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单词 busload
释义  bus·load /ˈbʌsləʊd $ -loʊd/ noun [countable] American English  an amount of people on a bus that is full 〔公共汽车的〕载客量Examples from the Corpusbusload• To this latter end Mr Heseltine accompanied a busload of businessmen on a conducted tour of Liverpool.• Hey, Willie, how about sending down a busload of Muni drivers who can read a road map?• And yes, there really was a busload of transvestites living down the road.• A busload of tourists came in behind us, maybe twenty Hawaiians in Hawaiian shirts, with cameras and funny hats.• Another snag, which it appears was not anticipated, concerns viewing by busload.• Mostly older people, who arrive by the busload from all over, including Ontario.• Yesterday, busloads of lads were disgorged at the city square to make their feelings plain.bus·load nounChineseSyllable  that of people is on Corpus bus amount a an




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