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单词 Ikon
1. I glimpsed a large brass bed, more ikons, photographs.
2. Anyone acquainted with ancient ikons will recognise how acutely she has captured their essence.
3. Now the ikons of female suffering are all around us; the image of the battered woman is high fashion.
4. Frith Street Gallery, 2008 and Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 2007.
5. Ikon also weighs in with additional services.
6. This was the holy ikon that had been brought away from Smolensk, and had accompanied the army ever since.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. But Ikon has another string to its bow to help with production overflow.
8. Explanation: this poster was designed for promotion of IKON DESIGN, the impression which left to the audience just like the word IKON, holiness and out of focus.
9. In the financial sector, Ikon is called upon to print manage higher-run documents.
10. FM is on the rise and Ikon is one of many companies capitalising on growth in this area.
11. As we stand today, Ikon has 40 managed sites, explains Gary Downey, UK marketing director.
12. The outline of its fibre-sinews flickered in viridian, while diagnostic ikons marched across the bottom of the screen.
13. The player allows search and retrieval functions to be selected by ikons or illustrations.
14. Think of the tangled web of business relationships: office equipment distributor IKON is an HP partner, but it also sells similar products from other firms and competes with other HP partners.
15. Once the other runners had followed the winner across the finish line, the race results were sent back to Ikon , which then produced and fired off documents to data-hungry sports reporters.
16. The other is called LAP , a machine that can detect the parasite's DNA within 24 hours. It's manufactured by the Japanese company Ikon which specializes in medical diagnostics.
17. By 1926 the Ernemann Werke in Dresden was acquired fully by Zeiss Ikon.




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