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单词 Severity
1. His severity scared the children away.
2. The criminal was punished with severity.
3. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.
4. We didn't realize the severity of her illness.
5. He frowned with mock severity.
6. She wagged her finger with mock severity.
7. The disease ranges widely in severity.
8. He spoke with great severity.
9. The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior.
10. The Bishop said he was sickened by the severity of the sentence.
11. I don't think you quite understand the severity of our financial problems.
12. A prison sentence should match the severity of the crime.
13. Even the doctors were shocked by the severity of his injuries.
14. The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.
15. Objective assessment of the severity of the problem was difficult.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. The severity of the punishment should match the seriousness of the crime.
17. Several drugs are used to lessen the severity of the symptoms.
18. Reversibility depends on the severity of the damage to the brain.
19. It may reduce the frequency and severity of colds.
20. She treated herself with what seemed like utter severity.
21. Third, the severity of comorbidity was categorised broadly and was based only on past medical history.
22. MI6 was very shocked at the severity of Blake's 42-year sentence.
23. However, the degree of severity of the indictment, which could range from negligent homicide to second-degree murder, remains unclear.
24. The best documented measure of severity was a simple classification based on each patient's initial state of distress on presentation.
25. Then there was his manner, a curious compound of humour and severity.
26. The chances of a full recovery will depend on the severity of her injuries.
27. Hospital staff, it is claimed, were ill-prepared to deal with the severity of the injuries.
28. The average speed of the vehicles correlates closely with the severity of the accident caused.
29. The housing forum in Wensleydale was set up to assess the severity of the problem.
30. Immunohistochemical studies have shown that the IgG cell fraction is increased up to 30 times, depending on the severity of the lesion.
1. His severity scared the children away.
2. The criminal was punished with severity.
3. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.
4. She wagged her finger with mock severity.
5. The disease ranges widely in severity.
6. The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.
7. The average speed of the vehicles correlates closely with the severity of the accident caused.
31. And second, the theory grossly underestimates the severity of some forms of spectator violence.
32. In this there is an exact parallel with sufferers from Chemical Dependency denying the severity of their illness.
33. The severity of his inwardness almost seemed to demand it.
34. Overall severity of gastrointestinal symptoms influenced the final height centile as it had height velocity during the initial years of follow up.
35. The mean age increased together with the severity of the oesophageal injury.
36. He was looking at the man, not with hostility, not with severity, but with a look full of grace.
37. Prompt action can often reduce the severity of shock in road accident victims.
38. Some of the reported difference in rates of metabolism could relate to the severity of the underlying colitis.
39. But such men neither exercised the extreme severity, nor attracted the bitter odium, of Passelewe and Langley.
40. Wrinkling was assessed using photographs of the subjects' temples, and a severity score based on predetermined criteria was assigned.
41. The job cuts have been forced on the church by the severity of the recession.
42. The Government have used the guillotine in a way that no other Government have - with alarming frequency and absolute severity.
43. This severity of customs was inseparable from the old friendship with Rome.
44. But despite the severity of the allegations, political analysts say it is unlikely that Estrada will be impeached.
45. Total mortality and each of the outcomes of coronary heart disease increased as severity of periodontal disease increased.
46. Milk of magnesia, an osmotic laxative, was used according to age, body weight(http:///severity.html), and severity of the constipation.
47. In acute pancreatitis, the catalytic activity of PLA2 in serum correlates with the severity of the disease.
48. The severity of underlying illness simply overwhelms the effect of age.
49. There was no significant difference in severity of disease between the groups who had obtained and had not obtained higher qualifications.
50. So far, he said, there is no evidence that zinc prevents colds, only that it may reduce their severity.
51. Researchers said the discovery could provide a new way for doctors to diagnose the severity of cancer cases.
52. Conversely, we found a highly significant association with the severity of liver disease as measured by the Child's classes.
53. The Figure shows the mean height velocity during each year according to severity of gastrointestinal symptoms.
54. They too complain of pain whose severity bears little or no relationship to the tissue destruction.
55. Paradoxically, the very accuracy of these scoring systems for assessing the severity of illness precludes their use for comparison and audit.
56. The achievement of skills we expect of the physically or mentally limited learner will vary with the severity of the limitation.
57. Similarly, in a case of maximum severity, it may be necessary to issue proceedings very quickly.
58. The severity of the surface damage, however, was clearly diminished by 180 minutes after ethanol.
59. Severity of symptoms may be important but psychosocial factors must also affect the decision.
60. This is important because qualifications of any sort enhance subsequent employment independent of disease severity.
61. No brushed aluminium and rosewood here; its stereo systems are designed with graph-paper severity to put across an austere seriousness.
62. This renewed severity was bitterly resented by the king's subjects.
63. The commonest clinical symptom associated with V cholerae non-O1 infection is watery diarrhoea, mild to moderate in severity.
64. Effective pre-operative preparation and early recognition by close post-operative observation and prompt treatment can reduce the severity of shock.
65. However, the nature and severity of the liver injury associated with graft reinfection is variable.
66. The second is a measure of the depth and severity of partisan cleavage, reflected in attitudes toward marriage across party lines.
67. A positive correlation was observed between the gastric juice ammonium and severity of gastritis.
68. During different attacks there may be varying degrees of severity.
69. In this study there was a remarkably consistent proximal small intestinal enteropathy of mild to moderate severity.
70. The topographical setting of an urban area can increase the frequency and severity of adverse meteorological conditions.
71. Furthermore, changes in immunoreactivity of fos can be correlated with the severity of the disease state in an arthritic model.
72. This test was carried out on six patients with peritonitis, and the severity of bacterial peritonitis was expressed quantitatively.
73. Finally, tertiary prevention aims to reduce the duration and severity of the disease which is established.
74. The draft Regulation re-emphasises that Member States fix their HLCAs on bands according to the severity of permanent natural handicaps on agriculture.
75. There was no significant difference in the severity of the colonic inflammation between the treatment groups.
75. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
76. For example, there were 1,186,000 adults in private households classified in severity category 1 compared with 102,000 in category 10.
77. Although the incidence of the respiratory distress syndrome was similar in our groups there were significant differences in variables reflecting disease severity.
78. According to our experience, the severity of bile duct injuries seems to be changed after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
79. The severity of jet-lag, however, is dependent upon the number of time zones crossed rather than the length of flight.
80. The full extent of the attack must be discovered in order to assess its severity.
81. It varies greatly in severity, with some children so mildly affected they can play sports.
82. Overall processing severity depends on the level of halogenated pollutants present in the waste oil.
83. Physicians are more likely to admit old patients than young patients for any given severity of illness.
84. The severity of the decree seemed deadly to Tess.
85. Cosolvent could decrease the reaction severity.
86. Severity of expressive aphasia varies among patients.
87. With more of mildness than severity.
88. For example, inserting the code severity[1] yields "Unassigned."
89. The new drug lessens the severity of pneumonia episodes.
90. CVR were worsen graduately with the severity of hypertension.
91. The maternal Injury Severity Score, mechanism of injury, and physical findings are unable to adequately predict adverse outcomes such as abruptio placentae and fetal loss.
92. In conclusion, ABI measured using the automated oscillometric method can be used to predict the severity of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with CAD.
93. Both groups had baseline POD Severity Index scores of 5.2.
94. Francis Burdett succeeded in lightening the excessive severity of the penal laws.
95. Depending on the severity of your anemia, a blood transfusion or plasmapheresis may be necessary. Plasmapheresis is a type of blood-filtering procedure.
96. Effect on quality of life in patients with pityriasis rosea:Is it associated with rash severity? Chuh A. A. T. Chan H. H. L.
97. Through analysis of the traffic accidents data of one expressway, especially accident frequency, severity and causes, the safety management system is also an important factor of accident.
98. Conclusion Serum HMG - 1 increases in patients with trauma and is positively correlated with severity of trauma.
99. Scientists believe that statins, taken by millions of older Britons to reduce their cholesterol levels, can help reduce the severity of pre-eclampsia.
100. Helmeted riders and passengers showed significantly lower head and neck injury for all types of injury, at all levels of injury severity.
101. ObjectiveTo investigate the value of IBMP-10 score system in assessing the severity of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and its prognosis.
102. This clinical study also found a significant dose-response relationship between the severity of the ASD symptoms and the total mercury dose these children received from Thimerosal -preserved drugs.
103. The severity of obstructive uropathy can be evaluated according to the spectral changes of ultrasonography.
104. Pretreatment with or early using of ketotifen can decrease the severity of pancreas damage in SAP.
105. Or in your bathroom, depending on their inherent creepiness and the severity of their pervert-mustache.
105. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
106. The severity of his drug withdrawal syndrome peaked the next day.
107. Results SUA in quartile positively correlated with increasing IMT and severity of plaque in the elderly.
108. All death patients complicated with MODS and infection, Injury severity scaling ( ISS ) of all were ≥25.
109. The results showed that the variations of serum thyroid hormones were in concordance with the severity of the disease but not the type of DM.
110. The risk of USI increased with the severity of stress incontinence symptoms.
111. The global left ventricular systolic function in 2 - DN was impaired progressively along with albuminuria severity.
112. Results The severity of acute lung injury was positively correlated with the range of the lymphopenia, and was negatively correlated with the range of neutrophilic granulopenia.
113. Results SUA in quartile correlated with increasing IMT and severity of plaque in the elderly.
114. Objective: To measure the expression of co-stimulatory molecule CD80 on peripheral blood T lymphocytes in patients with psoriasis and its correlation with psoriasis area and severity index (PASI).
115. Methods To judge the severity of the penile injury by arterial doppler examination and examination of the tactile sense and two point discrimination on the foreskin.
116. "If you asked one of these guys 'What are the chances of you getting caught? ' you would see an underestimation of the risks()," Dr. Geary said. "And the severity of the consequences is underestimated.
117. Objective:To research the significance of serum acetonic ketone body ratio(AKBR) for judging the severity and prognosis of infectious multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS).
118. Threshold error severity levels - Identify threshold error severity levels and design fault tolerance levels in service orchestration around these thresholds.
119. The aim of this retrospective study is to determine the severity and pattern of injury in avalanche victims admitted to the University Hospital of Innsbruck between 1996 and 2005.
120. It is a spectrum of abnormalities ranging in severity from mild hypogenesis to total lumbosacral agenesis.
121. When women started working in offices, they opted for severity in dress in order to imply sobriety.
122. With increase in defect severity, energy is distributed to the sidebands of the gear mesh frequency across supply line frequency.
123. Older age, higher depressed severity, co-current suicidal ideation and obsessive-compulsive symptoms may be the risk factors of TRD with high level of anxiety.
124. Both T. hamatum T382 and T. harzianum T22 reduced root rot severity, improved plant growth, and reduced pathogens on roots during transplant production.
125. Believers were treated with the same severity as the Christians had been a few years earlier.
126. These finding suggested that similar to IL-6, OSM and RANKL also expressed in GCF and were related to the severity of diseased sites.
127. This cash squeeze on companies is one reason why they have been running down their inventories, which is exacerbating the severity of the recession.
128. A positive blood alcohol level seemed to increase the likelihood of survival, even after the researchers took into account the age of the patient and the severity of the injury.
129. There was no correlation between DOB values and severity of inflammatory infiltration.
130. EDD changed earlier than IMT and reduced gradually with the severity of coronary lesions.
131. Like most cases of extreme weather, its severity was due to an unusual confluence of events.
132. Noting the defect severity of clinical neural function totally before and after the treatment, hemorrheology , TCD results and the ill-effect.
133. MR sialography is the best imaging test if Sjogren's syndrome is suspected because of its ability to accurately stage the severity of the disease.
134. With any of the above article is suffering from exam anxiety, and how much under the applicable section number of the "disease" severity.
135. Conclusion:In ELBW infants are unable to tolerate intragastric feeding, transpyloric feeding significantly reduced the severity of apnoea and bradycardia and improved feed tolerance.
136. Transfusion rate was significantly associated with the small GA, the low BW, the severity of the diseases and the volume of phlebotomy blood loss.
137. Radiographic features of OA severity, joint space narrowing (JSN), a surrogate for cartilage loss and osteophyte (OST) formation, were assessed for the knee and ankle.
138. The study did demonstrate lower cardiorespiratory fitness in subjects with increasing NAFLD severity.
139. The Kremlin has become more candid about the severity of their economic condition.
140. She attempted to look reserved ; her face put on a sculptural severity.
141. However, US can accurately estimate the severity of the steatosis .
142. AIM:To investigate the relationship the density of the yeast Malassezia with the clinical severity of dandruff and health of the scalp.
143. Objective To examine the relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) and cyanotic congenital heart disease(CCHD)and the severity of cyanosis.
144. Thus, parents can be apprised of the presence and severity of ankyloglossia and made aware of potential feeding, speech, and dental problems.
145. Conclusion The level of neopterin in septic patients increases which is related to the severity of infection.
146. Conclusion: Liver disease is related to metabolic disorder of free radical oxygen, and free radical level raised with the severity of liver disease.
147. Nonetheless, none of these pathogens is associated with severity of asthma exacerbation.
148. Objective To study the relationship between patients′ age, course of disease, severity of synovial plicae and severity of chondral injuries.
149. Many people talk about the severity and extensity of punishment.
150. The prognosis of developmental apraxia of speech depends on severity of the problem, the method and duration of treatment.
151. According to the lesion sites and the severity of the speech impairments, it is identified 6 types of dysarthria: spastic, flaccid, mixed spastic-flaccid, ataxic, hypokinetic, and hyperkinetic.
152. Thus we got the table of the specific leakage distance required for the sites with different pollution severity in the high altitude regions.
153. In addition, the duff fuel-dryness severity increased fire control and mop-up difficulties.
154. Purpose : To investigate the correlation between the severity of acute pancreatitis and intra-abdominal pressure.
155. The statute divides ozone non - attainment areas into five classes, depending on the severity of the pollution.
156. The new guidelines strike a balance between sentence severity and leniency.
157. Seed industrial risk has the characteristics as occasionality , unpredictability and severity, once it comes, the disaster will be caused to seed users and seed company as well.
158. If a CBE is received by the CEI server with a severity of 70, the CBE will match this event group profile and will be distributed to the configured JMS queue.
159. Wounds of varying severity comprise the most common lip lesions seen in small animals.
160. Geometric distributions of regurgitant jets appearing are helpful for determining the severity of mitral and aortic re-gurgitation.
161. Therefore,() realization of injury severity lays a foundation for effective treating with closed fracture.
162. Effect on quality of life in patients with pityriasis rosea:Is it associated with rash severity?
163. Conclusion The D-D levels were not only relevant to the severity of shock but also closely to the occurrence of DIC after shock.
164. We propose that the various degrees of ankyrin-B loss of function contribute to the range of severity of cardiac dysfunction.
165. Azotemia is seldom responsible for symptoms unless its severity is sufficient to produce uremia.
166. First of all, there must be a correct ideology of judicatory policies, a correct attitude toward crime, exact grasp of the target of criminal law and understanding of lenience and severity.
167. They showed that the mutation definitely reduces the number of malaria-causing Plasmodium vivax parasites, lessening the severity of the disease.
168. Ongoing repeat expansions in patients can exacerbate disease progression and severity.
169. With all the outward severity he is kind at heart.
170. The precise relationship between glycemic control and the deelopment and severity of DPN remains controversial.
171. Wiry, woolly, curly, and flat coat textures are not correct, and are to be penalized to the degree of severity.
172. But Chari and his co-workers found that the gene expression patterns did not correlate with the severity of lung disease, which suggests that something else was to blame.
173. Conclusion Oncosis is the main pattern of hepatic cells death during I/R injury in cirrhotic rat, and the severity of hepatic injury correlates with the oncosis.
174. Results The new model was similar to a severity characterization of trauma ( ASCOT ) in predicting outcomes.




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