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单词 depressed
释义 Word family  noun depression depressant depressive adjective depressed depressing depressant depressive verb depress adverb depressingly  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatryde·pressed /dɪˈprest/ ●●○ adjective  1  a) SAD/UNHAPPYvery unhappy 沮丧的,消沉的,忧愁的 She felt lonely and depressed. 她感到孤独和沮丧。depressed about Don’t get depressed about it. 别为这事沮丧。 The divorce left him deeply depressed. 离婚使他变得非常消沉。 I was depressed at the thought of all the hard work ahead. 想到有那么多艰苦的工作要做,我就发愁。 b) MPsuffering from a medical condition in which you are so unhappy that you cannot live a normal life 患抑郁症的 patients who are clinically depressed 临床诊断患有抑郁症的病人► see thesaurus at sad2  FAILan area, industry etc that is depressed does not have enough economic or business activity 〔地区、产业等〕不景气的,萧条的,经济困难的 Britain’s depressed housing market 英国不景气的房产市场3  LESS formal a depressed level or amount is lower than normal 低于正常水准的 a depressed appetite 食欲不振n COLLOCATIONSverbsfeel depressedThe boy said he was unhappy at school and felt depressed.get/become depressedIf you get depressed, talk to someone about it.look/sound depressedIs Jo all right? She sounded a bit depressed.adverbsseverely/seriously depressed (=very depressed)He became severely depressed after losing his job.deeply depressed (=very depressed)I could see that she was deeply depressed.slightly/mildly depressedHe was exhausted and mildly depressed.a bit depressed British English spoken:I felt a bit depressed because I was so short of money.clinically depressed technical (=depressed in a way that doctors recognize as an illness)His medical records show that he was suicidal and clinically depressed.Examples from the Corpusdepressed• A lot of people eat too much when they're depressed.• Greta often gets depressed about her weight.• During the first day without her pills, Clare grew increasingly depressed and agitated.• He was quite depressed and didn't know which way to turn.• Symptoms of the illness include a depressed appetite.• The market may be depressed, but aviation auctions are not a thing of the past!• This paper describes Individual and Group Cognitive Therapy with depressed clients and cites two recent outcome studies.• A lot of people get depressed in the winter, when the weather's bad and there's very little sunlight.• Freud believed that the depressed person had developed from childhood with high dependency needs.• My sister's been really depressed since she lost her job.• My already depressed spirits sank a few notches lower.• Most people enrolled in the food stamp program live in depressed urban areas.• He used to long for his holidays and grow deeply depressed when they drew to an end.felt ... depressed• She was always there for me when I felt discouraged or depressed.• Suddenly, as if Faith's misery had been transmitted through their touch, she too felt low and depressed.• I had never considered running a small market as an option for my family, and I felt depressed about it.• She slept badly and felt tired and depressed all day on Sunday even though she saw John briefly late in the evening.• He felt vaguely depressed and lost.• He felt depressed, and slightly bewildered.• She sometimes felt depressed, and would ask her husband if he thought she would ever recover: he was always supportive.• Tom imagined the worst some-times, especially at dusk when he felt more depressed than at any other time of day.From Longman Business Dictionarydepressedde‧pressed /dɪˈprest/ adjectiveECONOMICS1an economy or industry that is depressed does not have enough manufacturing or business activityThe Swiss drug company was a major winner in an otherwise depressed sector as its yearly results provided welcome comfort for for companies suffering from the depressed economic climate2if the price of something is depressed, it is lower than normalThe timber was sold, albeit at prices depressed by the glut of timber on the·pressed adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  unhappy very Corpus Business




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