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单词 distant
释义 Word family  noun distance adjective distant verb distance adverb distantly  Related topics: Familydis·tant /ˈdɪstənt/ ●●○ W3 adjective  1  far away 远处的FAR far away in space or time 遥远的,远处的;久远的 the sound of distant gunfire 远处的炮火声 Her honeymoon seemed a distant memory. 她的蜜月似乎成了遥远的记忆。 That affair was in the dim and distant past (=a long time ago). 那件事已成为遥远的过去了。 The president hopes to visit Ireland in the not too distant future (=quite soon). 总统希望在不久的将来访问爱尔兰。distant from stars that are distant from our galaxy 与我们星系距离遥远的恒星► see thesaurus at far2  not friendly 不友好的UNFRIENDLY unfriendly 不友好的,冷淡的,疏远的 After the quarrel Sue remained cold and distant. 那次争吵之后,休一直冷淡疏远。3  not concentrating 心不在焉的 thinking deeply about something private, rather than about what is happening around you 心不在焉的,恍惚的,出神的 Geri had a distant look in her eyes. 格里眼神恍惚。4  relative 亲属 [only before noun]SSFFAMILY not closely related to you 远亲的 OPP close a distant cousin 一位远房表亲5  distant from something different from something or not closely connected with it 与某事物不同,与某事物关系不密切 The reality of independence was distant from the hopes they had had. 独立后的现实情况与他们原先所希望的大不一样。 —distantly adverb We are distantly related. 我们是远亲。n COLLOCATIONSnounsthe distant past/future (=a long time in the past/future)It is a fictional story set in the distant past.In the distant future, there may be a cure for the disease.a distant memory (=something that happened a long time ago)Already the summer seemed like a distant memory.distant mountains/hillsFrom here, you can look out to the distant hills.a distant planet/galaxy/starThey saw telescope images of the distant planet Neptune.a distant soundSometimes you can hear the distant sound of traffic from the main road.distant thunderDistant thunder rumbled over the mountains.distant placesShe loved the wild, distant places of Scotland.a distant land literary (=a country that is a long way away)He fled to a distant land.phrasesin the dim and distant past humorous (=a long time ago)Back in the dim and distant past when I was at school, computers didn’t the not too distant future (=quite soon)We’re expecting a final decision in the not too distant future.Examples from the Corpusdistant• Firebug shrugged, his eyes distant.• The neighbors seem very distant, although I try to be friendly.• Fog hangs on the distant and some of the near hills.• As she was growing up, her father was always distant and took little interest in her achievements.• Then her sad eyes met Morse's in a sort of distant, anonymous camaraderie: she smiled across, almost fully.• Howard is a distant cousin of my mother's.• High-tech digital cameras are used extensively in astronomy to capture dim light from distant galaxies.• Travelers came from distant lands to visit the shrine.• Jeff's been kind of distant lately.• There was no sound other than the distant roar of the ocean.• Even the plural in their name seems to make them extend farther into a distant romantic haze.• Adelaida Parra coordinates seven literacy groups each week spending long hours travelling by bus between the distant shanty towns.• By now, the plane was just a distant speck in the sky.• There was a flash of lightning and then the rumble of distant the not too distant future• Wilder thinks there will be a black president in the not too distant future.• Afterwards, Mr. Reynolds announced that the President would be visiting Ireland in the not too distant future.• The latter is already yielding fresh produce and fresh fruit is expected from the orchard in the not too distant future.• This, and similar organisations, may well become agents of environmental change in the not too distant future.Origin distant (1300-1400) Latin distans, present participle of distare “to stand apart”, from stare “to stand”dis·tant adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus time far or away space in




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