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单词 Temporarily
(1) I'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock.
(2) Funding for the new building has been temporarily suspended.
(3) The stranger's question surprised me so that I temporarily lost my tongue.
(4) Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.
(5) The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.
(6) Our luggage was temporarily mislaid.
(7) Touring the album temporarily split the band up.
(8) Clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak.
(9) This office is closed temporarily for redecoration.
(10) We regret this service is temporarily unavailable.
(11) She abandoned her journey temporarily.
(12) The thundershower had temporarily scattered the swimmers.
(13) His famed calmness temporarily deserted him.
(14) The museum has been temporarily closed to the public.
(15) The situation then calmed down temporarily.
(16) The shop has been shut up temporarily.
(17) The stress of war temporarily unhinged him.
(18) Communications were temporarily dislocated by the bad weather.
(19) He shot her while temporarily unbalanced.
(20) Mrs Rawlins is temporarily indisposed.
(21) We might have to employ someone temporarily as a stopgap measure until we can fill the post.
(22) The proposal was temporarily tabled due to more pressing business.
(23) Several of the airline's planes are temporarily out of commission and undergoing safety checks.
(24) Respite care is intended to relieve parents temporarily of the burden of caring for severely disabled children.
(25) He's temporarily laid aside some quite interesting projects to write the script.
(26) I was persuaded to step into the breach temporarily when they became too ill to continue.
(27) Lemon and lime juice were both temporarily out of stock.
(28) Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed.
(29) When things get a bit too much (http://), she simply tunes out temporarily.
(30) Due to a small fire, the office will be closed temporarily.
(1) I'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock.
(2) Funding for the new building has been temporarily suspended.
(3) The stranger's question surprised me so that I temporarily lost my tongue.
(4) When things get a bit too much , she simply tunes out temporarily.
(5) Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.
(6) The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.
(7) Clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak.
(8) She abandoned her journey temporarily.
(9) The thundershower had temporarily scattered the swimmers.
(10) The situation then calmed down temporarily.
(11) The shop has been shut up temporarily.
(12) The proposal was temporarily tabled due to more pressing business.
(13) She temporarily lost her balance during the long months of solitude.
(31) The peace agreement has at least temporarily halted the civil war.
(32) As the cars overtake you, they are temporarily outside your field of vision.
(33) I'd hate to think my job would not be secure if I left it temporarily.
(34) He temporarily lost the power of speech after the accident.
(35) The fish can be temporarily housed in a smaller aquarium.
(36) She hurt her arm in the fall and lost the use of her fingers temporarily.
(37) She temporarily lost her balance during the long months of solitude.
(38) With several of their planes temporarily out of commission, the airline is losing money.
(39) The lecturer temporarily digressed from her subject to deal with a related theory.
(40) Reparations were temporarily pretermitted.
(41) When she went outside she was temporarily blinded by the sun.
(42) I am nearly choked, and temporarily deafened.
(43) His temporarily revived spirits darkened again with the days.
(44) Me, I am temporarily in the wholesale business.
(45) He was just temporarily subjugated by an evil force.
(46) To allow it to get established robin temporarily tied it in place with fishing line.
(47) A spell is still a spell even when imprisoned temporarily in parchment and ink.
(48) He attempts reading it upside down, which temporarily relieves the boredom.
(49) A complete breakdown of budget talks could push rates back up, at least temporarily, analysts concede.
(49) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(50) Nell, unsure of the worth of his compliment, nevertheless sat down opposite him, even if temporarily.
(51) How ludicrous it was, she thought, to have to swallow alcohol simply because of its temporarily narcotic effect.
(52) In an effort to contain the disease and prevent its spread, our rights to rights of way are temporarily suspended.
(53) Search operations had to be suspended temporarily at one stage while the roof was demolished because of the danger of it falling in.
(54) Athens asserted her rights over her citizens temporarily exiled, as she did over those at home and liable for service.
(55) The other species of Alisma grow under water only temporarily.
(56) Among the smaller northern peoples there was no tribal aristocracy, chiefs only being chosen temporarily for specific purposes such as war.
(57) The furore over the Mellors' freebie at New Year in 1990 has put paradise temporarily out of bounds to the world.
(58) A milkman has been temporarily blinded by two men who sprayed superglue into his eyes.
(59) Arnica 200 afforded temporary relief for two hours; a repeat dose helped temporarily.
(60) But even in the outposts where the Vietcong had temporarily gained control, villagers had in fact rallied to support the South.
(61) He was brought back to Gloucester, and has now been transferred temporarily to a secure unit in Bristol.
(62) The rubble had temporarily blocked the entrance to the cavern below the Horseshoe Falls.
(63) In the pursuit of scientific credibility, Friends of the Earth temporarily lost its soul.
(64) The girl has been temporarily placed with a foster family until she can be reunited with her mother.
(65) They ease the pain, creating a private world of peace into which the prisoner can withdraw and temporarily forget the awfulness.
(66) Financial disaster was temporarily averted when Barnato put his money in and replaced Bentley as chairman in 1926.
(67) Mrs Layton remembered washing until 4 am when her husband was temporarily unemployed, and this was physically arduous work.
(68) The program is for motivated people who are temporarily down on their luck.
(69) They could also be temporarily stationed in villages at the expense of the inhabitants as punishment for unsolved crimes.
(70) The order temporarily overrules a four-year ban from competition imposed upon Johnson by the international track federation for failing a drug test.
(71) Izvestia said the film depicted soldiers temporarily burying rebel bodies for possible later identification by relatives.
(72) The shift of leadership to John Smith may seem temporarily convincing, but it is in the last analysis cosmetic.
(73) Many women have permanently or temporarily adopted children from other families and are establishing community child-care facilities.
(74) The cloth marks a threshold, the boundary between the outside and the inside of a temporarily sacred precinct.
(75) She was feeling helpless, a victim of circumstances temporarily outside her control, and it was a feeling she loathed.
(76) Another reactor at the plant was shut down temporarily in early February, leading to the introduction of power cuts.
(77) He was released temporarily under a writ of corpus, pending his forthcoming trial.
(78) She developed a mild watery diarrhoea after two months of treatment but this resolved after gold injections were temporarily stopped.
(79) Money when used for this purpose is a means of temporarily storing wealth.
(80) The project ended in financial disaster, and Vermuyden was temporarily imprisoned for not paying his debts.
(81) On April 29, Cahill temporarily blocked backers from collecting signatures to put the immigrant voting measure on the ballot.
(82) He watched them awhile, and then, temporarily, he granted his own absolution.
(83) Their employers were quick to stoke up popular envy through the press if players even temporarily forgot their good fortune.
(84) It may temporarily enhance production but may not be real progress in the second language.
(85) I seem to have temporarily mislaid my keys. Have you seen them anywhere?
(86) This had the interesting side effect of causing his vocal accomplice to fall temporarily silent.
(87) A La Mesa teen-ager was temporarily detained in connection with the incident, but no charges were filed.
(88) Proving perhaps that falsehood could bring its own loy however temporarily into the world.
(89) Car headlights made it difficult to see, in the way that an usherette's torch can temporarily blind.
(90) Nevertheless, there are reports Costa Rica will ask coffee producers to suspend exports temporarily to shore up prices.
(91) Negotiations on a seven-year budget balancing plan broke off temporarily on Tuesday.
(92) The current winner that can temporarily dominate over all the other warring factions?
(93) PipThe Negro cabin boy who loses his mind when abandoned temporarily in the sea.
(94) Forgetting the holidays temporarily, she headed out in her car to assess the damage for herself.
(95) If the venom strikes his eyes it can temporarily blind him and possibly even permanently damage his sight.
(96) All my inner processes seemed to be suspended temporarily while my brain struggled with the facts.
(97) They also measure muscle strength with a device that is temporarily clamped on to the leg below the knee.
(98) The development strategy can be further controlled by specifying a parameter and temporarily removing nodes satisfying from the list of active nodes.
(99) It allows sodium ions into the dendrite, which raises its voltage temporarily.
(100) Cons: A great way to temporarily impair gastrointestinal processes to the discomfort of others.
(101) Approaching 1,000 homeless men have been temporarily housed there since it opened.
(102) Buyers are temporarily too liquid and therefore wish to reduce liquidity by buying.
(103) Soap and water washing helps to remove surface grease temporarily.
(104) Once poison has temporarily reduced rat populations to almost zero, predation by barn owls can slow the recovery.
(105) Jimmy was temporarily blinded by the orange light which suddenly illuminated the car windscreen.
(106) This happens when the employee learns to escape the personal dilemma temporarily by devoting more effort to his or her job.
(107) Information is held temporarily in electronic circuits and is lost whenever the computer is turned off.
(108) The two dealers who achieved the least impressive sales figures by the end of the week would temporarily be made into runners.
(109) The Treasury will develop a system of control that temporarily contains the pressures: the spending departments will adapt.
(110) Thus, without any change in the composition across the boundary,(http:///temporarily.html) the phase change produces a temporarily layered mantle.
(111) Eating a lot of sugary food would relieve this, if only temporarily.
(112) But the Supreme Soviet has, at least temporarily, put a spoke in the wheels.
(113) What was the best method of disabling a motor boat, temporarily, at least?
(114) Alternatively, it could be simply a collection of modules which it is temporarily convenient to modify at the same time.
(115) My bet is that the airline had just been temporarily frightened.
(116) In these cases sleep problems can sometimes be temporarily treated with sleeping pills. 4.
(117) The militia would temporarily be in the hands of Parliament.
(118) The court issued an order freezing the company's assets temporarily.
(119) For a third of the women these hardships were temporarily alleviated when they obtained new paid employment.
(120) It had temporarily slipped my mind, but some one did have a spare key some while ago.
(121) Lindsay had solved the problem of trailering the stallions together by temporarily wrecking their communication through their sense of smell.
(122) The wife had then deserted the husband and was temporarily wrongfully away from home; but she might at any time return.
(123) The plant is sensitive to alkaline conditions and prefers cool waters but temporarily withstands higher temperatures.
(124) Did he enjoy being a temporarily anonymous spectacle, or did he believe these seamstresses and pipe fitters knew who he was?
(125) In the meantime, the woodpile had, like the tiny forest pool, temporarily detained a forest sojourner.
(126) Sarajevo Airport closed by fighting Violence in Sarajevo hit the airport leading to the suspension of relief flights temporarily.
(127) Communications were no doubt temporarily dislocated: our jam-packed train had been halted during the night owing to an air raid in the region.
(128) The genre romance allows readers to temporarily suspend reality and enjoy the fantasy without jeopardizing their lives in the real world.
(129) But opposition proved overwhelming, and city officials, at least temporarily, abandoned their efforts.
(130) The repression which followed temporarily halted the labour movement and dealt the party a heavy blow.
(131) Its attraction for visitors is enhanced by being temporarily cut off from the mainland by the tides.
(132) Some nausea was temporarily drowned, although my throat felt glazed with salt.
(133) In early November the Bank had temporarily suspended funding after protests by environmental groups.
(134) The delay had been caused by one set of papers going temporarily astray in the post.
(135) We decided to provide broadcasters temporarily with the spectrum needed to air programming simultaneously in both analog and digital formats.
(136) A magic bridle may be used to tame a kelpie temporarily, though this will engender great rage in the creature.
(137) The experience had clearly chastened Mr Wormwood and he seemed temporarily to have lost his taste for boasting and bullying.
(138) Low Countrymen emigrated to the interior, often temporarily, to take advantage of employment opportunities.
(139) The team improves, and the weaselly son gets too profit-minded and temporarily messes things up by selling Ed.
(139) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(140) Women who dropped out temporarily to rear children found themselves professionally penalized for the rest of their lives.
(141) Then they replaced the nonfiction temporarily, as the volumes came to hand, and started on the second half.
(142) Religious fanatics cooled down temporarily, the better to incite hatred another day.
(143) Naturally the rest of take-off was temporarily halted while everyone prepared to duck under anything convenient if the bombs exploded.
(144) I could faintly hear the distant rumble of commuter traffic from my bedroom - a reminder of what I had temporarily escaped.
(145) Martin pressed himself back into the burial plot, his fear of it temporarily forgotten in the face of this new terror.
(146) They had taken a burst through the cockpit, and the debris from the shot had temporarily blinded Sherman.
(147) The depression which spread from 1899 only temporarily weakened the strike movement and aggravated unemployment and urban discontent.
(148) With clipboard and checklist he had temporarily resumed his old warehouse occupation.
(149) The reformers in the government temporarily won a truce, between themselves and the students as well as with the conservatives.
(150) The youth moved in to stay temporarily at the manse but a crisis occurred and he committed suicide.
(151) When his son Matthew was temporarily crippled with polio, Guinness took to dropping in to church and praying.
(152) He said he was confident about the future of the party that he was temporarily leaving behind him.
(153) Even if a share does not pay dividends temporarily, it must eventually pay dividends to have any value.
(154) The latter move came in the wake of parliament's decision of Dec. 11 temporarily to suspend the privatization process.
(155) To illustrate the fact that punishment only temporarily suppresses behaviour, consider the following incident.
(156) Are they evil, or does an evil force temporarily inhabit their soul?
(157) He was working temporarily, hoping to get accepted to med school.
(158) But don't get too carried away or your popularity with your owner may temporarily be lost.
(159) The United States demonstrated its displeasure by temporarily suspending diplomatic relations.
(160) The lure of mutual profit wiped out, at least temporarily, their personal vendetta.
(161) Rocky and shallow coastlines create the most spectacular pools, where small seaside animals become temporarily trapped in these natural aquariums.
(162) The magazines, strewn haphazardly over various sections of shelving, served to divert her temporarily.
(163) It may succeed temporarily, in certain cases, and more so with some people than with others.
(164) Lost revenues during shutdown periods are opportunity costs that can temporarily reduce profits.
(165) If you have strong feelings about a situation declare an interest and suggest that some one else temporarily takes the chair.
(166) Anyone inside would be temporarily blinded, momentarily stunned, unless they were trained personnel and had taken precautions.
(167) All controls due to go into effect on Aug. 28 of this year are blocked, at least temporarily.
(168) At that moment, there came a terrible white flash, brighter than the Sun, which temporarily blinded me.
(169) Chapter 11 permits a company to avoid immediate bankruptcy liquidation and continue in operation,(http:///temporarily.html) at least temporarily.
(170) The reformed parliament with temporarily appointed deputies has already established itself as a genuine decision-making legislature.
(171) Congress now seems inclined to settle temporarily for a catch-all budget measure that would freeze federal spending at current levels.
(172) Al said the talks had temporarily gone down a blind alley, but he was sure the two companies could agree.
(173) The graphite boom temporarily reduced the social and economic importance of subsistence agriculture in the Low Country.
(174) Once there, it might go into orbit temporarily then land, or it might proceed directly to the surface.
(175) Some emit poisonous gases which kill or temporarily paralyse any insects who attempt a meal.
(176) That readiness to make a joke of life had been temporarily eclipsed.
(177) He remained temporarily in Paris and even considered permanent residence there.
(178) It may be desirable to spend what could otherwise be dole money on temporarily subsidizing lame ducks to ease the transition.
(179) Ealing social services informed Hackney social workers and the health visitor that the family would be temporarily in the borough.
(180) Are suspended pupils to be counted as absent or temporarily off-roll?
(181) Clearly, the existing technologies are a limitation and multimedia must temporarily be constrained by the platforms currently available to deliver it.
(182) Now new infections had to drop to extremely low levels or even temporarily cease altogether.
(183) Forecasts now differed as to whether economic recovery had temporarily halted or whether a double-dip recession had occurred.
(184) Pros: A great way to temporarily impair mental processes without having to take medication.
(185) Metro stations were temporarily jammed after the inaugural ceremony and toward the end of the parade.
(186) Unaware the store was temporarily closed, she had come downtown Thursday trying to buy a jacket for her husband.
(187) This temporarily exceeds the warming impact of the greenhouse effect.
(188) The training officer of one firm was temporarily made dealing manager.
(189) He pulled the mask forward slowly, relying for his protection on Forster while he was temporarily blinded.
(190) Don Bradman, the catalyst of the affair, was only temporarily tamed, as his Test batting average of 56.57 testified.
(191) But with his popularity waning and the economy temporarily faltering, Park was in trouble even in his own entourage.
(192) The main options may be for him to stay put or live temporarily with his grandparents.
(193) Force of historical circumstances had dramatically reunited two friends temporarily disunited as a consequence of Cold War expediency.
(194) Members who are temporarily retired to raise families are also entitled to this concession.
(195) They take the cracking of the house market for an aberration, as if the very laws of nature had been temporarily suspended.
(196) Compensation and betterment proved thorny issues and were not totally resolved until 1948, and then only temporarily.
(197) Some sleep problems can be temporarily treated with sleeping pills.
(198) How do I temporarily impersonate the original caller?
(199) It was temporarily resurrected as the Cominform.
(200) The daily flight to Dallas has been temporarily suspended.
(201) The footnote, for instance, that the white supremacist website temporarily went dead on 5 November, the day after the election,(http:///temporarily.html) because it was so inundated with requests for membership.
(202) Occasionally there would be the days when my depression would dissipate temporarily.
(203) Helps prevent and temporarily protects chafed, chapped or cracked skin.
(204) But temporarily deserting her son and daughter, both in their mid-20s, has left her so guilt-ridden that she sometimes cannot swallow the food set in front of her.
(205) She went again, and in so doing temporarily recovered her equanimity.
(206) New York as a corporate entity and her flat temporarily seemed sufficient.
(207) The failure of the Jay Cooke bank, followed quickly by that of Henry Clews, set off a chain reaction of bank failures and temporarily closed the New York stock market.
(208) But, mao Zedong's fault is great revolutionist temporarily error, his jumping - off place is good.
(209) The Bush administration says it will temporarily suspend oil deliveries to this Strategic Petroleum Reserve starting in July.
(210) Sales tax on revenues and employee withholdings may sit in your account temporarily but will ultimately be owed to the government.
(211) Some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily.
(212) The diff e rence between successful people and others is not whether you make mistakes or even temporarily fail, but how you respond .
(213) The big room in the house is temporarily used as a schoolroom.
(214) Before doing the final wiring of the LED, it was necessary to hook it up temporarily to find the best focal point.
(215) Once faddish temporarily, up to now wide still those who be popularity " law of high protein, low carbohydrate reducing weight " , go to ever was warned by medical bound.
(216) If a user presses a shutter button, the continuous capturing is performed at a defined speed and the captured pictures are temporarily stored in a buffer store (16).
(217) Only one road seemed open to Mr. Lin : " Business Temporarily Closed - Balancing Books! ".
(218) If the carbon tax is passed, the Girard-led Labour government's tax plan mainly covers the range of 500 large polluting enterprises, but not gasoline tax temporarily.
(219) During the operation of hoisting, the load can be kept holding temporarily by the action of hydraulic motor when hoisting control lever is at neutral position.
(220) Agnes was a battered woman who had killed, in self-defense, while temporarily insane.
(221) In addition, we can use the prediction value to substitute for the error measurement value temporarily.
(222) He was temporarily deprived of the privileges of a peer.
(223) Royal backing of the English Reformation was left to his heirs, the devout Edward VI and the renowned Elizabeth I , whilst daughter Mary I temporarily reinstated papal authority over England.
(224) The CPU contains an accumulator ( AC ) to temporarily store data.
(225) Monday, the court appointed Raouf Rasheed Abdel-Rahman, a Kurd, to temporarily replace the presiding judge who resigned this month after criticism of his conduct of the trial.
(226) The confluence of domestic pessimism and overseas optimism has, then, temporarily eliminated the A-to-H-share premium.
(227) The drug can temporarily alleviate patients'pains but it can not cure this disease radically.
(228) It can make you feel free, though temporarily, and only in the mind, from tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circum- stances.
(229) And even Rushdie's publisher, Viking Penguin, was forced to temporarily close its New York City office to improve security.
(230) Many drugs used for chemotherapy cause temporarily impaired blood cell production in the marrow and depressed immune system functions.
(231) Currier says because of the media reports, the Federal Aviation Administration temporarily kept aircraft on the ground at Reagan National Airport, next to the Potomac.
(232) This photo shows two kinds of electrodes sitting atop a severely epileptic patient's brain after part of his skull was removed temporarily.
(233) In elective extension osteotomies, the surgeon manipulates the head to generate osteoclasis, temporarily producing an unstable cervical fracture.
(234) With regard to gold, silver, jewelry, pearl and jade processed on order of individual consumers, consumption tax may temporarily be levied in light of processing charges.
(235) Although your regular doctor may continue to be your personal physician, most often he or she will temporarily turn your treatment over to an oncologist or hematologist for active treatment.




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