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单词 delusion
释义  Related topics: Illness & disability, Psychology, psychiatryde·lu·sion /dɪˈluːʒən/ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]BELIEVE a false belief about yourself or the situation you are in 错觉;妄想under a delusion (that) He is under the delusion that I am going to cheat him. 他有错觉,以为我要欺骗他。2. delusions of grandeur PROUDthe belief that you are much more important or powerful than you really are 妄自尊大 —delusive /-sɪv/ adjective —delusional adjectiveExamples from the Corpusdelusion• Belief in utopian progress is increasingly seen as a delusion.• We sat in the packed aisles, the building's relative simplicity a delusion for what was to follow.• She now had to finally forget the dreams and delusions of her youth• The stress of the day had given her delusions.• And wisdom usually follows illusion, delusion, and disillusion.• It appears to apply also, for example, to psychotic delusions.• Britain's weak balance of payments was not, however, a statistical delusion or the result of a reaction to one.• He was then, still, suffering delusions.• I was still under the delusion that everyone was trying to cheat me.• The Foundation has fostered this delusion·lu·sion nounChineseSyllable   Corpus you false the about yourself a situation belief or




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