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单词 Set on
1. He was set on by robbers.
2. The aircraft was set on automatic pilot.
3. Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.
4. The hotel is set on three floors. There's a bar and cafe at ground level.
5. She seems set on marrying him.
6. The castle is set on a steep hill/hillside.
7. His life was set on an irrevocable course.
8. She has her sights set on becoming a writer.
9. The village is set on a small hill.
10. He bought the television set on approval.
11. She was set on going to an all-girls school.
12. He's set on going to university.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. She's absolutely set on publishing as a career.
14. She's dead set on getting this new job.
15. She's set on a career in medicine.
16. He's set on going to the college.
17. Nina's set on going to the party.
18. Usually the heating is set on 'low'.
19. He's dead set on getting a new job.
20. Many of the chalets are set on a hillside reached by steps.
21. A thirty-five-year-old man was set on by four youths last night.
22. Don has his sights set on a career in law.
23. I opened the gate, and was immediately set on by a large dog.
24. I was set on by their dog as soon as I opened the gate.
25. She was set on by a thief in the park.
26. Britain's universities are set on a collision course with the government.
27. A post office was set on fire and vehicles were stoned by looters.
28. A gang of youths set on him outside a pub and roughed him up.
29. During the riot shops were looted and cars damaged or set on fire.
30. Trade was so good that the firm was able to set on more workers.
1. He was set on by robbers.
2. The aircraft was set on automatic pilot.
3. During the riot shops were looted and cars damaged or set on fire.
4. The hotel is set on three floors. There's a bar and cafe at ground level.
5. Trade was so good that the firm was able to set on more workers.
31. He told her how the boys in East Poldown had set on him, teasing him.
32. We hurried through the colourless little town set on the fast-flowing Nyakchu.
33. Set on a cool wash and finish with a short spin.
34. The film is set on the home front in 1943.
35. The council is now set on expanding the sports centre.
36. Dozens of people have been injured and many vehicles set on fire.
37. She's got her heart set on going to France this summer.
38. Turn it back again and set on three bricks.
39. They passed a Baptist church set on cinder blocks.
40. Fire investigators believe the fire was set on purpose.
41. Questions set on these lines have good diagnostic potential.
42. Malcolm has his sights set on becoming a sportscaster.
42. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
43. Were the limits set on their radiation exposure acceptable?
44. An upper limit was then set on transfer fees.
45. This negative response created great distress to Mrs X as she has her heart set on becoming an embalmer.
46. After six years in power, Park was becoming more repressive and had his sights set on long-term rule.
47. Both pictures depict a glass vase set on a stone plinth with variegated tulips, daffodils, irises and other flowers.
48. At five o'clock the phone set on the tailgate of the Range Rover trilled.
49. Or a priest of some unknown religion who strides towards us, implacably set on some atavistic rite?
50. If you have your hearts set on a joint endowment, you have two alternatives to cashing in the present one.
51. But do the public have their sights set on an Urbanizer?
52. Her oval face with its large dark eyes and high forehead was set on a long, graceful neck.
53. There were thus two examination systems set on diverging courses for membership of the same Division.
54. The passengers on a plane arriving from Istanbul were set on by the pickets at Tegel airport yesterday.
55. But Wolfgang was set on going to Munich, armed with two new arias for Aloysia.
56. A chemist, estate agent and travel agent in Bradford were attacked with petrol bombs and three Hindu temples set on fire.
57. We staked claim to the two-man tents set on a steep slope in the rain forest.
58. While others had comparatively modest ambitions, her heart was set on becoming a star.
59. It was set on the roof at the front of the Hall, and the view over rolling countryside was magnificent.
60. In the ensuing riot, a hut containing refugees seeking to flee the violence, mainly northerners, was set on fire.
61. The group for which we were doing the development work brought in a test set on a diskette.
62. When boar is finished cooking, remove strings and set on platter. Cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.
63. She was set on fire by a shell exploding among the cotton with which her engines were protected.
64. Time limits may be set on how long employees can leave their goods in storage and receive reimbursement from their employers.
65. The Palace of Justice - a terrible misnomer - was set on fire by the workers.
66. Stone funerary beds are set on each side of the main chamber.
67. By adopting this methodical approach you should avoid the pitfalls and successfully answer any questions set on this subject.
68. Teng is thought to have her sights set on the Board of Supervisors' presidency.
69. Lighting is by two Floraset mercury vapour lamps which were originally set on a timer to give 11 hours of light.
70. We'd set on living together, and seeing how it worked out, with or without the baby.
71. His mind was set on walking down his quarry and had room for nothing else.
72. Set on the main road - 15 minutes walk from the resort centre, local buses stop nearby.
72. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
73. Four highly competitive tavernas, each beautifully set on the waterside, vie for your custom.
74. She came to the dining-room first, a vast, almost medieval room with heavy furniture set on terracotta floor tiles.
75. Big osier ones, flat, that you could crook over your arm or set on the ground.
76. The interior is unusual with columns set on circular plan but with flatter, straight sides to the exterior walls.
77. The third was a heavy metal musical set on the Isle of Skye.
78. He was beaten, set on fire, and cast into the River Enns with a rock tied to him.
79. But Equitable was set on the Halifax deal and has signed a binding contract for the first half of its proposals.
80. A fractional rig is set on a Proctor spar with swept-back spreaders.
81. Or do you strain every sinew to go for that elusive target set on a small plateau?
82. The cottage is set on the highest ridge of the Chiltern Hills and is surrounded by the most glorious countryside.
83. Lance Rees was set on as he passed the sorting office in Withernsea, Humberside, on his way to school.
84. Complete the set on one arm and then change sides.
85. Millfield-educated Hewitt already has his heart set on working for Virgin tycoon Richard Branson's planned privatised train service.
86. Remove and set on wire rack to cool.. 6 to 8 servings.
87. Opposite her was a small washstand with a coarse crockery toilet set on a fake marble top.
88. Cars were set on fire and a bomb attack was made against the mayor's car with his family inside.
89. In other instances we read that museum collections were set on fire.
90. An easily controlled, relatively short rig is set on a two-spreader mast.
91. The long-stop defence against overspending on a credit card is the credit limit set on its use.
92. Having a statistically valid set on which to train a network is important.
93. Our prime minister is a failed bus conductor from Brixton set on creating a classless society.
94. Set on Corton Cliffs high above the beach, it's a lush meadowland course ideal for mixed ability groups.
95. The room was dark; the only light was a splash from the anglepoise lamp set on the table beside her.
96. They were hacked to death and their bodies set on fire.
97. Michelle, set on being an actress, wasn't interested at first, but in the end she swallowed her pride.
98. Movie sniper Jude Law and Rachel Weisz are covered in mud but still have their sights set on desire.
99. Inside, some oil was set on fire and equipment damaged, prompting an argument about nonviolence.
100. Although Paul is training to become an instrument designer, his sights are now set on an engineering post.
101. Note that the pump is set on a level plinth.
102. Hotels[], shopping centres and offices increasingly seem set on going into competition with Kew Gardens.
103. I stepped out on to a floor of empty desks set on an acre or more of thick carpet.
104. Set on the promenade, opposite the beach, the hotel has its own freshwater swimming pool with poolside bar.
105. If you're set on getting a cordless mouse Logitech's contender must be seriously considered.
106. Manuel Perez's brother left after his house was set on fire.
107. The meat is then replaced into the oven and set on combi-steaming for the rest of the cooking time.
108. The toboggan consists of a wide wicker basket with a cushioned seat, set on wooden runners.
109. The series is set on a giant space station shaped like a cylinder rotating about an axis along its length.
110. His sights also are set on putting Clark Atlanta University on the global map as a research institution.
111. This is set on one side to start again after emptying out your reward, the valuable compost.
112. A field of enormous white microwave dishes, each large enough to cradle a school bus, is set on a hill.
113. The full council will confirm the charges set on 4 March.
114. A pail of cold water for washing was set on the floor so that performers had to bend over to use it.
115. Lunch was set on the terrace, as he'd promised, and Luce let him draw out a chair for her.
116. Before being dumped she had been beaten, stripped and then had petrol poured over her body and was set on fire.
117. Many of the chalets are set on a hillside reached by steps - not ideal for the infirm or very young children.
118. St Gilgen St Gilgen is set on the north west shore of the Wolfgangsee.
119. Many of the Keishinkai parents have their hearts set on Keio.
120. He was kidnapped by vigilantes in El Centro, beaten and robbed, and then set on fire.
121. Some analysts have estimated the potential investment at more than $ 100 billion by companies with their sights set on productionsharing deals.
122. Because the front bed is now the main bed, the main tension is set on the front carriage.
123. Le Gum's is set on another planet and Piercy's is far in the future in Massachusetts.
124. As we also noticed in chapter 3, we can not predict the full membership of the set on phonological grounds.
125. The portion of the Subeshi cemetery excavated in 1992 consisted of some 40 low stone cairns covering burials set on wooden beds.
126. During the riots several cars were overturned and set on fire.
127. The rates will be set on the fifth business day of each month.
128. How could he change his life, which seemed irretrievably set on a course of obscurity?
129. Eva they decked out in the gold trimmings for a General, set on a pink velvet collar with a lace edge.
130. Wherever 007 goes, he can be sure of encountering megalomaniacs set on world domination.
131. Set on greased cookie sheet or pizza pan and brush on olive oil.
132. We made our base in the city of Rethymnon, set on a bay lying between the White and Idi mountain ranges.
132. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
133. Love is set on fire.
134. He is set on go into business.
135. She is dead set on going abroad.
136. The building was set on fire yesterday.
137. He is dead set on following you.
138. Russia is now set on thwarting US interests.
139. There is an exquisite tea set on the table.
140. Quiberon is set on an eight-mile peninsula.
141. a castle set on a crag above the village.
142. She is dead set on becoming an actress.
143. There is a horizontal scroll bar of some sort on the bottom. (We arent too set on that particular scroll bar.
144. He was disappointed and set on the floor, but found a bottle sealed with a cork stopper nest to the water pumper.
145. When the bearing of seismic isolation is set on the top of piers and at the bottom of piers respectively, the basic period and the seismic response are bound to be different.
146. Use a hot-water bottle or a heating pad set on low.
147. A picture of Saddam Hussein is set on fire by US Marines.
148. There are still a few more network settings to set on the next screen, such as gateway and DNS details, as shown in Figure 14.
149. Faults: Light eyes or set on the slant, drooping lids. White speck on the eye.
150. As the sun begins to set on some of the most spectacular scenery of the whole trip, we race to reach Gouda before nightfall.
151. Seat ring and wedge seating surfaces are set on a 5 degree angle from vertical to minimize sliding contact of the wedge and seat ring during opening and closing.
152. Yet only a fortnight later, MEPs appeared set on showing th at the p arli ament is a world unto itself.
153. The home's new "social space, " said Mrs. Washington, 34, is anchored by a pine dining table made from a drafting board set on a metal frame.
154. This works best with a compact set on a tripod; simply hold a removed lens from the sunglasses' frame as close to the front of your camera lens as possible.
155. In one shop, five girls, one an ethnic Tibetan, were set on fire and killed.
156. The poor woman was set on fire and her child ripped from her womb (Asklepios etymologically meaning to be cut out).
157. In the unrest, the local police building was set on fire and its windows were broken.
158. Form a quenelle of the white crab meat and set on top of the plaice.
159. The main cookroom is set on the second floor, which enables itself provide guests with kickshaw conveniently and fast.
160. The flowing channels are set on the ratchet wheel dial, which are corresponding to the water diversion grooves that are uniformly distributed on the water diversion plate.
161. The effects of small grains set on the surface of prolate spheroid on SFL were also observed and analyzed.
162. You've got your heart set on a killer 2275 cc Dual Port street screamer .
163. Alonso has confirmed that his future at Anfield is far from certain, amid reports he has his heart set on a move to the Spanish capital.
164. By a humble spark a town is set on fire.
165. If Reset pattern set on startup is enabled in console setting, the first in frequently-used layout is always loaded when local console is invoked.
166. Two-wheel vehicle is a set on which we can study controlling of the systems with uncertain parameters, non-linear systems, adaptive systems and intellectual control.
167. From the angle of mathematical methodology, by analyzing some typical examples, the forth application are set on constructivity method of mathematics.
168. How do let a girl be dead set on to the boy student?
169. The invention relates to a temperature adjusting mechanism of hot-wind furnace. In detail it is set on the air outlet to control hot-wind temperature of heat resource automatically.
170. The exterior of the Grand Corniche Hotel will be completely of glass and the tower is set on a rectangular podium. Through the crescent runs a spire that adds to the overall grace of the building.
171. I was dead set on having my own way this time.
172. I immediately set on my quest to draw the world's greatest skyscraper, though after a few tries my skyscraper still only looked like a huge cereal box with a straw on top.
173. A layer of reddish-brown dust still covered most of the interior surfaces, and engines that had been removed from two of the tanks and set on mounts were receiving no attention.
174. Fixed charm powers that did not have recast timers set on them.
175. Two passenger cars were set on fire outside the hotel.
176. He was a man of striking ugliness; fat with a bullet - head set on a short neck.
177. Some results concerning the characteristics of probabilistic bounded set, semi - bounded set and unbounded set on PN spaces are presented in this paper.
178. Lower the heat and allow the omelet to set on the bottom.
179. Six hundred Viking boats attacked Hamburg , which was set on fire.
180. The relaxation test machine includes one deformation measurer set on the test sample to measure the length change of the test sample.
181. Stunning production, unsurpassed DJ line ups and the renowned atmosphere has made our secret spy soiree the destination for the most discerning social set on the London scene.
182. He set on people to persuade him to wrestle with the famous wrestler.
183. For some reason the shelf was set on a slant.
184. There are other issues with the memorial, set on the Tidal Basin between the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials, too.
185. The clouds and the boat are set on a golden velum by the sunshine.
186. All .jcl files are moved to the specified target JCL data set on the MVS system.
187. Mr Field set on foot the enterprise of connecting Europe and America by a submarine telegraph.
188. A price was set on the head of every Jesuit.
189. The device needs to support the same security type that is set on the router.
190. She came and set on the edge of the chair, hesitantly.
191. His legs are pillars of marble set on bases of pure gold.
192. A tire set on fire with gasoline was around the neck of one victim.
192. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
193. Tynan lay back in his swivel chair, arms crossed on chest, eyes set on the ceiling.
194. Gnaw: This ghoul ability is now able to be set on autocast.
195. Hold the bottom one between the thumb and set on the ring finger.
196. The Japanese yen held steady half-a-yen above the record level of 76.1 yen to the dollar it set on Friday.
197. As the cooling system wasn′ t set on the back of the original horizontal-type kneader in carbon plant of aluminium corporation of Cina Ltd. , which leads to the anode quality fluctua...
198. Tight limits were set on disposal into the rivers at only 1.5 degrees above their ambient level.
199. As I arrived a lorry had just been set on fire and was burning fiercely.
200. Check point should be set on water drainage riser each level. It should be set at lowest level and highest level which has sanitary fittings.
201. The wet stroke trouble appeared in operation of the refrigerator set on the B23 type mechanical refrigerator car is analysed.
202. Hyphenation options set on are effective only if hyphenation is turned on through paragraph styles.
203. Dead set on having his own way, the young man married the dance girl.
204. If your heart is set on an evening celebration, host your wedding on a weeknight instead of a Friday or Saturday.
205. A pixel structure contains one substrate, one first pixel unit, one second pixel unit and one third pixel unit set on said substrate.
206. "We aren't set on just having books purchased from our store," said Steve Haber, Sony Electronics' ...
207. Whenever Wicket encounters the tag, it reads the value of the key from the locale-specific properties based on the locale set on the HTTP request object.
208. Fifteen thousand gawkers attend the main event on Aug. 15, set on the 18th hole of the Pebble Beach Golf Links.
209. Margaret was always mischievous and set on her own individual course.
210. On Tuesday, spot gold shot up to a session high above $1,200 an ounce, though a bit off the record $1,248.95 per ounce set on May 14.
211. Trucks have been burned, drivers killed and merchandise have been looted and set on fire.
212. His wealth has been pegged at $130 million, but he's happy to eat a bowl of dumplings set on a folding card table outside his house.
213. The German capital of Berlin has seen at least 29 luxury sedans set on fire since this year, including Citroens, BMWs and Porsches, the China News Service reported Monday.
214. The United Nations Organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world set on it.
215. The well furred tail of fox-brush shape is set on just below the level of the topline, and is usually carried over the back in a graceful sickle curve when the dog is at attention.
216. I think we've walked past the one that's been set on fire.
217. Her dwellings are set on fire; the bars of her gates are broken.
218. In Made in Russia, novelist Gary Shteyngart explains, "A pair of tweezers wrapped in cotton are soaked in vodka or rubbing alcohol and set on fire.
219. I can demolish every fortress if its foundations have not been set on stone.
220. Acentric ingates are used to set on the moving mould and slag-collector is set at the end of ingate and at converging zone of liquid metal from two sides.
221. Passion abounds in this romance set on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where the rough-hewn Seth Quinn wins over Drusilla, the town's icy beauty. Great characters, great dialogue, fun and steamy scenes.
222. The two-level residential area in light-colored masonry is set on a dark-hued base that neutralizes the slope of the terrain and houses the building mechanicals.
222. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
223. The further improved electrosurgical knife cleaning tool includes also one collecting device set on the cleaning body to collect the scrap.
224. For example, the RepoItemHandle, the name of the item, the creation date of the item, and anything else set on the actual Content object is an attribute.
225. Manhole, observation hole and measure hole are set on the wall.
226. Passion abounds in thellos romance set on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where the rough-hewn Seth Quinn wins over Drusilla, the town's icy beauty.
227. Only a handful of people were dead set on following him.
228. Radiotherapeutic plan was worked out and dosage distribution were set on the basis of the carcinoma position, clinical target volume, health condition of patients and therapeutic aim.
229. Men dressed as Santa Claus wait for their wakeboard run at a water ski set on a small lake in Hamburg December 5, 2010.
230. Passion abounds in this romance set on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where the rough-hewn Seth Quinn wins over Drusilla, the town's icy beauty.
231. The United Nations Organization has not justified the hopes that the people of the world set on it.
232. One fixed component, it includes a draw part and a press part, the draw part is prominence of the plug bonding pad, the press part is set on surface of the shell.
233. Don't worry, dear. All the cigarette will be set on fire.
234. It has not been resolved to set on closing in on the circular arc with the method of minimum Squares until now.
235. When Lynn Grebstad of Hong Kong first thought about building a villa in Thailand, she was set on Phuket, the grande dame of Southeast Asian resorts.
236. The chip set on the main board generates a long stream of Wait State signals, forcing the CPU to wait for 250 nanoseconds .
237. Motorbikes were set on fire, sending bursts of bright flame skyward.
238. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the region size is to be explicitly set on the designer region by the design host.
239. Shapefiles to be imported must reside in a hierarchical file system (HFS) data set on z/OS.
240. Automatic Face Grinder DMSQ-C type, the company is set on the basis of the German Grinding technology, developed from the fourth generation of fully automatic adjustable speed knife grinder.
241. A stunning tower-defense game set on the planet of Hoth, Battle for Hoth pits you against the Imperial Army as you aim to defend the Echo Base from attack.
242. In MSS, the portion of a sequential data set on a virtual volume that can be staged for processing.
243. I was pretty stoked when SRAM pr honch Michael Zellman called me up and actually offered to come to my house to install a complete group set on my bike. No lie!
244. Moscow was set on fire during the war against Napoleon.
245. She acquired dual citizenship with the Caribbean nation of St. Kitts and Nevis in hopes of making the 2008 Olympic Games and now has her sights set on 2012.sentence dictionary
246. For if he believed what he said, then his life was set on an irrevocable course.
247. Additional, set on shoe on the spherule of posse shagginess also is very modern dress up oh.
248. An exciting swashbuckling arcade action game set on the high seas!
249. The reliable and safe operation of the electrical equipment in power system depends on the insulation level of the equipment and the voltage set on the insulation.
250. That sounds delicious, but I had my heart set on the spareribs.
251. The schemes which separately set on the principle of target coverage ratio and important extent of highway were studied in detail.




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