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单词 deprave
释义  de·prave /dɪˈpreɪv/ verb [transitive] formal  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSto be an evil influence on someone, especially someone who is young or not very experienced 使〔尤指年轻人或缺乏经验者〕堕落,败坏→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdeprave• She drank no alcohol and thought most forms of seasoning depraved.• The ludicrously voluminous Inner notes read like a parody of depraved academicism.• But our cravings may not be as depraved as they seem - they start out as healthy needs in our childhood.• Who's the most depraved character you've apprehended?de·prave verbChineseSyllable  influence on Corpus be an someone, to especially evil




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