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单词 Announcing
1. Advertisementshave been posted up everywhere announcing the new show.
2. His voice boomed out, announcing the winners.
3. Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the redundancies.
4. She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
5. I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.
6. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.
7. He withdrew to confer with his teacher before announcing a decision.
8. Today he is formally announcing his candidacy for President.
9. He has been slow in announcing the name of his successor.
10. I saw a notice in the paper announcing their marriage.
11. We arrived just as they were announcing the arrival of Flight 207 from Minneapolis.
12. The Prime Minister deflected mounting criticism today by announcing tax cuts.
13. The University has issued a news release announcing the results of their experiments.
14. After announcing himself at the reception desk, James was led upstairs.
15. At 3.30 p.m. a bulletin was released announcing that the president was out of immediate danger.
16. We received a letter announcing a visit from government inspectors.
17. He sent her off a telegram announcing his immediate return to Queenstown.
18. My sister dropped a bombshell by announcing she was leaving her job.
19. He staggered all his colleagues by suddenly announcing that he was leaving the company at the end of the month.
20. The cock was announcing the start of a new day.
21. Nor would he send them letters announcing their ouster.
22. Heche opened the news conference by announcing his retirement.
23. He issued a terse statement,[] saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.
24. After he lost his job, his wife put the boot in by announcing she was leaving him.
25. all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model.
26. While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors had the jump on us by announcing their new model.
27. Keppler kept all his men in suspense until that morning before announcing which two would be going.
28. At that moment Mrs. Jones's powerful voice interrupted them, announcing a visitor.
29. His mother pulled the carpet from under his feet by announcing that she was selling the house.
30. While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model ...
1. His voice boomed out, announcing the winners.
2. Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the redundancies.
3. She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
4. I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.
5. He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.
6. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.
7. He withdrew to confer with his teacher before announcing a decision.
8. all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model.
9. He sent her off a telegram announcing his immediate return to Queenstown.
10. While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model ...
31. An extraordinary government gazette was published announcing the confiscations.
32. Even after announcing his resignation, Mr Frohnmayer is besieged.
33. The siren was simply announcing high noon.
34. Cooper took obvious pleasure in announcing the merger.
35. But now the Forestry Commission has decided to end the uncertainty by announcing plans to turn it into a wood.
36. Wait till the chorus of old men starts announcing the entry of Catullus.
37. After announcing the acquisition in June 1994, Harvard encountered rough waters in bringing the deal to harbor.
38. Above us hung new crystal chandeliers announcing the growing wealth of the place.
39. Who was there to cry for us in kok, announcing our death?
40. They commonly get a stock price bounce after announcing layoffs.
41. Immediately after announcing details of the new industrial policy Singh presented his first budget to the Lok Sabha.
42. The game ended as a 4-4 draw - and Dalglish then stunned soccer by announcing his retirement as Anfield boss.
43. The whistle postponed it, held it back until announcing the morning shift at six.
44. Announcing a change in policy, Idris Wakil said that from now on what ordinary people did should make the news.
45. Mr Gusmao kindly obliged them last weekend by publicly announcing that he is willing to take the job.
46. After the initial excitement of announcing the engagement and setting a date, planning the event begins.
47. Gupta says, it will be announcing further support for other platforms later in the year.
48. Murrells concluded by announcing the appointment of three new headmen chosen by himself and asking if there were any complaints.
49. That night I couldn't close my eyes, the slightest creaking of the furniture announcing the imminent arrival of the undead.
50. The news item announcing the verdict was much smaller than the item that announced his arrest.Sentence dictionary
51. When a Hmong dies, his fellow clansmen beat out a dirge on ceremonial drums, announcing his departure for the afterworld.
52. Motorola made its prediction after announcing a 19 per cent fall in orders during its fourth fiscal quarter.
53. Out front, stuck in the lawn by the walk, was a sign announcing that he took passport photos.
54. I shall be announcing the individual allocations for next year before Christmas.
55. After announcing this decision the company slashed prices to sell stock.
56. On Thursday the judges will be announcing the winner of this year's Booker prize.
57. Angelita, announcing that she will be right back, walks out of the room.
58. Warner Brothers responded by announcing it would bring Hollywood stars to Teddington Studios.
59. Chamberlain's dramatic radio broadcast announcing the Declaration of War in 1939.
60. You are sitting in your office, and your hand is shaking as you read the memo announcing a new corporate restructuring.
61. He departed after announcing that he would return for his answer with a larger squadron the following spring.
62. In announcing the decision, Clinton and senior aides claimed a major diplomatic victory for the administration.
63. The prosecution dropped the charges in 1976, announcing that the principal witness was too ill to ever testify.
64. Instead of announcing the glad news to all the nations, Christians became smug and indolent.
65. This was slightly less than earlier forecasts to which the Government had responded by announcing a major prison-building programme.
66. Announcing the proposals Education Minister Michael Ancram acknowledged the importance of the voluntary sector as a source of independent advice.
67. He did have to pull the troops out, announcing as he did so that the operation had been a great success.
68. Richmondshire District Council agreed to make the order announcing the pay and display scheme which will start on June 1.
69. With corporations announcing big layoffs and the federal government partly shut down, consumers seemed reluctant to spend money.
70. Then come the usual suspects, categories that we can rattle through quickly before announcing the big ones.
71. A judge, however, perhaps more than any other person, is accustomed to making and announcing his decisions in public.
72. He might as well have descended on the Palace, announcing that he had come for a stay.
73. Later that evening, however, loudspeaker vans cruised the town, announcing the election for Friday, the next day.
74. In announcing the victims fund, the banks expressed the hope that it would promote a more cooperative spirit in the negotiations.
75. Mr. Hague I thank my hon. Friend for announcing the inquiry today.
76. Telephone companies lost no time in announcing that they plan to aggressively expand.
77. Clippers executive vice president Andy Roeser said the team filed the paperwork Thursday announcing its intentions.
78. What purpose might be served by announcing that you're happy?
79. Several women felt too vulnerable or exposed to remain; another left dramatically(), announcing that her anger would destroy the group.
80. The club was announcing its Brain of the Year for 1991.
81. Clippers executive vice president Andy Roeser said the team filed the paperwork Thursday announcing their intentions.
82. Shortly after announcing his candidacy Sezer said he thought the president had too much power.
83. They could, perhaps, take comfort from the poster on the hotel's swing doors announcing the following Saturday's cabaret.
84. Tecan, the biotechnology group, was up 2.9 per cent after announcing a 42 per cent increase in sales in 2000.
85. A jobless actor was annoying an off-duty bouncer, announcing loudly that he was due for a break.
86. Converse had always taken particular pleasure in announcing that he was having dinner with her.
87. Indeed the team announcing the evidence spent two years carefully checking their results before daring to go public with the information.
88. In announcing Monday that he had entered rehab, Kasteler did not disclose the nature of his illness.
89. It is a star in serious trouble, with bright bloated lobes of gas swelling off it, announcing its death throes.
90. And the police clearly fed the flames by publicly announcing they were investigating the football stars.
91. He began his statement by announcing that Chelsea's Stamford Bridge ground, which had been threatened with closure, was safe.
92. But in announcing the move Chris Dean had to run the gauntlet of press more interested in his private life.
93. Announcing their victory the Dwarfs retreat to the mountains and refuse to fight any more.
94. Some one went to commiserate with Harbury and Harbury went to lacerate Riley for announcing an appointment he had no intention of accepting.
95. The marchioness had set out early, announcing she was going to visit friends near Yellowmead Down.
96. A well-known newspaper article in 1935 announcing the closure referred to the family atmosphere of the line.
97. I write down new kanji announcing the names of stops we see in train and subway stations.
98. Announcing our engagement was a relief.
99. They even had clips of Nixon announcing his candidacy.
100. Two weeks after announcing plans to launch a nail polish line, the 16-year-old singer is getting ready to debut his first unisex fragrance, My World.
101. "First call for dinner in the dining-car, " a Pullman servitor was announcing, as he hastened through the aisle in snow-white apron and jacket.
102. The doorman showed in a perfectly round - faced man , announcing, " Mr. Ts'ao. ".
103. Economists react to the Chinese government's new plan to boost spending to reverse a slowdown in economic growth. The government's Chinese-language statement announcing the plan can be found here.
104. Now, they are hoping that the price doesn't fall because they're announcing it with news and,in a sense, issuing the stock dividend is just a way to make it dramatic.
105. The formal notice announcing the event, which will be held on Dec 21 after a mandatory 15-day waiting period, was put on public display at Maidenhead Town Hall in Berkshire.
106. The integrated earthquake information displaying and message announcing system is one of the application software of information subentry of China Digital Seismic Observation Network.
107. The candidate got a drop on his opponent by announcing first.
108. But "Good Pope John, " a stolid career diplomat for the Vatican, surprised everyone by announcing a year later that he was convening the Second Vatican Council, a major event in church history.
109. By announcing the scrapping of its Chery deal now, while negotiations are still underway between Congressional Democrats and the Bush White House, Chrysler wins a PR twofer.
110. Daguerre announced the latest perfection of the Daguerreotype, after years of experimentation, in 1839,[http:///announcing.html] with the French Academy of Sciences announcing the process on January 9 of that year.
111. "I think there's an opportunity to accelerate innovation in the home business by working together with the cable and telco industry, " Google CEO Larry Page said in announcing the deal early Monday.
112. During the campaign, his vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden attracted attention for announcing that, in the first six months of his presidency, Obama would be tested on the international stage.
113. And we're just now announcing the discovery of the fifth planet, the first planetary system with five full planets orbiting a sunlike star." Our solar system has eight planets.
114. The method for calculating and publicly announcing the beneficiary units ? ? net asset value.
115. Suddenly the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of a visitor.
116. Interestingly, one of Skype's biggest strengths was barely mentioned in the press conference announcing the deal: the massive amount of minutes Skype users represent on the public telephone network.
117. New record company was found, as well as new female vocalist, but only few days from that, band finally split-up, announcing that "Everything went wrong".
118. Ten days elapsed before Chiang Kai-shek tardily made a public statement at Lushan announcing armed resistance to Japan.
119. Suddenly, virtually every agency, from the Social Security Administration to the Food and Drug Administration, began announcing RFID trials.
120. So tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country.
121. Ten years ago, on February 27, 1997, the scientific journal Nature, published Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell's paper announcing the birth of a sheep known as Dolly.
122. Frazer spoke at a press event announcing the renewal of a U.S. rewards program aimed at bringing to justice those responsible for the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
123. Illinois Senator Barack Obama is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, holding a town hall meeting just hours after officially announcing his candidacy for president.
124. Not to be outdone, Yahoo followed in November announcing an open source program aimed at advancing the research and development of systems software for distributed computing.
125. A police car drove down Hitotsugi Street, lights flashing, announcing through a bullhorn that there was still a danger of shaking.
126. One busy second-level manager I know sent several teams an email at 1:00 a.m. announcing a group meeting for 8:00 a.m. later that same morning.
127. San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker recently made headlines by announcing he'd play for the French basketball team he partly owns during the NBA lock-out for $2, 000 a month.
128. The day before announcing his farewell to business, Sir James talked to me in his extravagantly elegant Paris home.
129. Apple is also announcing peripherals, including an HDMI adapter for high-definition video output ($39), and Smart Covers, a new kind of magnetic cover with a bendable flap.
130. He was distributing handbills announcing his lecture when Nora caught her first glimpse of him.
131. Why did she issue a taped message, under the nom de guerre Tania , announcing she had joined the SLA?
132. Two rock bands are making a go at reaching shut-in fans, announcing a virtual concert for today.
133. Because of announcing sexual love, video frequency about the Germany network be paralysed daughter model!
134. The first part has introduced the present information announcing relation with certified accountant of security market.
135. Fire signs announcing the night's amusements blazed on every hand.
136. As an exclusive offer we are announcing a CD, T-shirt, and concert program give-away just in time for the holidays.
137. And we are just now announcing the discovery of the fifth planet, the first planetary system with 5 full planets orbiting a sunlike star.
138. Tom Donovan, then the head of the Chicago Board of Trade, struck back, announcing that he would not be "intimidated by some blond, 5-ft. 2-in.
139. On Sunday, a SWAT team raided a house in eastern Oslo and briefly detained several people before announcing they had found no link to the attacks.
140. Discussing the action he is taking on credit arrangements, Brown said: "We are announcing measures to make the credit and store card companies clean up their act to get you a fairer deal.
140. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
141. I hear they are announcing my flight over the public address system.
142. Larger players like Rho and others will all be announcing new funds soon as well.
143. Mayweather Sr. trains junior welterweight champion Ricky Hatton, whom Mayweather Jr. knocked out in December 2007 before announcing his retirement six months later.
144. Georgia O'Keeffe said she did not know how she got the idea to be an artist.But, she said, the idea came early.She remembered announcing when she was twelve years old that she planned to be an artist.
145. George, who recently turned 50, and his super-gorgeous Italian girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis issued a public statement announcing that they have split.
146. A raspy voice came over the squawk box announcing the arrival of what we had been waiting for.
147. BLT.L), the world's biggest miner, retreated further from high-cost nickel operations on Friday, announcing the sale of its Yabulu nickel refinery in Australia to a local mining magnate.
148. There were printed bills on the gate, and on bits of carpet hanging out of the windows, announcing a sale by auction of the Household Furniture and Effects, next week.
149. Tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.
150. “Our delinquencies have stabilised,” said Mr Immelt on January 22nd, announcing a 19% year-on-year decline in GE’s profits in the fourth quarter.
151. I pointed out that a declaration that NATO would stop its expansion with the Warsaw Pact nations would be tantamount to announcing a new dividing line in Europe, with a smaller Russian empire.
152. Come in here for a long time, because English impassability , hasn't been doing renewal, hasn't been announcing an article, is really ashamed, start making homework hard today!
153. Still, as even George Bush admitted at the time of announcing it, the stimulus will be no more than a temporary "booster shot".
154. Apple may well upstage all of them by announcing its own tablet - like device in January.
155. Fox Two - A radio call from a friendly aircraft announcing that he is firing IR Guided Missile such as an AIM-9P Sidewinder.
156. On October 20 official announcement selling price, was announcing new valuable sells starts officially.
157. The ratio problem gets worse every time these banks issue quarterly reports fessing up to big credit losses and announcing that they're going to put more away in reserves against future losses.
158. Professors with dollar signs in their eyes are always announcing the birth of the latest revolutionary management technique or the discovery of the hottest new "supercorp".
159. Ms. Lee had posted a message earlier this week on her account on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo microblogging service announcing that she was headed to divorce court.
160. For Stephanie Endicott and Marcus Smallegan, first year students at George Washington University, announcing to the world that they had found love in a college dorm was a no-brainer.
161. In a Ceremony Of Collaring she is to offer her freedom to her Master by announcing her name, where she is from, and that she freely gives herself to her Master to become his property.
162. San Francisco announcing a route that turned out to be a decoy.
162. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
163. The originating System Interface receives the request and sends a transmission response back to the target System Interface announcing whether or not it has successfully received the data.
164. So tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.
165. According to an ULTra spokeswoman, the company will be announcing the location for the next PRT system in early October.
166. Europe is deeply divided over nuclear power, with Germany announcing a phaseout of its plants following the Fukushima accident.
167. Mr Woods has done that by announcing on his website that he is taking an "indefinite break from professional golf".
168. A prominent national paper that informs our opinion and dialogue was announcing a cutback.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 9:39:12