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单词 Clack
1. I heard the typewriter clacking in the next office.
2. The windshield wipers clacked back and forth.
3. He could hear the clack of high heels walking past in the corridor.
4. She clacked out the secret.
5. He clacked the cup against the saucer.
6. Her heels clacked on the marble floor.
7. Her typewriter clacked noisily as she typed out the letter.
8. I clacked one ski against the other and almost tripped.
9. The old woman will clack for a long time when she meets her neighbours.
10. Stop clacking your pencils!
11. The keys clacked as she typed.
12. Miguel said, bubble gum clacking in his mouth.
13. It makes a faint clack against the tile roof.
14. The engine stopped its fretful clacking and began to bellow with satisfaction as the air became stronger.
15. His knee jerked up and down to the clacking of the metronome on the piano lid.
16. Her long fingernails clacked against the rim of a champagne glass.
17. With more here's Owen Clack.
18. The actor Clack Gable is excellent too.
19. Bits all khrrrrklak in place clack back.
20. This paper presents a new valve clack structure of the solenoid valves,(http://) and shows its advantages.
21. City fire chief Jim Clack said that emergency work was no longer a rescue operation and had become a recovery operation.
22. With clack of firecrackers, we realized that Zengrui was gone for ever. 19 persons attended the funeral comprising much more regardful voices, while the poet would never say a word.
23. He laughed softly, and answered: " Miss Clack is in the library. "
24. I heard the clack of her heels on the sidewalk.
25. They gazed in awe at the hive of activity against the muted background clack of typewriter and word processor keyboards.
26. Mechanical power still held sway, power transmitted through gears and belts, power that clacked and whirred, hammered and hissed.
27. Maybe he had lost it when running away from the fracas of metal and hollow clacking of gunfire.
28. Edna said, with a blinding smile, the echo of her clacking heels loud on the hardwood floor of our hallway.
29. Fine, dry nights were accompanied by the sound of wild pea pods clacking like castanets.
30. Red focuses on the gun, listening to it CLICKETY - CLACK. Sparky wheel grinding.
1. He could hear the clack of high heels walking past in the corridor.
31. JENNIFER A. CLACK, a Reader in vertebrate paleontology and doctor of science at the University of Cambridge, has been studying tetrapod origins for 25 years.
32. You want me to clack that jaw, make you go nigh - nigh?




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