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单词 anaesthetic
释义  Related topics: Drugs, medicinesan·aes·thet·ic (also anesthetic American English) /ˌænəsˈθetɪk◂/ ●○○ noun [countable, uncountable]  MDa drug that stops you feeling pain 麻醉剂under anaesthetic The operation will have to be done under anaesthetic (=using anaesthetic). 手术得在麻醉状态下进行。 Eye surgery is often performed using a local anaesthetic (=one that only affects a particular area of your body). 眼科手术常在局部麻醉下进行。 You will need to have a general anaesthetic (=one that makes you completely unconscious). 你得接受全身麻醉。 —anaesthetic adjective [only before noun] anaesthetic drugs 麻醉药Examples from the Corpusanaesthetic• Seventy percent hepatectomy was performed as described by Higgins and Anderson under ether anaesthetic.• The operation takes around 15 minutes under general anaesthetic.• A needle is inserted between two of your vertebrae after a local anaesthetic has been applied.• Perhaps general anaesthesia should be combined with pre-emptive local and regional anaesthetic blocks more often.• My first meal was days later because, as ever, the migraine kicked in after the anaesthetic.• He/she will decide on your fitness to receive the anaesthetic.• Volatile anaesthetics, such as Enflurane, Halothane and Isflurane, are vaporised into the gas mixture administered to the patient.• We are having to amputate the arms and legs of three, four and five year olds - without anaesthetic.general anaesthetic• Electrodiathermy to cauterize the cervix requires a general anaesthetic and is falling into disuse.• A cone biopsy, which removes rather more tissue, requires a general anaesthetic.• The report recommends that alternative methods of pain and anxiety control should be used to reduce further the use of general anaesthetics.• But she decided Daniel's frail body would not stand up to the painful general anaesthetics and blocked the treatment.• The operation takes around 15 minutes under general anaesthetic.• They were both born by Caesarean, one under general anaesthetic and one under an epidural.• The op - under general anaesthetic - was to remove a damaged cartilage in his left knee.• The procedure, which doctors claim has already saved one marriage, is carried out under general·aes·thet·ic nounChineseSyllable  feeling that pain Corpus a stops you drug




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