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单词 Stays
1. The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away. 
2. The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away. 
3. Everything stays the same, I just can't do it.
4. I hope the weather stays this way.
5. Our cat usually stays out at night.
6. Time stays not the fool's leisure.
7. On Sundays, he seldom stays in the house.
8. Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.
9. She's a glutton for work . She stays late every evening.
10. It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes.
11. The dividend stays at 0.5p.
12. I don't care whether he stays or goes.
13. He stays all the way in the game.
14. What beats me is why she stays with him.
15. He never stays sober for long.
16. He never stays angry for long.
17. It is immaterial whether he stays or leaves.
18. He stays in the swankiest hotels.
19. I hope Tim stays out of trouble this year.
20. whether she stays or not.
21. The TV stays on all day at this place.
22. The store stays open until late on Thursdays.
23. I hope it stays fine for you.
24. I hope it stays dry for our picnic.
25. The TV stays on all day in their house.
26. He stays out late at nights.
27. Unlike other trees, it doesn't taper very much. It stays fat all the way up.
28. Destiny determines who comes into our lives but it's the heart that decides who stays inside.
29. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
30. In the state of love, we can soar go the higher state where everything stays clear and still like the stars above the the sky.
1. Our cat usually stays out at night.
2. On Sundays, he seldom stays in the house.
3. Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.
4. Unlike other trees, it doesn't taper very much. It stays fat all the way up.
5. She's a glutton for work . She stays late every evening.
6. It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes.
31. He always stays at his London club.
32. He stays up drinking till all hours.
33. I hope it stays fine for the picnic.
34. A stack of hay will self-ignite if it stays for a long time.
35. This wine cellar stays at an even temperature all year round.
35. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
36. He never stays in a job long. He gets itchy feet after two or three years.
37. We're just hoping the weather stays nice and keeping our fingers crossed.
38. Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.
39. Let's hope it stays fine for the wedding this afternoon.
40. When lion cubs are young, the mother stays with them while the father hunts for food.
41. A greenhouse stays warm because the glass traps the heat of the sun.
42. I don't know why he stays with her - she treats him like dirt.
43. Even today a man who stays at home to look after the children is regarded as something of an oddity.
44. He's at a crossroads in his career—either he stays in his current job and waits for promotion, or he accepts this new post in Brazil.
45. As long as the economy stays on course (), the future looks rosy.
46. Hikers need a camping permit for overnight stays in the park.
47. He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long.
48. He usually stays quite calm in meetings but this time he just lost his head.
49. We have a beautiful city and we pray it stays that way.
50. He always stays with his mother wherever his mother goes.
51. He stays late in bed on Sunday morning and at other times he has to get up at six.
52. When his master's off traveling, Caleb stays with Pierre's parents.
53. She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.
54. She stays up late at night painting.
55. But there are chronic conditions which mean longer stays.
56. The chrysalis stays fixed to the resting place.
57. If not, the hung parliament stays.
58. The family that e-mails together stays together.
59. Last year, 7-21, that stays in your mind.
60. So Clint's gun stays in its holster.
61. Sally stays there, splayed under the basket.
62. He defined literature as news that stays news.
63. Remember the family that prays together stays together.
64. So he stays at Camelot for a little while.
65. The famous clock tower stays as a permanent reminder.
66. Instead(), he stays with Baby-O to ensure his safety.
67. She falls to the ground, grimacing, and stays down.
68. The mast and stays thrashed the cabin top.
69. A week can be split into four-and three-night stays.
70. But the luggage stays inside the container.
71. They also monitor the production run to make sure that it stays on schedule and correct any problems that may arise.
72. But now Girobank are offering free banking to clubs and voluntary organisations as long as the account stays in credit.
73. Of course the quality of the timeless writing stays the same but fresh interpretations of the characters are always welcome.
74. In this way, hip Benetton stays abreast of the unpredictable storms of fashion.
75. But if the artery stays plugged up for something like 15 minutes or more, permanent damage occurs.
76. Let's hope he is able to get in some training at his field hospital so that he at least stays in touch with his fitness.
77. But if the spending spree stays at the same pace, even more money will be needed later.
78. The government coalition, provided it stays together, has an advantage in organisation and money.
79. The prison caters for short-term stays, with one-third of prisoners being unconvicted and awaiting trial.
80. His romantic notions of Oscar Wilde are fully acted out while he stays in this condition.
81. I hated myself for going, why couldn't I be the kind of person who stays? Jonathan Safran Foer 
82. Planning director Jim Wilkie is recommending that the site stays on the market as industrial land.
83. In the high-visibility, emotionally compelling cases such as maternity stays, an uproar resulted.
84. Control: Misting over flowers Blotchy ripening: Fruits mottled bright red and yellow and flesh stays hard.
85. It might be that two round-trip tickets that include Saturday stays would cost less.
86. He found out about her stays in mental hospitals and some of the problems in her early life.
87. Child-care breakdowns set two-paycheck couples at war over who stays home with the kids.
88. People put together their bids only to find that the work invariably stays with the in-house team.
89. If you devote yourself to God, then He in turn will continually stay with you, as an eternal candle flame stays with a wick, feeding off the overflow of wax; yet reshaping into something better. Anthony Liccione 
90. Inflation stays at 4 Inflation stayed at four point three percent last month bringing a significant boost to the economy.
91. Iii most cases of acute pancreatitis, the lipase activity Stays elevated longer than amylase activity. 321-328.
92. Moving to another provider's Tessa will preserve the tax benefits if the money stays invested for five years.
93. All prescribed medications, hospital stays, and transportation were offered free of charge.
94. Bigdollar contributors were offered overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom.
95. The snow comes a little earlier and stays a little later up on the spruce ridges than it does below.
95. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
96. But what stays with me with complete clarity is that these serious older men were genuinely interested in me.
97. Many hotels offer discounts for stays of 3 nights or more, especially in the low season.
98. Fish photography is probably best started with a species that stays relatively still on the gravel.
99. Rooney stays away from the sideline, the locker room, and the headlines.
100. Branagh, who stays behind the camera this time, now works primarily in movies.
101. The average yachtsmen lashes his ensign to the backstay, and there it stays until it rots.
102. Used with diesel, alcohols cut crude oil use and help with emissions, yet engine power stays much the same.
103. Switzer is regarded as a figurehead who basically just stays out of the way.
104. Her batting average there: five stays of execution, one commuted to life in prison, and two men freed completely.
105. And it is also the reality that stays my hand from the noose and trap when Kasparov speaks.
106. The remainder stays in the donor stream with the large molecular weight substances and is subsequently discarded.
107. Holly will retain his scholarship as long as he stays in school, according to Frieder.
108. How long he stays a King is a point of contention.
109. Such reactions added nearly two days and $ 2, 000 to affected patients' hospital stays.
110. Perhaps, if he stays, he will never regain the confidence of the City.
111. Daniel will move into the new job in early February, as Yates stays to help with the transition.
112. She stays at home with her budgie, her partner and her two surviving children.
113. Books can capture injustices in a way that stays with you and makes you want to do something about them. That's why they are so powerful. Malala Yousafzai 
114. When families can not afford this approach, they sometimes substitute less frequent, longer stays.
115. They promised short stays, more contacts with the outside world and treatment that stressed returning children home whenever possible.
116. And there she stays, waiting in an apartment near the center, for a heart to be donated.
117. It stays together throughout the students' two junior high and four high school years at Thayer.
118. When rock comes to rest under the influence of gravity it just stays there.
119. A band, large or small, that stays together plays better jazz together, and Rollins' sextet proves it.
120. Dixie climbs out to join me, but Carmichael stays inside.
121. However, as we went to press they were still sorting out what stays and what goes.
122. One night, after an extramural film excursion, Carl stays behind in her flat.
123. He pledged that pensioners using the earmarked homes for short stays and for day care would be found alternative facilities.
124. The integral thermostat guarantees that shower water temperature stays constant even if taps are turned on elsewhere. 1.
125. The arts tourist is more highly educated, more affluent(/stays.html), and stays longer than the average tourist.
126. Diana stays at Highgrove and entertains her old friend David Waterhouse for lunch.
127. Like a flower he blossoms and then withers; like a shadow he flees and never stays.
128. So long as demand stays at 1,000 units, no net investment will take place.
129. More rabbits are likely to move in, more rabbits are bred and no area stays denuded for very long.
130. There are also two-day tours involving overnight stays at country hotels as well as delicious food.
131. Some are slow, leaving you standing, resigned, up an avenue where no one you know stays.
132. The calorie count - 452 in every 100 grams - stays the same too.
133. Birds have been seen in every month except June and August, and commonly make prolonged stays.
134. Hospital stays for these patients could be safely limited to 24 to 48 hours with no apparent adverse consequences.
135. Gandhi stayed in Champaran seven months, and returned for two shorter stays.
136. The shit that could be on his mind drifts upward and stays up there until he finally stands still.
137. So savings rates stay high, and consumption, including the consumption of imported goods,() stays low.
138. There were no walking wounded, no agonized hospital stays, no maimed pilots to mar the scene.
139. The longer the government stays closed, the more faulty and less timely any economic data will be, he says.
140. Why the sea anemone stays there and whether it gains anything from this relationship is not known.
141. If our mind refuses to let our body respond, the feeling stays locked in and can affect all our physical processes.
142. They're a very modern couple -- he stays at home with the kids and she goes out to work.
143. Pyjamas seems afraid of them: he stays close to the wall.
144. Then it stays in the burrow alone, visited only at feeding times, for nearly two months.
145. Lately she stays in her house for days on end, goes out only to get food.
146. A leader... is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind. Nelson Mandela 
147. Self closing doors with magnetic gaskets make sure that the door shuts and stays shut.
148. Individually, too, children on polio wards sometimes received considerable special attention, which could make their stays pleasurable.
149. Greenwich Village, the part of New York which stays up all night and starts waking up around midday.
150. Klein says she stays involved as editor of her high school paper, and Nyberg makes friends in the school marching band.
151. Hospitals industrywide have been facing pressures from insurers to cut costs amid declining patient stays.
152. Professional families, where the mother stays at home to look after the children, would be severely hit.
153. Third night free for stays of 3 nights or more arriving on a Saturday.
154. Don't be disheartened if some weeks your weight stays constant.
155. Presuming there are no last-minute stays, that will happen just after midnight.
155. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
156. The Supreme Court ruled that plaintiffs at least be granted stays of deportation until lower courts had adjudicated their cases.
157. Only Lewis, unshakeable symbol of dependability, stays his old self.
158. The four inside stays are now being assembled, two are complete and the other two are well advanced.
159. All or part of the investment can be withdrawn without notice or penalty, provided the minimum balance stays at £10,000.
160. If she stays she is trapped in a marriage and lifestyle which offers scant prospect of achieving personal happiness.
161. It is the kind of story that stays news, and that is why it must be given prominence.
162. Water frozen into solid ice is not available for organisms to grow[], so food stays fresh.
163. But while Stuart frets about first team football, Robert Fleck, also fed up, stays in the side.
164. The Tories, meanwhile, must hope and pray that Smith stays put.
165. Pain may create misery, pain may give you sorrow. It may trouble you today, but will be gone tomorrow. Pain has its ways; it surely comes but never stays. RVM 
166. I step from the car. Dixie climbs out to join me, but Carmichael stays inside.
167. The tune. That’s what stays in your mind. When the tune starts galloping, you need reins to hold on to it. The words become useful there. They are the reins that allow you to ride the horse. Gulzar 
168. The freehold of the pub stays with Whitbread and the beer is still supplied from the same Whitbread depot.
169. It stays away for two, three or even four years, it is deemed to be full-grown.
170. Remember that when the deadline expires and fuel tax stays just the same.
171. The tour director usually stays in the hotel with the group, to be on call if anything should go wrong.
172. Long stays on the lunar surface demand prolonged exposure to an environment differing substantially from that at the surface of Earth.
173. For their trouble, they are given only meals and a hospital bed during their stays.
174. She flits in and out of people's lives and never stays long enough to allow anyone to get to know her.
175. Human biology could rule out long stays aboard a space station.
176. Make sure that the level of the arms stays constant and that you apply some extra resistance as you squeeze.
177. You make progress on the goals, and your supervisor stays involved to monitor and reward your progress.
178. One thing is certain: Moscow will have a say as to whether the burdensome Lukashenko stays in power.
179. The companies began limiting inpatient stays, putting more emphasis on outpatient services.
180. As children no longer needed long hospital stays, the hospital opened its door to adults.
181. We complain if a band stays away too long; we complain if they outstay their welcome.
182. In the other half of the year the apparent spiral stays clockwise but shrinks rather than expands.
183. Business or hatred, there's something that stays the same - it's just that person; just about him.
184. A target for reduced hospital waiting lists, for example, may - by reducing hospital stays - actually impair patients' health.
185. He makes tough business deals, but he makes sure he always stays within the law.
185. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
186. In some families the father goes out to work and the mother stays at home. In others, the reverse situation is true.
187. Make sure that the horse stays calm and does not work himself into a frenzy.
188. The hotel also has its own bar which stays open till midnight and a very reasonably priced restaurant.
189. His standing at the dispatch box stays high, but rarely did he intervene during months of Maastricht debate.
190. He stays up until the early hours devouring the news wires.
191. That nutmeg may have been bought fresh during the Eisenhower administration, but somehow it stays in the family.
192. This is the sight which stays with even the casual observer.
193. A budget that stays in balance will mean lower interest rates and an end to the hidden tax I mentioned earlier.
194. Then, on Monday and Wednesday, one half of the class stays for the entire afternoon.
195. When he stays out of town, he frequently checks into deluxe hotels that charge hundreds of dollars a night.
196. What we used to do - you know in the olden days, the ladies used to use stays.
197. The new procedure could shorten hospital stays by two to three days.
198. Doubtless a sort of graphite derivative, it should ensure that tuning stays smooth and ping free.
199. So long as your investment stays on the books, the adviser receives payment.
200. Left to its own devices, real ale stays in a drinkable condition for about a week.
201. After that, DeLeo stays alone in the crown for a while, meditating or talking to the statue.
202. My smile stays really charming as I stop forward and kick, flat-footed, against the edge of the door.
203. We might find that, after lengthy stays on the Moon, astronauts suffer debilitating degenerative disorders.
204. Helped by salt and sunny skies, snow will also melt slowly even if the thermometer stays below freezing.
205. No one stays visible for long as snipers occupy the upper floors of those buildings left standing.
206. If he stays injury-free, Stumpel should pass his personal best of 76 points.
207. As worldwide demand for its products stays flat and costs remain high, half-year profits have plunged 70% to £15.1m.
208. Stays imposed on the grounds of delay or for any other reason should only be employed in exceptional circumstances.
209. Each stays on his own side of the day room the way the black boys want it.
210. Sometimes he stays around, but it's only a matter of convenience when we're working.
211. The world-famous hospital is facing closure, but doctors and nurses are working very hard to make sure it stays open.
212. Gently stretch the rubber band around the card, making sure that it stays in the slot.
213. And now state legislators and members of Congress are proposing that insurers pay for two-day stays for mastectomies.
214. Stays are continuous over saddles in the pylon.
215. Sturdy nonskid base stays where you put it.
216. The saloon stays open all night.
217. People stays on blacktop, spread oneself.
218. By the time she caught sight of the Leyden house, she was beginning to pant, for her stays were tightly laced, but she did not slow her gait.
219. The golden willow at the river edge Is the setting sun's bride. Her quivering reflection Stays fixed in my mind.
220. If this outspoken MEP is a voice in the political wilderness, some of the Prime Minister's advisers will hope it stays that way.
221. The globe-trotting dunce is more stupid than the dunce who stays at home.
222. So how warm should a penguin egg be so that the chick stays healthy?
223. Description: Crassula perfossa is a small and compact mat forming succulent shrub let that stays relatively low and clumps readily.
224. The cable stays converge to a single point on the apex of the tower.
225. If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then whenever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.
226. A basilisk stays at range and targets its enemies with sleep.
227. Magpie shouldn't have been there, see, because it's a part of the condition of his parole that he stays away from friends and relatives and ex-convicts and just about everybody.
228. The traditional EFL reading teaching approach is mainly atomistic and form-oriented and the reading teaching only stays at the sentence level.
229. Mind goes, and forgetting stays. Waiting for next samsara. I will bury hope!
230. In air not current air conditioning house stays too longly, make person bosom chokes with resentment frowzily easily, giddy dazzled.
231. Analysts also say the seriousness of the crisis will depend on whether Greece stays within the euro common-currency zone or is forced to leave it, and return to the drachma as its national currency.
232. The world is brilliant. But little wonderfulness stays in the busy-looking crowd, until the accidental encounter with such a gorgeous handbag.
233. It cannot be good for a country to subscribe to a fairy-tale version of its own history in which the king never does wrong, stays above politics and only ever intervenes on the side of democracy.
234. The user fixes ohm holder to bicycle seat stays, ensuring the holder is in line with the ohm magnets.
235. Among the varieties available, my preference stays with the old and lovely pink-flowered variety, "Apple Blossom".
236. Well frog stays in well from its birthday to its death. The sky it can see as just as big as the mouth of the well. So people also laugh at its ill-informedness and narrow view.
237. My stays are so tight I know I'll never get through the day without belching.
238. Perfume gush leaves spot not easily in the dress material of abb , nylon . It is more difficult that nevertheless fragrance stays on pure wool dress material abreaction.
239. I'll do the paperwork, even if she stays less than a month.
240. Water also improves the depth of focus —the distances from the camera at which the image projected onto the photoresist stays acceptably sharp.
241. In each sloping plane the stays take the following strand pattern.
242. 'Come, my fine fellow,'continued the captain,'don't hang so long in stays.
243. France already gives pregnant women a large supplementary dose of vitamin D, which is fat-soluble, so it stays in the body for some time.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:34:00