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单词 slattern
释义  slat·tern /ˈslætən $ -ərn/ noun [countable] old-fashioned  UNPLEASANTa dirty untidy woman – used to show disapproval 邋遢女人〔含贬义〕 —slatternly adjectiveExamples from the Corpusslattern• Anyway, the stranger was about to leave when a slattern dropped a tankard.• A slattern brought his own meal, a thickly spiced bowl of soup.• A slattern, evidently his wife, looked on fearfully.• Two days later I was in the taproom of Le Coq d'Or, the slattern beside me half drunk.Origin slattern (1600-1700) Probably from German schlottern “to hang loosely”slat·tern nounChineseSyllable  disapproval show – used a woman Corpus dirty to untidy




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