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单词 Reducing
1) Reducing inflation is central to the government's economic policy.
2) The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less.
3) Reducing the income will further impoverish these families and could tempt an offender into further crime.
4) The company was not helped along by reducing the price of CPU.
5) Reducing the number of staff is certain to inflame the already angry medical profession.
6) Farming has been mechanized, reducing the need for labour.
7) The company is reducing the size of its workforce.
8) We are firmly committed to reducing unemployment.
9) They would benefit by reducing their labour costs.
10) Reducing class sizes should be a top priority.
11) The discussion centred around reducing waste.
12) They diluted the drug, thus reducing its effectiveness.
13) Reducing unemploymentis the focal point of the government's plans.
14) Huge majorities apparently prefer reducing unemployment to fighting inflation.
15) The new scheme is aimed at reducing unemployment.
16) The country diminished the revenue by reducing tax.
17) The government has made great strides in reducing poverty.
18) They decided in favour of reducing the fees.
19) We must start thinking in terms of reducing costs.
20) Diminish the revenue by reducing tax.
21) Reducing the size of classes may improve educational standards.
22) Reducing class sizes in schools is a desirable aim.
23) She has been reducing for the last few weeks.
24) You should think about reducing your fat intake .
25) The management decided to economise by cutting the dead wood from the workforce, thus reducing the wages bill.
26) He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.
27) The improvement has been across the board, with all divisions either increasing profits or reducing losses.
28) The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
29) The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce,[http:///reducing.html]thus reducing the wages bill.
30) What this amounts to is foisting onto women the responsibility for reducing "the opportunities for crime" by changing their behaviour.
1) Reducing inflation is central to the government's economic policy.
2) The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less.
3) The management decided to economise by cutting the dead wood from the workforce, thus reducing the wages bill.
4) He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.
5) Reducing the income will further impoverish these families and could tempt an offender into further crime.
6) The improvement has been across the board, with all divisions either increasing profits or reducing losses.
7) The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
8) The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce,thus reducing the wages bill.
9) The company was not helped along by reducing the price of CPU.
10) Reducing the number of staff is certain to inflame the already angry medical profession.
11) The country diminished the revenue by reducing tax.
12) Diminish the revenue by reducing tax.
13) She has been reducing for the last few weeks.
31) Regular exercise strengthens the heart, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.
32) It has proved to be a wonder drug for sufferers of epilepsy, reducing seizures by up to 80%.
33) Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.
34) Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.
35) These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents.
36) By reducing the financial allocations, the government was choking the life out of their schools.
37) Diets that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.
38) We have been employed to look at ways of reducing waste.
39) The talks resulted in reducing the number of missiles/missile reduction.
40) His economic policies have won widespread praise for reducing government debt.
41) Reducing the number of road deaths is not simply a matter of improving roads.
42) Even when inflation is low, it nibbles away at people's savings, reducing their value considerably over several years.
43) They have to retrieve the situation by reducing their expenses.
44) The government is committed to reducing the country's external debt.
45) They stuck out against the motion of reducing the spendings.
46) Under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the army and civilians in flooded areas fought the floods courageously, reducing the losses to the minimum.
47) The company is reducing its workforce by firing 500 employees.
48) Reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signals to criminals.
49) We are reducing the company's welter of development projects and will streamline sales and marketing.
50) Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance.
51) Data recorders also pin-point mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.
52) The rise in interest rates should send a signal to financial institutions that the government is serious about reducing inflation.
53) The government has issued specific instructions on reducing waste disposal.
54) Building more motorways and by-passes will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities.
55) Some enterprising members found ways of reducing their expenses or raising their incomes.
56) The company admitted reducing prices to get a corner on the market .
57) The council is to examine ways of reducing traffic in the city centre.
58) We've got to find ways of reducing Gail's workload next year.
59) Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true:reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic.
60) The minister unveiled a new plan for reducing traffic accidents.
61) Managing the economy is a complex equation of controlling inflation and reducing unemployment.
62) Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.
63) There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance.
64) Reducing the number of police is just a thieves' charter.
65) We can only retrieve the situation by reducing our expenses.
66) And whether they are reducing bone loss.
67) Reducing congestion around major airports would also cut emissions.
68) The new plan focused on reducing carbon dioxide emissions by cutting energy consumption.
69) Hills points out that the government has failed in its stated aim of reducing the level of taxation.
70) The women featured in the article are reducing their risk of chronic disease by exercising and by eating a balanced diet.
71) Economic returns can accrue when ambulatory nutrition care contributes to reducing the need for costly medical care.
72) Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors may act in reducing glomerular basement membrane pore size.
73) Sulphate feeding allows growth of sulphate reducing bacteria which then may inhibit methanogenic bacterial by substrate competition.
74) Also on Jan. 1 Havel declared an amnesty which involved pardoning certain categories of short-term prisoners and reducing the sentences of others.
75) Pattern is created out of initial, seemingly random, information so reducing its complexity.
76) The reducing properties of monosaccharides are attributable to the presence of a free aldehyde or ketone group.
77) Reducing oil consumption in the heating and electricity generation sectors is straight forward in that other fuels may be substituted.
78) Nothing can guarantee to prevent cancer, but there is some standard advice for reducing the risk.
79) Reducing the amount of travel, however, without a change in accident risk will reduce the number of casualties.
80) Much of the debate has related to reducing waiting times for surgery rather than for outpatient appointments.
81) Fermentation experiments in our laboratory have shown that colonic sulphate reducing bacteria outcompete methanogenic bacteria for H 2.
82) These reforms were partially aimed at reducing the influence of court officials and other persons who served as unofficial lawyers.
83) Once, multiplying or dividing by zero had terrifying results, reducing orderly arithmetic to instant nonsense.
84) The ambitious goal of reducing real total public expenditure in absolute terms was never achieved.
85) Clearly, reducing the number of road casualties is and has been a priority for the Government for some time.
86) In marine sediments and faeces, sulphate reducing bacteria outcompete methanogenic bacteria because of their higher affinity for such substrates.
87) Double glazing will eliminate these draughts as well as stopping condensation on the window pane and reducing noise.
88) Breath methane was measured and viable counts and metabolic activities of methanogenic bacteria and sulphate reducing bacteria determined in faeces.
89) It also announced that it was reducing customs duty on sales from such zones to the domestic market.
90) We are reducing costs and investing for more effective operations.
91) Calcium may protect against colorectal cancer by reducing epithelial cell turnover.
92) It has gone on reducing the fantastic levels of public sector borrowing requirement that were reached under the last Government.
93) The provision of council housing has had an equalising effect both as regards reducing overcrowding and improving housing amenities among working-class people.
94) Supported reducing the age of consent for homosexual acts to 16.
95) Money paid by the defendant is appropriated first to reducing the principal debt and then towards the interest.
96) Reducing agents used for this purpose include carbon or other metals.
97) While the newly elected council members eventually supported reducing the amount of the increase, the hike was still significant.
98) You're effectively cheating your body by reducing your calorie intake and your body sends out different responses because it's confused.
99) The report found that moderate exercise reduces the risk of premature death and promotes psychological well-being by reducing depression and anxiety.
100) It also has the advantage of reducing many systematic effects present in atomic clocks.
101) The government is committed to reducing sulphur dioxide emissions by 60 percent to their 1980 levels by 2005.
102) The government has committed itself to reducing carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000.
103) When carbon monoxide is the reducing agent, carbon dioxide is produced.
104) The event is aimed at reducing the carnage caused by the worldwide stockpile of 550m small arms.
105) Your savings will earn no interest, but the total will be deducted from your borrowings, reducing the interest bill.
106) This friction reducing additive may be used in all the engine and transmission of your L.R. with beneficial results.
107) An important alternative is the reduction of sulphate by sulphate reducing bacteria.
108) And he recognises that motorcycles can make a real contribution to reducing congestion.
109) Research is becoming more and more clear about the value of vegetables in reducing risks for heart disease, stroke and cancer.
110) Manufacturers are reducing or removing sugars from baby foods, so go for those with no added sugar.
111) Advertising directed at reducing tobacco consumption by parents has a substantial secondary knock-on effect on children.
112) Many analysts had called for a more ambitious target in reducing the budget deficit.
113) The development of internal communication systems will increase efficiency by sharing information, thus reducing waste and duplication of effort. 4.
114) This way we get rid of several problems at one stroke, including probably reducing the agricultural capacity of farmers in Britain.
115) The other is economic, reducing the number of multimedia owners of the mainstream means of communication.
116) Rodrigo now began a systematic war of attrition, biting deep into Valencian territory and reducing several of its castles to rubble.
117) The exact relationship between these objectives and reducing crime will depend on the specification of the programme and on the individual participant.
118) About £3 billion went on reducing pollution caused by all kinds of waste and £2.4 billion on curbing air pollution.
119) By reducing domestic burdens, family planning is a fundamental part of any definition of empowerment.
120) Initial management consists of reducing total calories and limiting carbohydrates to 40 percent of daily calories.
121) At the same time, Congress passed an act reducing tariff rates.
122) By reducing the output of chemicals society would save more in social cost than it would lose in social benefit.
123) If one crewman is slain then the remaining crew can just about cope without reducing the rate of fire.
124) While mixture is reducing, saute mushrooms in 2 tablespoons of the clarified butter until golden brown.
125) Within certain environmental constraints, a mix of land uses can bring important environmental benefits including reducing the need to travel.
126) Rather than reducing problems, these strident warnings about food safety add to the burden of human suffering.
127) Many people also stressed the need for increasing job opportunities and reducing crime in their neighborhoods.
128) This would be a great help, instead of just relying at present on judging conformation in the hope of reducing strain on tendons.
129) Concern is expressed that agricultural methods and the widespread introductions of honey bees are reducing the populations of bumble bees.
130) Unfortunately, popular folklore eventually romanticized the leader and his tribe, reducing them almost to comic book caricatures.
131) He was energetic, headstrong, and unorthodox-and he had compelling reasons for reducing the ruinously expensive Soviet nuclear arsenal.
132) Second, that in general this means reducing the value of allowances and broadening the tax base rather than increasing marginal tax rates.
133) An equal opportunity policy, reducing a, would, for given earnings inequality, reduce the inequality of consumption.
134) By including bosses you will be improving your chances of inflicting casualties and reducing the number of casualties sustained.
135) Invitro, sulphate reducing bacteria compete with methanogenic bacteria for hydrogen when sulphate is present.
136) Startlingly intuitive, she sums up his life situation with alacrity, reducing his Hamlet-size dilemmas to something he can laugh at.
137) This uses up energy, weakening the plant and reducing its chances of producing viable fruit.
138) Combination, conspiracy, and cut throat competition are all means to the end of reducing competition and escaping its regulatory powers.
139) Possibly cheaper, by reducing number of managers needed and so lower cost of overheads. 5.
140) Voice over Mrs Blanchard's already told Mr Coombs of her plan for reducing the budget deficit.
141) If one crewman is slain the other two can just about get by without reducing the rate of fire.
142) The core skill is the identifying and reducing these obstacles, freeing the group to reach its potential.
143) The coral sand will need raking through regularly to prevent it packing down solid and reducing the through-flow.
144) Although the mite rarely kills bees, it weakens and deforms them, reducing their ability to make honey.
145) The Pittsburgh-based Westinghouse is sharply reducing its longstanding role as a military contractor in order to strengthen ties to the entertainment industry.
146) When sulphate availability is increased sulphate reducing bacteria proliferate and eventually may outcompete methanogens when the sulphate supply is sufficient.
147) Reducing costs in today's climate will be a difficult trick to pull off.
148) For the non-obese patients, simply reducing the intake of refined carbohydrate may control the diabetes for a time at least.
148) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
149) I mentioned the primary objective of reducing the number of road casualties.
150) Short term supplementation with vitamin C reduces the cell proliferation to normal values possibly by reducing the S-phase duration.
151) Mr. Lawrence Is the hon. Gentleman in favour of reducing the age of consent in homosexual offences to 16?
152) Other cost-effective ways of reducing emissions included combined heat and power for housing, factories and hospitals, and lighting efficiency.
153) Hence sustainable agriculture could replace unsustainable agriculture, reducing the impact of erosion and flooding on downstream agricultural areas.
154) Similarly, Y is the average value per injury avoided by reducing risk.
155) This was accomplished by removing the library allocation and reducing the parks budget.
156) His immediate focus is on eliminating high-level corruption and reducing violent crime.
157) He was advised that the insurance company involved had been gradually reducing its terminal bonus rates.
158) The meeting was an attempt to ratify the 1997 Kyoto convention on reducing greenhouse gases.
159) Lower bill yields would cut the amount of debt to be retired at each auction, reducing borrowing requirements and the deficit.
160) While reducing head teachers' autonomy in curricular matters, the 1988 Act increases it in matters of financial management.
161) Excessive regulation may also be an effective barrier to entry, thus reducing competition and providing large profits for the incumbents.
162) The following chapters expand on the practical application of reducing the ambiguity produced from a pattern recogniser.
163) We are therefore shifting some of our attention to exploring the opportunities for reducing morbidity.
164) Nixon entered the White House in 1969 committed to budgetary restraint and reducing spending on welfare programmes.
165) Controlling carbon dioxide emissions ultimately entails reducing the consumption of energy-intensive goods.
166) In the following chapters we discuss possible ways of reducing the number of word strings.
167) The nurse may help promote sleep by reducing anxieties if possible and generally providing comfort - rearranging pillows or adjusting the backrest.
168) The addition of iron oxide produced a darker brown colour in the glaze under reducing conditions.
169) New ways of reducing the damage to the environment are urgently needed.
170) Bring your arousal level to simmering point and stay there without boiling over by continuing to breathe deeply and reducing stimulation slightly.
171) Heating oil is highly toxic in the short term, but it evaporates quickly, reducing the long-term damage.
172) Clubs did not compete with one another to attract larger crowds by reducing their prices.
173) In accounting terms, this maneuver has the same effect as paying off the government securities and reducing the federal debt.
174) However, Mr Nasser concedes it has been only recently that he has made real progress in reducing his head count.
175) Indeed, reducing adverse drug events should ultimately save hospitals money as well as spare patients misery, the researchers say.
176) Potash shortage is often an induced condition caused by too much nitrogen reducing the potash content to an unbalanced proportion.
177) They also are trying to make apprentices more productive by reducing the time they spend in expensive training centers.
178) Their purpose is to encourage countries to ratify the Kyoto protocol on reducing carbon emissions.
179) People who harbour sulphate reducing bacteria in their large bowel have higher levels of sulphide in their faeces than methanogenic subjects.
180) Dietary sulphate may allow growth of sulphate reducing bacteria which inhibit the growth of methanogenic bacteria.
181) We conclude that methanogenesis is regulated by dietary sulphate if sulphate reducing bacteria are present.
182) Putting Labour in charge of reducing unemployment would be like sending a fire fighter to tackle a blaze with his hoses full of petrol.
183) Soon after his conviction, McDougal began cooperating with Starr in hopes of reducing his sentence.
184) Coca is well-known for reducing hunger, thirst and fatigue.
185) While working on a means of reducing amplifier distortion, he devised the negative feedback amplifier.
186) The modifications were aimed chiefly at reducing labour costs and increasing yields.
187) Reducing the current, we can correspondingly decrease the speed of the motor.
188) Transitioning or reducing duct. Type of transition can be specified.
189) The development of high - pressure reforming was a major contributor to reducing the compression load.
190) Insoluble Fibers will soften our discharge stools, reducing constipation and Colon Cancer.
191) The laser process does not require artwork , reducing misregistration issues.
192) Arrange smoking cessation advice in contemplative of reducing or stopping tobacco consumption.
193) K 30 C 0 G ceramic powder for sintering in reducing atmosphere.
194) As with all dietary changes, reducing salt should be done gradually.
195) Another benefit of reducing the amount of process chemicals is the consequent lowering of production costs.
196) Hang in almirah up to now, await madam success reducing weight.




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