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单词 develop
释义 Word family  noun developer development redevelopment adjective developed ≠ undeveloped developing verb develop redevelop  Related topics: Technology, Photographyde·vel·op /dɪˈveləp/ ●●● S2 W1 verb  1  GROWgrow 生长 [intransitive, transitive]DEVELOPGROW/GET BIGGER to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more advanced, or to make someone or something do this (使)成长,(使)发展 → advance Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly. 遗传学领域的知识发展非常迅速。 Corsica has developed its economy around the tourist industry. 科西嘉岛的经济是围绕旅游业发展起来的。develop into Chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s. 19世纪末,芝加哥发展成了一个大城市。develop from It’s hard to believe that a tree can develop from a small seed. 很难相信一棵树是由一粒小小的种子长成的。 exercises to develop muscle strength 锻炼肌肉力量的运动2  PLAN/PRODUCTnew idea/product 新想法/新产品 [transitive]DEVELOPINVENT to design or make a new idea, product, system etc over a period of time 形成〔观点〕;研制〔产品〕;制订〔规划〕 Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis. 科学家正在研制治疗关节炎的新药。 She should have developed her own style instead of copying him. 她应该塑造自己的风格,而不是去照搬他的。 Researchers are developing technology for the US military. 研究人员在为美国军方开发技术。► see thesaurus at make3  feeling 感觉 [transitive] to start to have a feeling or quality that then becomes stronger 形成,产生 He had developed a certain affection for me. 他对我产生了一些好感。develop a sense/awareness/knowledge of something The children are beginning to develop a sense of responsibility. 孩子们渐渐开始有了责任感。 It was in college that he developed a taste for (=started to like) rugby football. 他是在大学里喜欢上橄榄球的。4  skill/ability 技术/能力 [intransitive, transitive] if you develop a skill or ability, or if it develops, it becomes stronger or more advanced 加强,增强 The course is designed to help students develop their speaking skills. 这门课程旨在帮助学生提高口头表达能力。5  disease 疾病 [intransitive, transitive]GET if you develop a disease or illness, or if it develops, you start to have it 患(病),得病 Some alcoholics develop liver disease. 一些酗酒者会患上肝病。 Pneumonia can develop very quickly. 肺炎发病可能会很快。6  fault/problem 故障/问题 [transitive] to begin to have a physical fault 产生,出现〔故障〕 The oil tank had developed a small crack. 油箱出现了一条细小的裂缝。 The plane developed engine trouble and was forced to land. 飞机发生引擎故障,被迫降落。7  BECOME MORE ACTIVEproblem/difficulty 问题/困难 [intransitive]INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT if a problem or difficult situation develops, it begins to happen or exist, or it gets worse 〔问题或困难〕出现,产生;加剧 Trouble is developing in the cities. 城市里骚乱正在上演。develop into Regional clashes could develop into larger quarrels. 地区性冲突可能演变为更大的纷争。8  IDEA/ARGUMENTidea/argument 观点/论点 [transitive]MORE THAN BEFORE to make an argument or idea clearer, by studying it more or by speaking or writing about it in more detail 详细阐述〔论点或观点〕 We will develop a few of these points in the seminar. 在研讨会上我们将详细阐述其中的一些观点。9  LANDland 土地 [transitive]HET to use land for the things that people need, for example by taking minerals out of it or by building on it 开发〔土地〕 The land was developed for low-cost housing. 这块土地被开发建造廉价住宅。10  PHOTOGRAPHYphotography 摄影 [intransitive, transitive]TCP to make a photograph out of a photographic film, using chemicals 冲洗,使〔底片〕显影 Did you ever get the pictures developed? 你到底有没有把照片冲洗出来?→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdevelop• The interesting part of the movie is how the two women's relationship develops.• Further Developments To obtain maximum benefit, any such system has to be reviewed and developed.• In doing so, he developed a blister on his foot that turned into a diabetic ulcer.• They construct it in the sense of developing a conception of the real as being the refractory limit of their own actions.• We need to help young people develop a sense of responsibility while they're still at school.• The department is developing a strategy to fight unemployment.• The organization has developed a successful program to increase parents' involvement in schools.• Did some not develop as a flourishing centre of the renaissance, and were the Popes not initiators of the movement?• The Internet has developed at a remarkable rate.• One in nine women will develop breast cancer.• It is possible to develop diabetes in adulthood.• They have developed drug addiction in the communities.• And marriage developed everywhere to encourage men to stick around their children.• She developed from a shy child into an international star.• However, it is now known that some corals can survive settling sediment and that even reefs may develop in muddy surroundings.• In less that 12 weeks the chicks will develop into adult birds.• Clouds are developing over the mountains.• After her family brought her home from hospital, she developed pneumonia.• Bradley develops these ideas further in his book.• The baby develops very quickly during the first few weeks of pregnancy.• Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very quickly.• In some patients, the disease develops very slowly.develop into• 3000 troops were sent to prevent the disturbances from developing into a full-scale civil war.• Joe had no athletic ability, and was developing into an overweight child.• Over the years the college developed into one of the finest language institutions in all of South East Asia.• Scouting helps teenagers develop into responsible adults.develop a sense/awareness/knowledge of something• We can develop a sense of identity by sharing our experiences with others in a process of ongoing interaction.• With this insight and acceptance, children begin to develop a sense of mastery of their feelings.• Such explorations enable them to grow in knowledge and to develop a sense of mastery that promotes self-confidence.• To achieve the desired balance and harmony, it is essential to develop a sense of personal purpose.• Unbeknownst to us, they cut themselves off from interaction that could help them develop a sense of reality.• Constancy is what it takes to get kids to help out and develop a sense of responsibility.• But developing a sense of this is essential to wellbeing; assertiveness training and learning self-defence can both help.• Individuals develop a sense of worth to themselves and to others by the ways in which people treat them and their communities.get ... developed• And I want the kids to know that that is something that has got to be developed.• Developing your film To get your film developed you need to go to the extreme left of the upper level.From Longman Business Dictionarydevelopde‧vel‧op /dɪˈveləp/ verb1[intransitive, transitive] to grow or gradually change into a larger, stronger, or more advanced stateOnce a stock market develops in the Czech Republic, the bank’s customers will be offered investment accounts.develop intoThe city developed into a major trading center.develop fromThe Pacific Rim has developed from being a satellite of Japan into an economic base of its own.develop somethingThe company wants to develop its European operations.He developed the company’s laptop market, which was a great success.2[transitive] to plan and make a new product or provide a new serviceWe have developed a new-generation microprocessor for our top-of-the-range computers.It takes time to develop and market new software.3[transitive]PROPERTY to build on land, or improve existing buildingsThe building contractor is developing a site in Piccadilly Circus.4[transitive] to use a natural substance or product in order to make a profitThe venture will explore for and develop oil and natural gas in the Sindh province of Pakistan.5[transitive] to create a plan, policy, or ideaThe country must develop a viable national energy policy.We have developed a very positive plan for the store’s future.→ See Verb tableOrigin develop (1600-1700) French développer, from Old French voloper “to wrap”de·vel·op verbChineseSyllable   Business into or change something grow Corpus to




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