单词 |
denial of service attack |
释义 |
Related topics: Computersdeˌnial of ˈservice atˌtack noun [countable] an attempt to make a company’s website stop working. This is done by sending so much data to the website that the company’s computers become unable to work properly. The result is that customers of the company cannot use the online services that the company provides. 拒绝服务攻击〔指向某公司网站发送大量信息导致该公司的计算机无法正常工作,从而使客户不能使用该公司提供的在线服务〕deˌnial of ˈservice atˌtack nounChineseSyllable |
随便看 |
- glassy eyed
- Glastonbury
- Glaswegian
- GLA, the
- glaucoma
- GlaxoSmithKline
- glaze
- glazed
- glazed
- glazed expression
- glazed eyes
- glazed look
- glazed look/eyes/expression etc
- glazes
- glazier
- glaziers
- glazing
- glazing
- gleam
- gleamed
- gleaming
- gleams
- glean
- gleaned
- gleaning
- Intine
- Ruritanian
- Re-formation
- Writing table
- Blastema
- Music book
- In the channel
- Law-giver
- Smoothbore
- Digital circuit
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- Niceness句子
- Spookily句子
- Hope for the best句子
- Adoptee句子
- Electronegative句子
- Aqueous solution句子
- Dozy句子
- Department head句子
- Modern world句子
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