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单词 Sloping
(1) The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
(2) Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
(3) It was a very old house with sloping walls.
(4) I saw you sloping off just after lunch yesterday!
(5) The melting snow began to slide from the sloping roofs.
(6) These flowers generally grow on sloping river banks and near streams.
(7) The chancel has a sloping tiled roof.
(8) Old panelling(sentence dictionary), creaking stairways and sloping floors remain.
(9) Heron like the gently sloping muddy sides of canals.
(10) Top floor rooms may have a sloping ceiling.
(11) It had a long entrance passage sloping down from the east.
(12) We were used to building fences over sloping land and difficult terrain.
(13) Sloping solution: That awkward sloping ceiling normally presents a problem, but there is a solution in these Sliderobes fitted wardrobes.
(14) The room had the steeply sloping ceiling and dormer window typical of attics.
(15) Tubac rests on the crest of a gently sloping hill.
(16) He raised his arm and touched the sloping ceiling above his head.
(17) Berwick was a slantwise town, sloping up northwards from the harbour area, its outer walls half way up to the castle.
(18) The bedroom is in the roof so it's got a sloping ceiling.
(19) Along one wall is a row of faucets for washing, with drains in the sloping tiled floors.
(20) Gnarled old apple trees on one side of them, beech trees, sloping upward, on the other.
(21) If, however, the authorities were to control interest rates, the supply curve might become downward sloping.
(22) It's changed since Willem painted the scene in 1880, but we could still see the softly sloping dunes.
(23) He is small for his age with large brown eyes, a toothy smile, sloping shoulders and a readiness to please.
(24) He displayed a kind of weak handsomeness, sporting long sideburns and a thin moustache above a sloping mouth.
(25) River valleys and railway lines are usually fairly level, with the ground sloping down to the rivers.
(26) Pippa Greenwood gives a new and refreshing slant on overcoming the problems of a sloping garden.
(27) The pockets in the perfect grey limestone became smaller and more spaced, the footholds doubtful, sloping smears.
(28) There is a particularly welcome parody of the current theatrical mania for sloping floors.
(29) Many of the houses were eighteenth century or earlier with steeply sloping red-tiled roofs and half-timbered gables painted white or pale green.
(30) This is the capital of the region, with gentle sloping hills, beech forests and wooded ridges in the background.
(1) The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
(2) Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
(31) These three rows, selecting the needles and knitting two rows between have created a sloping repeat motif across the row.
(32) On the top floor the bedrooms had pretty sloping ceilings and dormer windows peering out under eyelid gables.
(33) Open mountain heights and gently sloping valleys characterise the mid-section reaching nearly 1500 metres in the High Feldberg.
(34) This planting plan is suitable for either sloping or level ground, but these plants all need to have free-draining soil.
(35) He threw himself down on the huge old bed and stared at the sloping timber ceiling.
(36) Below the olive groves, sloping fields produce lush vines and the valleys are full of sunflowers, tomatoes and maize.
(37) This is on concentric, double circle plan,(http:///sloping.html) with central dome and sloping outer roofs.
(38) Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960.
(39) After fifty years, two hundred sculpted trees occupied three sloping acres at the shore of Lake Waban in Wellesley.
(40) Gutters should be clean and sloping to downpipes and should not have dips.
(41) It was small, with a sloping ceiling and a pair of windows set in deep embrasures.
(42) This was an area of sloping fields and the track mounted a gradual incline.
(43) The other three pairs came from the trees and down the sloping fields in complete silence.
(44) She did not go to the room with the twin beds but to the single room with the sloping ceiling.
(45) He frowns, he tenses - he peers into a sloping hollow.
(46) He turned so that his back was to the sloping granite wall and pulled her up.
(47) Both are carved deeply out of the mountainside and their steeply sloping auditoria seating gives a superb view of the plains below.
(48) It is an image of the world we have lost, its gently sloping streets converging upon the market place.
(49) The Devil had put on his clothes - dark, close-fitting clothes - and had come sloping back.
(50) Sloping, well-drained land is conducive to the right amount of ch'i.
(51) The streets ran in a regular criss-cross pattern sloping up from the Railway Works which lay behind a high camouflaged wall.
(52) Two youths in loose cutoff jeans stood by the bench on the sloping path, evidently completing a drug transaction.
(53) This is simply the result of a downward sloping liquidity preference curve.
(54) The path led to a log cabin with a chalet-style sloping roof in the middle of a clearing.
(55) Tilt the board so that it is sloping upwards away from you.
(56) Overloaded or lightly structured timber floors are also likely to deflect or sag, producing a dished or sloping floor surface.
(57) This property has been built with properly sloping roofs and mountain architecture.
(58) Signs posted along the narrow road that leads through sloping pastures to the cliff-framed beach warn motorists to watch out for birds.
(59) Far ahead he could see a sloping ramp that led up to a wide mouth gaping into a busy street.
(60) Dorchester Terrace was a row of tall red houses with sloping slate roofs.
(61) You can often see translucent curtain formations - where water has seeped down a sloping, overhanging wall.
(62) Against the right wall, at chest height, stood a ten-foot-long sloping shelf upon which the newspaper layouts could be spread.
(63) A little temple presided over a sloping hillside with a prospect of open fields and river lined with reeds and willows.
(64) She stood in the doorway at the end of the corridor, looking into a small polygonal room with a sloping ceiling.
(65) It was a pleasant walk down a gently sloping hill past the toll house.
(66) Her short wavy black hair was combed neatly back from a rather narrow sloping forehead with prominent brow ridges.
(67) Venting an attic is difficult if the roof is hipped; that is, sloping down on all four sides.
(68) Broad muscular loins, very slightly sloping croup.
(69) The demand curve is downward sloping.
(70) The sun was sloping and the streets were cool.
(71) There are flat, sloping, pointed or domed roof.
(72) Sloping downward in opposite directions, as in an anticline.
(73) A hipped roof has sloping ends rather than gables.
(74) Sloping lettering is called italic.
(75) Matvey, a fine-looking old man in a new sheepskin and high felt boots, looks with mild blue eyes upwards where on the high sloping bank a village nestles picturesquely.
(76) Located in San Diego County, this recreational facility features lifeguards, restrooms and a smoothly sloping beach for sunbathing, fishing, swimming, UGG Ultra Tall, surfing and kayaking.
(77) Though designs vary, a common style features a sloping, single-gabled timbered roof and small windows.
(78) If you yearn for a carpet of color on a bank or sloping area of your garden, plant some phlox subulate .
(79) Croup: Long, hardly sloping, merging gently with the root of the tail.
(80) The reservoir physical characterization in sloping delta front excelled that of mesa delta front.
(81) In this paper, the piecewise functions of constant acceleration, combined cycloid and combined parabola starting processes with sloping segments are put forward firstly.
(82) In general, farmers cultivate these sloping lands without any soil conservation practices.
(83) The semi-buried pluvial-alluvial terrace in front of the mountain and the Holocene pluvial-alluvial fan compose sloping plain in front of the mountain.
(84) Sloping twin-spar frame in thin wall box section cast aluminium, with reinforcement cross-ribbing.
(85) On approach from the street, the sloping terrain naturally guides an axial timber boardwalk under a simple timber pergola structure arriving in the courtyard opposite the Morton Bay Ash.
(86) Its short, sloping rear end looks droopy and, in a letdown for practicality, a small trunk lid makes loading large items difficult or impossible even though the trunk itself is huge.
(87) Thereinto, 10.15 % in paddy field, 3.51 % in plain, and 7.14 % in sloping crop land.
(88) The principle of conservation of wave action flux is used here for the analysis of transformation of wave spectrum on sloping beach under the action of current.
(89) The separated intrinsic layer can have an inwardly sloping sidewall to focus light incident the photodiode for the unit pixel.
(90) The performance of the section is due to the incorporation of a downward sloping wind nose.
(91) The external angle formed by the meeting of two adjacent sloping sides of roof.
(92) Having a slanting or sloping direction , course, or position; inclined.
(93) I managed to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping ledge.
(94) It has been the scene of the accident rescue headquarters staff to 30 pm, the occurrence of the eastern side of the sloping pit wall above the ground has been cleared break.
(95) What's supposed to happen: A great earthquake (sloping park, great calamity) is reputedly foretold in this quatrain. In the New World (he Lands of the West), California is the logical choice.
(96) A window set vertically into a small gable projecting from a sloping roof.
(97) In this paper the numerical study was conducted to simulate the whole process of solitary wave overtopping a sloping bank.
(98) The curving hills scalloped the edge of the light-blue sky Mount Egmont soared ten thousand feet, sloping into the clouds.
(99) Their "beautiful" features—sloping foreheads, almond-shaped eyes, large noses, and drooping lower lips—today seem as grotesque as bound feet.
(100) If the front edge of the front - end shaped pulse is sloping, the approximately flat-top pulse after amplified can be obtained.
(101) For instance, a firm who faces a downward sloping demand curve can choose price.
(102) The flathead Indians of North America used to bind the heads of babies between boards so they would have long sloping foreheads.
(103) The Whites' pasture isn't here, sloping past the woodlot toward the shore, with the shapes of Herriman Point and then Mt.
(104) On the sloping hillside of a quiet valley in Galilee stood the village of Nazareth.
(105) Greening at both sides of road and in sloping fields will be main greening measures, while greening in spare area around workshops is auxiliary.
(106) Shoulders sloping and well angulated. Forelegs straight and muscular, neither in nor out at elbows, with moderate amount of round bone.
(107) Back will be powerful, muscular, and level, with drop behind withers and gradual arch over loin, sloping slightly downward at the croup.
(108) Holding hands, they leave the elves' marketplace and climb up the sloping lawn to the heavy old house at the top of the hill, with its low-pitched roof and stout columns and green-painted eaves.
(109) The duality of wave transformation under the coaction of both wave and currents on a gentle sloping beach was discussed in this paper.
(110) A slender superstructure was dictated with gently sloping approaches rather than staircases.
(111) In his application he described his invention as being "like a waffle iron and producing several small pastry cups with sloping sides."
(112) Beneath a sloping sand bank , she saw a dark spot and ran to it.
(113) According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows.
(114) He added that the helicopter is guaranteed to crash land safely because the array will detect the aircraft's orientation on uneven or sloping surfaces the very moment it touches the ground.
(115) They allowed water to drip down a sloping , red - hot, iron gun - barrel.
(116) The smaller the deficit that needs to be financed by debt, the more the monetary authorities are on the upward sloping portion of the Laffer curve and accept inflation.
(117) As a soil conservation tillage method , ridged - furrow has been applied in sloping field.
(118) A short trot down the sloping greensward brought Simon to the massive gatehouse.
(119) According to anthropologists , the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially , whit sloping foreheads and protruding brows.
(120) According to anthropologists, the earliest progenitors of humans that stood conscientious approximated chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows.
(121) A hipped hip roof has sloping sides and ends meeting at inclined projecting angles called hips.
(122) This village has farmland 1500 mus, give priority to with upland hillock sloping field.
(123) Designed by Renzo Piano, the Vulcano Buono ("good volcano" in italian) is an epic cone-shaped commercial center crowned with a sloping green roof.
(124) China has rich water, grassland and sloping land resources which have great potential for exploitation.
(125) Figure 5.11 illustrates the same point for the case in which external economies affecting marginal cost curves are sufficiently important to yield a negatively sloping supply curve to the industry.
(126) Spatio-temporal variability of soil water content was studied with geo-statistical method in sloping field of the Southwest upland.
(127) Planting pasture had become a main forage for confined livestock while prohibiting from grazing and changing sloping field into grassland or woodland had been bring into effect in south of Ningxia.
(127) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(128) The sloping cropland distributes extensively in the TGRA with serious soil losses.
(129) The paper introduces construction technology of circular curve sloping roof of archaistic villa especially those of formwork support, bar drawing, concrete and roof tile.
(130) The clarifying tank is a mechanical acceleration sloping - plate clarifying tank.
(131) An upholstered easy chair, open under the armrests, with a sloping back and cabriole front legs.
(132) A sculptural, sloping roof unites an underground lobby with the covered inner court.
(133) Water waves approaching a sloping beach provide us a conspicuous illustration of the phenomenon of refraction.
(134) There was something familiar about the large, clear(), sloping letters.
(135) In this paper, the laboratory study of multi-directional random wave reflection on vertical and sloping breakwaters is presented.
(136) Moderate angulation, with long shoulders sloping into the muscles of the back, clean at the withers.
(137) Objective To explore the formation rules of marks on copied the sloping square-shaped teeth keys, the shading process of copied marks and change factors of copied keys.
(138) A novel ceramic screen plate comprises a plate body and suction tubes, and the plate body is composed of a functional plate, a sloping side, a big end, and a small end.
(139) Topline -- Gently sloping , slightly higher at the withers at the hips.
(140) It shows that the design of tailrace tunnel with sloping ceiling is suitable and provides a hard foundation for the project design.
(141) Pasterns : Short and strong and slightly sloping when viewed from the side.
(142) Back slant: Backward sloping typeface, i . e . opposite to italic.
(143) Sloping backline roach or sway back, flat or steep croup to be faulted.
(144) Shoulders -- Clean , muscular and sloping, indicating speed and strength.
(145) If the front edge of the front-end shaped pulse is sloping, the approximately flat-top pululse after amplified can be obtained.
(146) In each sloping plane the stays take the following strand pattern.
(147) On the basis that understands base number , the sloping field that retreats this is retreated stoutly.
(148) Objective We assessed value of markedly down sloping PR segments in inferior leads for predicting false positive exercise test.
(149) The increase of pollutants in the environment follows an upward sloping curv e.
(150) Our little habitation was situated at the foot of a sloping hill.
(151) According to ishhropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows.
(152) The back is level and strong, of medium length, with croup sloping slightly.
(153) If the yield curve is positive sloping it will steepen as the longer yields move up more than the shorter ones.
(154) A sloping meadow rose behind the bench , protected by a stand of lodgepole.
(155) Then the--so the term structure was downward-sloping until about two and a half years and then it was upward sloping.
(156) At the nine-minute mark, Patricio signaled us to grab hold of the sloping bottom and move up against the current, hand over hand.
(157) The plasticity stretching can ensures the flatness of the sloping wall.




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