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单词 Presently
1, The car is presently at the prototype stage.
2, The doctor will be here presently.
3, These are the courses presently available.
4, She is presently developing a number of projects.
5, Presently I got the whole story.
6, The crime is presently being investigated by the police.
7, The country is presently in the throes of the worst recession since the second world war.
8, The room was hot and presently her eyes grew heavy and she began to feel sleepy.
9, Presently he calmed a little.
10, Presently I heard her leave the house.
11, She is presently on trial at the Old Bailey.
12, She's presently working on her PhD.
13, The site is presently occupied by offices.
14, Your case is presently being investigated.
15, The oil prices drifted slightly higher presently.
16, She is presently writing a book.
17, The range of courses presently available has grown.
18, I'll be with you presently.
19, A little oil presently eats out the color.
20, The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal.
21, She is presently living in Milan.
22, Presently the fields have been overrun by weeds.
23, I'll go to see your uncle presently.
24, Of 200 boats(),(http:///presently.html) only 20 are presently operational.
25, He is presently living in New York.
26, She'll be here presently.
27, Presently, I fell asleep.
28, Presently, a young woman in a white coat came in.
29, He vanished from the scene, to materialize presently in front of the door.
30, All went well at first, and I was in high favour; but presently I fell from grace.
1, The car is presently at the prototype stage.
2, The doctor will be here presently.
3, These are the courses presently available.
4, She is presently developing a number of projects.
5, Presently I got the whole story.
6, The crime is presently being investigated by the police.
7, The country is presently in the throes of the worst recession since the second world war.
8, The room was hot and presently her eyes grew heavy and she began to feel sleepy.
9, Presently he calmed a little.
10, A little oil presently eats out the color.
11, I'll go to see your uncle presently.
12, He is presently living in New York.
31, Three sites are presently under consideration for the new hotel.
32, Presently, the door opened again and three men stepped out.
33, There is presently no cure for the disease. This use is becoming more accepted in BrE, but at present or currently are usually used.
34, A robin began to sing, and presently a chaffinch.
35, Presently, the rain ceased and the sun came out.
36, Presently, Pete began to snore.
37, The university presently operates two cancer research centers.
38, Presently he stopped and sat under the apple tree.
39, Presently he trudged on, alone and wretched.
40, Presently the city of Kefalov loomed ahead.
41, The legal barriers are presently insuperable.
42, Tea will be served presently.
43, The island is presently uninhabited.
44, I presently use a Grolux tube.
45, Presently the harbor itself became visible across the central Oahu plain, a film of morning mist hovering over it.
46, However, modernisation will help to expand the programme further, including film shows, shadow puppetry and matinees - presently impracticable.
47, Presently she heard footsteps coming along the gallery, and sat on the bed, waiting, her heart hammering a little.
48, When they presently rode away from Dunbar Castle, Fraser's attitude towards female participation in affairs had risen noticeably.
49, Labour is offering to people who are presently enjoying the benefits of compulsory competitive tendering a promise to scrap it.
50, They further suggest that we are presently living in a time of enhanced cratering activity.
51, It will also enable tutors to visit community groups and to train tutors in areas where they are not presently available.
52, The provenance of a manure heap seemed of limited importance beside the problems presently exercising her mind.
53, But the travel industry is presently experiencing a Thirties- style depression, with probably its worst slump in bookings.
54, We must take action to deal with the changed situation we presently face.
55, Some one put a dance record on the gramophone and presently Desmond Fairchild and Dotty swayed together in a corner of the room.
56, Keynes, as we shall see presently, was on his way to being the new fountainhead of conventional wisdom.
57, She dried her eyes presently because she realized that the Magistrate was watching her from not far away.
58, Presently she heard footsteps slipping on the wet grass, and then one of the doors groaned open.
59, However, it was an area which was less familiar than the systems presently operated north and south of the border at present.
60, However, while the voice of reason is presently peripheral, its steady hum may well be heard.
61, Though a number of its species are uncommon, comparatively few are presently in danger.
62, Presently, relaxed and generously anointed with body-lotion, she wrapped herself in a fluffy towelling robe and went back downstairs.
63, The Constitution of the Brothers branch is presently being re-cast.
64, The techniques developed will lead to a more versatile approach to landscape assessment than is presently possible.
65, Presently, Jaq blanked the eye-screen and relaxed, though with a puzzled air.
66, Presently the sun begins to set, palms and camels make silhouettes against the sky.
67, We write as partners in a practice which is presently enduring a three month interregnum.
68, Presently, he heard the breath whistle in her throat, a gasp, a tiny groan.
69, But I have not found anything in the careful judgment of Mustill L.J. which throws light on the issues presently under consideration.
70, But presently the smile faded, and Ruth thought he had seen something wrong in her face.
71, The most important limitation of presently available systems is the lack of a reliable deglutitive signal.
72, This is by far the largest container ship presently calling at any Northern Ireland port.
73, Presently it felt the gentle touch of radiations, trying to probe its secrets.
74, Several schools mentioned that they were presently involved in carrying out an audit of health education to monitor provision and delivery.
75, The most important message is that we should rely much more on men to parent than we presently do.
76, The master continued to press with his finger, and presently I felt my feet lift off the ground.
77, The rain had become fog, which was presently replaced by scattered flurries and a hard westerly wind.
78, Videopics is presently training franchise holders in a Christmas promotion of personalised T-shirts for teddy bears.
79, They presently look like a team that could drift farther into oblivion each week.
80, Eventually it is intended to remove the ramp which presently gives access to the pattern room.
81, The authority is presently supervising an inquiry by West Yorkshire Police into the squad's activities.
82, People presently came flowing out of the door and spread between the gravestones.
83, He was presently in the grip of a bronchial infection that made it hard for him to carry on.
84, Which meant that all of his fingers were presently occupied.
85, There are presently three separate standards for such modems, and all three are evolving even as the equipment is being sold.
86, Presently Wexford moved over to her and touched her shoulder.
87, Presently, Cleo was able to discern the rattle of gentle snoring coming from the adjoining room.
88, I went slowly, and presently found myself walking towards a most spectacular sunset.
89, The surviving family member is a good sort, presently of sound mind and body, and no trouble to anyone.
90, This is enough in itself to make us want to reject conditioned attention theory as it is presently formulated.
91, Ive been off and I am presently ploughing through 80 odd messages.
92, New business would provide a more optimum use of the equipment, presently in the main restricted to weekends.
93, Inspectors previously specialised in particular areas of pollution control will be expected to regulate industrial processes presently outside their experience.
94, Well, he'd see to that presently, after he'd explained the delay.
95, The watchers from Berwick's walls presently could see them no more, in an overcast early summer night.
96, Presently they came to a stone wall, beyond which was a huge symmetrical mound.
97, The presently divided churches must discover ways to deal effectively with racism in their boards, institutions, and policies.
98, Furthermore if Grimbergen is closed, where do the present 150 plus light aircraft presently based there go?
99, Presently he turned and drew her towards him, their lips closing together.
100, He is presently covering rock concerts for Kendal council who are hosting an exhibition of his work later in the year.
101, There is as noted above a real risk that the process will aggravate further the degree of imbalance that presently exists.
102, The father of her children is presently serving a two-year custodial sentence for burglary.
103, Indeed, I shall argue presently that there is a connection between democracy and social and economic equality.
103, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
104, Presently, there was a lightening of foliage and I thought, almost disappointedly, all that panic for nothing.
105, Chek Lap Kok is open 24-hours a day and presently serves 45 million passengers a year.
106, Further, no nation on Earth presently has the ability to launch manned lunar missions.
107, Presently he came out and handed us ten pounds in gold and a cheque for ninety pounds from Coutts's Bank.
108, The tumult died away, and presently Moon-Watcher could hear the sound of a body being dragged over rocks.
109, We will monitor the further developments and pronouncements of the several bodies presently addressing the subjects of corporate governance and accounting standards.
110, It is certain that we have to devise ways to move beyond antiracism as it is presently constituted.
111, Presently the old lady came towards him, entered the shed and sniffed knowledgeably at a tin of weedkiller.
112, For a few minutes she knelt by the grave, and was presently joined by Maria.
113, Members of Killynure House Committee are presently making house to house calls soliciting residents support for the petition.
114, The volume of glucose tests performed in the laboratory has increased considerably making automated instruments more convenient and practical to use presently.
115, There presently is funding for 200 beds, but the center could be expanded to 400.
116, But presently the crowd loosened into smaller groups and a good many people went off into the village or set off for outlying farms.
117, Active smoking; active drinking Presently consuming or consumed in the previous 12 months.
118, Moreover, as we shall see presently, the wheel is not one that revolves with perfect smoothness.
119, Presently the port was gone and the fire gone and Tuppe had gone to sleep in the portmanteau.
120, In the meantime, it is presently developing its overall strategy.
121, It involves removing steel partitions, twenty-five feet tall, that presently separate each compartment.
122, Presently the Youngs appeared and with smiling acquaintanceship joined Filmer.
123, Before asking whether others should be involved, however, it is worth asking if teachers are presently involved in curriculum planning.
124, This statement represents the old doctrine in regard to obtaining property by false pretences, to which I shall advert presently.
125, Both are thinly populated areas far from departure and arrival points presently used by local commuters.
126, The best scheme presently available is to use high-temperature gas-phase electrolysis of carbon dioxide.
127, Presently he was there, he had arrived at the wooden planks and the criss-crossed supports of the bridge.
128, Presently he soon takes advantage of the simplicity of the plebeians.
129, The largest known cometary nuclei presently in Earth-crossing orbits are about ten kilometers in diameter.
130, All presently understood hazards to life and property, insofar as we have discovered them, are also included.
131, Britain is presently the world's second largest timber importer with a self-sufficiency in wood of only about 10%.
132, On and on she ran until presently she came in sight of the witch's cottage, half buried in greenery.
133, The voices grew louder, and presently I caught sight of the men as they rounded a sharp bend ....
134, These studies need to be repeated with presently available more accurate methods for assay of histamine.
135, Presently, in the prison silences of Yeravda Temple, the Mahatma heard that still small voice calling him to action.
136, Emma, who presently works in corporate finance, was awarded the IoT medal and Butterworth prize for the highest overall marks.
137, Bowman forced his fingers to hunt around, and presently discovered the pear-shaped bulb.
138, Here it is the State that employs a flag as a symbol of adherence to government as presently organized.
139, Presently, the V-chip sits in a set-top box akin to a cable converter.
140, It presently branched and sorted into ten distinct spheres or aspects, corresponding to the numbers 1-10.
141, This would be soiled over to give a better finish than presently shown.
142, Furthermore, do the recommendations for reform presently advocated come anywhere near improving the present situation?
143, Presently they begin to believe that these are their proper roles and become upset when challenged.
144, What I take exception to is the manner in which we are presently carrying out our naval preparations.
145, This is a relatively clean source of energy compared to chemical sources such as coal-burning power stations and to presently available nuclear power.
146, Presently the man-apes began to move forward, like sleepwalkers, toward the source of that compulsive sound.
147, Presently it led them from the main highway to minor roads and country lanes.
148, The farmers presently pay for the inspection through the licence fee.
149, Presently George's ankle began to throb with pain.
150, The company is presently testing a prototype material.
151, Presently a vagrant poodle came idling along.
152, Presently he demanded oriental prostrations from his friends.
153, "You're not looking too well, Thomas," he said presently.
154, Bensulide is the only presently registered herbicidal organophosphate.
155, That discrepancy does not exist presently.
156, Presently he decided to retire, and picked a cot, also removing his shoes.
157, Presently, the modeling of hysteretic non - linear system is an important research field in non - linear system.
158, So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be.
159, Then, it is indicated that the gearing used presently, while its helix angle and ratio are both big enough, is in danger of interference.
160, Presently he awoke, and the first light of day filled the room with a grey coldness.
161, Presently, thought with all the skill of a woman of the world, she shuffled away the subject.
162, Partial abrasion of rod string in screw pump well which is surface driven is the main reason that restricts its application, but the prevention method used presently cant solve the problem radically.
163, In recent years, fractal theory has been developed in geological and seismal field, but is presently still in its beginning in geological disaster field.
163, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
164, Presently, the advent of the Chinese AP test and classes will instigate a great change!
165, Presently, there is an increasing demand of fibre optical cables to be used in central exchange and customer.
166, Let your repentance salt my shoe leather," I said presently, " and then, as I lately sheathed my blade of anger, so sheath you my blade of love."
167, Presently, conventional energy and existing micropower, in volume, life-time, stability and the adaptation for environment, can't far reach the needs of MEMS.
168, Tom presently began to drift insensibly back into the concerns of this life again.
169, Laws governing the flow of data across international borders (such as messages sent by satellite or transoceanic cable) are presently in a state that might best be described as "confused."
170, Presently, the reform of the rural credit association is being developed nationwide to deepen the experiment, of which the important topic is to perfect the corporate governance structure.
171, I mentioned this to Marie, but she paid no attention. She was carrying an oilcloth bag in which she had stowed our bathing kit and a towel. Presently we heard Raymond shutting his door.
172, Presently, she is writing a commentary on the Books of Chronicles for Asia Theological Association.
173, The chemical plant proposed to increase production and practise economy and other factories presently responded.
174, The most drastic of the changes presently happening is the mutation from bipolarity to monopolarity.
175, It presently manages three vintage wine investment funds and private wine portfolios for individual investors.
176, Use of the two drugs together is presently FDA - approved.
177, Spontaneously they began to clap and presently the platform was loud with applause.
178, He went stumping up to bed at his usual time, followed presently by his wife.
179, Presently, the majority of domestic research on financial integration system concentrated on the necessity, feasibility and implementation procedure of financial integration.
180, Presently, object-oriented design methodology was widely used all over the world, but object-oriented cluster-level-test methodology still falls behind.
181, Presently you must hospitalize where the doctor can therapy you, for example, they wil take you endoscopy examination.
182, Lee is presently writing a book about Chinese food titled The Fortune Cookie Chronicles and is documenting the process on her blog
183, Presently, the Chinese government is advancing the free policy which subordinate Normal education, accomplishes the obvious education to give priority to development the situation.
184, This factory leadership product belt, rubber hose, high- pressured air hose and so on, presently separately through state-level, provincial level appraisal.
185, Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me.
186, Presently, the algorithm has been successfully implemented in the large-scale SPC telephone switching system DS-30 developed by China.
187, Presently he stumbled upon Huck Finn the Red - Handed.
188, Presently, with the improvement and renovation of the shopping environment and service equipment, the store provides the customers with pleasant and comfortable surroundings.
189, Presently, the calculation of rolling force and energy on rolling mill has large enough error no matter what theoretical model, empirical or semiempirical model is used.
190, Presently, piglet early weaning diarrhea is a knotty disease in most pig farm.
191, The results showed that the predominant host animal of Dayangshu District was Apodemus agrarius, and presently it has changed to the mixed type of HFRS.
192, Random access memory : Volatile storage that holds the program and data the CPU is presently processing.
193, Sir, your booking of AAA flight has been cancelled. Presently, there is no flight schedule.
194, The dead band in the stem prohibits the use of any presently available separate pneumatic openers.
195, CYS presently has associate offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and Vancouver.
196, We're presently at an altitude of 28, 000 feet ascending to our cruising altitude of 35, 000 feet.
197, Presently, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) wideband technique is paid attention to extremely.
198, Presently, China is carrying on the reform which releases with all one's strength.
199, They walked about the Abbey aisles, and presently sat down.
200, Presently a bell sounded, the curtains apart, and the _ operatic tragedy _ began.
201, Presently, Peroxidase is employed as indicator for blanching treatments of vegetables.
202, He is presently the medical director for the Fellowship of World Christians.
203, Presently has contacted with customer engineer, installs with next week.
204, Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is just such a technology, presently in the last call stage of the Working Draft process, but already well understood, implemented, and discussed.
205, But presently it began to flag a trifle , and grow disjointed.
206, A complete study of the propagation of shock waves in elastic solids is presently lacking.
207, Axial flow fan is the main ventilation device presently. This paper introduces the application of axial flow fan, settles saving energy problem and air regulation problem.
208, Presently we heard a bustle, and a tread of feet.
209, Aiming at presently nonstandard government income pattern, that is "fee bigger than tax" , the "fee to tax" is a reformation assignment and a policy opinion.
210, Presently, Carrefour ranked 22 nd among the Fortune 500 companies.
211, Presently the honoured parent appeared to be adjusting some instrument like a great corkscrew.
212, Presently this defile took a turn, and a lovely sight unfolded itself to my eyes.
213, Methods:To modify the tail of air sac urinary catheter used the presently, and manufacture an intracavity air sac urinary catheter that can be used through the sheath of electrotomyoscope.
214, Atherosclerosis ( AS ) is presently one of the most harmful human diseases with highest morbidity.
215, Presently, passive HTO samplers are being widely used abroad. It samples HTO in air based on the principle of gas molecular diffusion and permeation.
216, Presently the low and unsteady yield is a main problem existing in Carya cathayensis prodution.
217, "Just take it easy," David said. "You'll feel better presently.".
218, Firstly, the Antenna and Antenna Switch which are presently used in Cell Station are introduced, and the design procedure of the RF Switch is given in detail.
219, The company presently adopts the traditional structure payment system of state-owned enterprises, and has readjusted the system according to its characteristics.
220, Presently, the stable price work is facing the complex aspect.
221, Pen presently tried to dispel the silence by making a great rattling and noise.
222, Presently a sea - smell reached the nostrils and the river , ever majestic, flowed into the sea.
223, Presently this thought occurred to me; how heedless I have been!
224, The company introduces the domestic first-class production equipment, uses the international leading encaustic tile production technology and the coloring craft, presently has production base two.
225, Presently, these aerially seeded Pinus massoniana stands are distributed over different sites, live on the different growing stages and have different stands densities.
226, COREX process, known as an advanced technology of metallurgical industry presently, can use iron ore and non-coking coal to produce high quality hot metal.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:40:15