed life.
73. The nonlinear kinetic characters of landslip action are complex, exoteric and dissipated.
74. Immediately what little romantic glamour this Christmas homecoming had held for her was dissipated.
75. Erasure is a transmutative tone that allows that which one is complete with to be dissipated and released in the field.
76. The factory's meager profit has dissipated due to long-standing liquidity problems.
77. If the current becomes too high, the power dissipated may damage the sample and the cryostat .
78. Yesterday although dissipated, distinguishes to meet by chance difficultly, how can forget your affection.
79. The large amount of heat generated by the engine block has to be dissipated.
80. Sulfonylurea herbicide in the environment can be dissipated mainly through chemical hydrolysis and micro - degradation.
81. Nevertheless, the wave quickly ran out of steam as it entered the Gulf of Alaska and soon dissipated, causing no further problems.
82. After making landfall in Oman, Phet dissipated somewhat, but remained organized enough to move back over the Arabian Sea toward Pakistan.
83. So that scientists find it strange that the Duffy protein gene dissipated and black African origin-specific anti-malaria gene appears to be the evolution of the times at the same time.
84. The temperature inversion dissipated by evening p.m. following periods of sunshine during the day.
84. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
85. The energy is dissipated by subsequent bond cleavage reactions into various " daughter ions ".
86. Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society; deplorably dissipated and degraded; riotous living; fast women.
87. The result is that the impact of a unilateral U. S. attempt at revival by deficit financing may be dissipated abroad.
88. He's dissolute and dissipated.
89. Following administration of an epidural or spinal anesthetic, the patient should demonstrate the ability to void. This provides evidence that residual sympathetic blockade has dissipated.
90. Having made a fortune, they let a dissipated and unashamed life.
91. His neighbour denounce him as a wastrel who had dissipated his inheritance.
92. The rest of the time, energy is dissipated through a set of energy states that do fluoresce in the lab.
93. The power dissipated by the address bus is the important power dissipation source of the DSP.
94. The propagation of rock microcrack is analyzed. The fractal characteristics are analyzed by dissipated energy consumed by microstructure fracture.
95. The displacement of each mode is determined by a balance between the energy fed into the riser over lock-in regions and the energy dissipated by the fluid damping over the remainder.




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