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单词 din
释义  din1 /dɪn/ noun [singular]  1 LOUD/NOISYa loud unpleasant noise that continues for a long time 〔持久的〕嘈杂声,喧闹声din of The din of the engines was deafening. 引擎的噪声震耳欲聋。above the din Ged was trying to make himself heard above the din. 格德试图让人们在嘈杂的声音中听到他说的话。Examples from the Corpusdin• Their combined din, after a few hours, got to be annoying.• It was a harrowing din, a cascade of furious voices merged into a single pulsating shout.• The Doctor was left to wave his arms and shout; he could not be heard above the din.• I shouted to make myself heard above the din.• It feels awkward to be voicing our most personal pain above the din of the airport.• We couldn't hear ourselves talk above the din of the crowd.• The fans were out of their minds, and the din was deafening.• Insert an addictive drug into the system and the din from the second messengers becomes deafening.• The hall resounded with the din of thirty children scraping violins, banging drums and singing loudly.• The din in the hall stilled.above the din• But it is a case that can not be heard above the din of bombs and bullets.• The Doctor was left to wave his arms and shout; he could not be heard above the din.• In a room full of shouting people, you have to yell to be heard above the din.• Away in the far comer a three piece band was manfully trying to make itself heard above the din.• It feels awkward to be voicing our most personal pain above the din of the airport.din2 verb (dinned, dinning)  1 din something into somebody phrasal verb LEARNto make someone learn and remember something by saying it to them many times 再三叮嘱,反复教导 Respect for our elders was dinned into us at school. 在学校里我们被反复教导要尊敬长者。→ See Verb tableOrigin din1 Old English dynedin1 noundin2 verbChinese  noise long for time unpleasant a a continues Corpus that loud




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