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单词 disenfranchised
释义  dis·en·fran·chised /ˌdɪsɪnˈfræntʃaɪzd/ adjective  not having any rights, especially the right to vote, and not feeling part of society 无权的,〔尤指〕无选举权的;无社会归属感的Examples from the Corpusdisenfranchised• Candidates found guilty of malpractice were liable to be disenfranchised and banned from holding elective office for 10 years.• South Africa finally extended rights to the disenfranchised black majority.• But then the disenfranchised men waged war and the ensuing chaos is with us still.• Some disenfranchised minority voters also complain of police harassment.• They had come to expect nothing from a disenfranchised people except violence and anarchy.• Apart from the domestic danger of a disenfranchised population, there is an external danger also.dis·en·fran·chised adjectiveChineseSyllable  especially rights, having right the Corpus any not to




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