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单词 dextrose
释义  Related topics: Biology, Chemistry, Nutritiondex·trose /ˈdekstrəʊz, -strəʊs $ -stroʊz, -stroʊs/ noun [uncountable]  HBHCDFNHBa type of sugar that is in many sweet fruits 葡萄糖,右旋糖Examples from the Corpusdextrose• If there is no response to glucagon after 10 minutes intravenous dextrose should be given.• Many general practitioners will know the unpleasant effect that a broken phial of dextrose has on the inside of a medical bag.• McGregor etal have shown that dextrose given intravenously inhibits meal stimulated intraduodenal bilirubin output.• Both treatments produce a good response, though dextrose acts almost immediately and glucagon takes one to two minutes.Origin dextrose (1800-1900) Latin dexter “right”dex·trose nounChineseSyllable  a in sugar is type Corpus of that




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