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单词 disappointed
释义 Word family  noun disappointment adjective disappointed disappointing verb disappoint adverb disappointingly  dis·ap·point·ed /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd◂/ ●●● S3 W3 adjective  DISAPPOINTEDunhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or because someone or something was not as good as you expected 失望的,沮丧的 Dad seemed more disappointed than angry. 与其说爸爸生气,倒不如说他失望。 disappointed customers 失望的顾客disappointed (that) I was disappointed that we played so well yet still lost. 我们打得这么好可还是输了,我很沮丧。disappointed at/with/about something Local residents were disappointed with the decision. 当地的居民对这个决定很失望。ndisappointed by somethingn People are disappointed by the lack of political change.disappointed in somebody I’m very disappointed in you. 我对你非常失望。disappointed to hear/see/find etc Visitors were disappointed to find the museum closed. 游客看到博物馆闭馆感到很失望。bitterly/deeply/terribly disappointed The girl’s parents were bitterly disappointed at the jury’s verdict. 女孩的父母对陪审团的裁定感到非常失望。 THESAURUSdisappointed unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or because something was not as good as you expected 〔因希望未实现或某事低于期望而〕失望的,沮丧的Hundreds of disappointed fans were unable to get tickets for the game. 数百名失望的球迷没能买到比赛门票。I was disappointed with the grade I got in my Maths exam. 我对自己的数学考试成绩感到失望。feel let down to feel disappointed because something was not as good as you expected, or someone did not do what you expected them to do for you – a rather informal use 〔因某事低于期望或某人未能做到预期的事而〕感到失望〔较不正式的用法〕I felt let down when I saw the film. 看了这部电影,我感到失望。Nurses feel badly let down – they were promised a pay increase months ago. 护士们感到相当失望——几个月前她们明明得到过加薪的承诺。disillusioned /ˌdɪsəˈluːʒənd◂/ disappointed because you have lost your belief that an idea is right, or that something or someone is good 理想破灭的,幻灭的Their leaders are deeply disillusioned with the peace process. 他们的领导人对和平进程深感失望。Disillusioned voters are turning against the government. 心灰意冷的选民转而反对政府。disenchanted no longer feeling enthusiastic, especially so that you do not think you should be involved in something, or give someone your support 不再热心的,不再抱有幻想的〔尤指从而不想再参与某事或给予某人支持〕Americans have grown increasingly disenchanted with politics. 美国人对政治越来越不热心。a disenchanted workforce 失望的劳动力大军be/feel sorry spoken used when telling someone that you feel disappointed and wish that the situation was different 感到遗憾I’m sorry you can’t come to the party. 你不能来参加聚会,我很遗憾。She always felt sorry that she hadn’t got to know him better. 她一直后悔没有更好地了解他。very disappointed 非常失望的gutted [not before noun] British English informal extremely disappointed, especially because you were unsuccessful 〔尤因没有成功而〕非常失望的I was gutted when we lost the game. 我们输了比赛,我失望极了。crestfallen literary looking very disappointed and sad, especially when you suddenly realise that something you want cannot happen 〔尤因突然意识到所希望的事不会发生而〕沮丧的,垂头丧气的Gary looked crestfallen as they calculated how much money they would need. 他们在计算需要多少钱,加里看上去很沮丧。a crestfallen look 沮丧的神情Examples from the Corpusdisappointed• He seemed disappointed and I soon saw why when I got into the main hall.• I wasn't really disappointed at all.• The Feldwebel looked disappointed at having to endure a situation which he couldn't control.• They look disappointed, but I say study first, train later.• This resulted in disappointed customers, poor operating efficiencies and a loss.• The hall was already full, and hundreds of disappointed fans were turned away at the door.• I'm very disappointed in both of you - I guess I expected better behavior.• Of all those entitled to feel disappointed, no one less deserved such ill fortune than McStay.• The children were very disappointed that we couldn't go to the zoo.• We were disappointed to find that the museum was closed.• Disappointed tourists were turned away from the Washington Monument today, which was closed for repairs.• Backley was bitterly disappointed when an injury prevented him from competing in the Olympic Games.• I felt a little disappointed when she didn't come to the party.• Our younger child was bitterly disappointed when shown the discreet little warning notices.• Were you disappointed with the way you played today?disappointed to hear/see/find etc• But I was disappointed to see Hendrie and Sheridan go for roughly 500K each.• Probably disappointed to find it wasn't twenty-one tabs of acid.• I had an uneventful cream soup and tea, disappointed to find that Juliana must have had the day off.• She was disappointed to find that nothing came immediately to mind.• I was very disappointed to find that the family swim session has been canceled this year.• Most are disappointed to find that the first chapter is mainly about pigeons.• Borrowers, however, may be disappointed to find that the rate only applies to purchases.• They were disappointed to find that the seismic snapshots were too blurry to support those kinds of mental leaps.dis·ap·point·ed adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  because did unhappy something you happen, not Corpus hoped for




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